Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 881: The Secret of the Six-Pointed Star I

This question made Zong Shen very curious and aroused his desire to explore.

Different from previous ruin exploration and historical tracing, this secret may touch on the origin of the coming of the lord.

"What exactly is that so-called 'error'?"

"According to the notes, maybe I can find out after I collect all the destiny parts."

Zong Shen's eyes were full of thinking.

If he were to rank all the things he wanted to explore, this would definitely be at the top.

The most important thing is that when he combined the clues he learned in the past, he came up with a lot of speculations about the situation after the end of the last era.

Including the title "The Condemned One" also reminded him of the "Chosen One".

There are records about the "Chosen Son" among the aboriginal people. Although most of the records have been lost, some have been passed down. This is why Zong Shen previously guessed that the human kingdom in this era was also composed of "lords".

The change of era is not just like one test after another.

Combined with the second and third acts that Chen Rui once mentioned, and even the unknown stages that he has never seen before, this seems to be confirmed.

His brows furrowed tighter and tighter. The secret at hand was not something he could explore at will.

Assuming that the civilizations in the Endless Continent have been "lords" in different eras, then Zong Shen and his group of "lords" will also go through the process of "selection", "rise", "nation building" and "destruction".

The fragments of [Kingdom Hearts] are the props for nation-building, and the next step up is the dimensional attack.

However, neither the multi-ethnic civilization of the previous dimension nor the human civilization of this dimension have developed to the point of dimensional skills. When Zong Shen and his group of lords rise and the original human kingdom withers, a new era will come.

Thinking of this, Zong Shen suddenly felt that the role of their group of lords was no different from that of the dimensional invaders and blood-burning demons, but when he thought about it carefully, he felt that something was not quite right.

Because the human kingdom in this era has not suffered a truly fatal blow.

The sudden arrival of the lords seemed to skip part of the previous process.

Perhaps the lords and today's Aboriginal people will face some common troubles in the future.

There are too many secrets hidden in it that cannot be penetrated yet.

After all, the dimension we are in now is the dimension after that "mistake". Maybe that "mistake" left some kind of sequelae. Even if the God's Punishers eliminate the blood-burning demon and the Endless Continent has been silent for more than 10,000 years, it cannot be completely repaired. , the lord system can only be forced to change part of the rules of change.

The destiny component is to completely repair or take advantage of part of this "error".

Just like disordered data, the "repair" process needs to be promoted through the behavior of the lord. After all, natural evolution is more effective than forced repair.

Through such operations, this lost part of authority is once again collected and this dusty power is awakened.

All the clues point to one thing, that is, the cycles Zong Shen will face in the future will be more complicated than before.

Of course, the above is just Zong Shen's guess. He dare not say that this is the truth, but he must be mentally prepared for it.

Zong Shen's core goal is to find an opportunity to break this cycle. There may be some unknown test hidden in it, just like the challenges that the lords have accepted before. It's just that the difficulty of the challenge to break the cycle is definitely Previous challenge months have been unmatched.

After thinking for a moment, combined with the information he had obtained before, his understanding of the past of Endless Continent became clearer and clearer. It was like an unknown puzzle piece that he could piece together completely by obtaining clues through step-by-step exploration.

His thirst for knowledge and exploration of the endless continent will gradually increase with the improvement of his strength and the development of his territory. By the time he can understand all the secrets, he will have grown into the most powerful lord.

Through [Solomon's Hexagram] and the clues left at the end of the last era, Zong Shen believed that sooner or later he would be able to get the truth and find out the meaning and purpose of the existence of the lord system.

In addition to the deep secrets of the Endless Continent, this [Solomon's Hexagram] also has very good abilities, and can be regarded as a standard shining-level jewelry.

The [Seven Elements of Glory] in the active effect is equivalent to seven sixth-level spell casting opportunities of different element types.

The cooling time is calculated separately for each element category, and he can decide how to use it based on the actual situation.

You can use a single type of sixth-level elemental magic, or you can use all seven elemental types of magic skills at once. Anyway, after each type of elemental type is used, the cooling time is an independent 45 minutes.

This means that Zong Shen can have directional sixth-level spellcasting ability as long as he holds [Solomon's Hexagram].

The power of sixth-level magic cannot be underestimated, and it can be put to great use in many cases, giving Zong Shen a more comprehensive response ability.

Random drawing depends more on luck. Maybe he should insist on throwing a wave of [Anna's Proportional Coins (Special)] every day to increase the luck of the day.

The second active effect is [Solomon's Forbidden Power], which can ban a target whose strength level does not exceed the upper legend by consuming the elemental magic power in all the elemental orbs at one time.

The Scourge used this effect to ban the Great Demon Artorius.

It can also explain why the seven elemental orbs on [Solomon's Forbidden Plate] are exhausted, and can only be unlocked by filling them with high-level elemental magic gems.

After the ban was successfully lifted, [Solomon's Forbidden Disk] became [Solomon's Hexagram].

Zong Shen didn't want to use this ban ability for the time being, because after seeing the active effect, he still had an unanswered question about the defensive challenge.

Items consumed in known defense challenges and temporary buff status will be reset.

So what will happen to the [Solomon's Forbidden Disk] that released the great demon Artorius after the challenge is over?

Is it to return the magic gems consumed to unlock the ban and restore the ban status?

Or are there other more flexible disposal options?

Zongze didn't know this, and even the strategy module couldn't give him an accurate answer.

This shows that the lord system does not yet have a reasonable judgment mechanism for such a situation. It must wait until the challenge is over and enter the statistical scoring process before it can get a solution.

Therefore, Zong Shen did not have too many expectations for the function of [Solomon's Hexagram] itself.

Maybe this thing will be forced to be restored after the challenge is over, and Zong Shen may not know about it, but it doesn't stop him from getting to know it now and finding an opportunity to try out the power of this radiant-level item.

But speaking of it, the active effect of [Solomon's Forbidden Power] means that Zong Shen may be able to use the authority of a ban here. The targets that can be banned are not limited to demons, and he can even consider banning a dark orc commander. .

After all, [Solomon's Forbidden Power] clearly states that any target whose strength level does not exceed the upper legend can be sealed, so this standard covers the most powerful Demon Blood clan leader among the dark orc commanders: Black Bug Demon Blood and other clan leaders.

In other words, Zong Shen can complete a new round of bans with the help of the [Solomon's Banning Power] attached to [Solomon's Hexagram], which can be regarded as a trump card in this challenge.

This made Zong Shen silently keep this key active effect in mind.

The banning ability of [Solomon's Hexagram] is also unquestionable. The experience of the great demon Artorius being banned for more than 10,000 years has proven this.

Its third active effect is also very interesting, and it seems to vaguely correspond to some situations ten thousand years ago. This effect is [Hexagram of Divine Punishment].

Exciting this effect can grant you some dimensional forbidden abilities.

Referring to the information description of the effect, it is possible to summon [Hexagram of Divine Punishment] to seal a dimensional passage with a scale below level seven. It can be understood that it is a skill effect that sets up a time-sensitive dimensional roadblock.

When Zong Shen just saw this effect, the words "close the door and beat the dog" appeared in his mind unconsciously. He could imagine how the condemned people used the [Hexagram of Condemned Star] to temporarily seal off the burning fire. The blood demon's escape route or reinforcement channel, and then rely on the "privilege" of the condemned to beat those blood-burning demons violently.

To sum up, this is an effect that is highly targeted and just right for the "Condemned One" to perform its functions.

The fourth active effect of [Solomon's Hexagram] is called [Summon Solomon's Attendant]. Judging from the name of the skill effect alone, this is a relatively normal or common skill.

As the name suggests, it is an active summoning skill, but it is not like the unconditional summoning skills that come with Zong Shen's other equipment, which can summon designated warriors without paying any price.

Its activation actually requires Zong Shen to provide six [complete golden souls] or one [complete lower legendary soul] to meet the summoning conditions.

However, the strength of these so-called [Servants of Solomon] cannot be underestimated. Not only do they have a fixed level of lv65, but they are also mid-level legendary and can last for 4 hours.

If Zong Shen could summon a [Servant of Solomon] now, then he could close the net in advance and send the servant to attack one of the dark orc commanders. Unfortunately, Zong did not have a [complete golden soul] ], let alone a [complete lower legendary soul].

This kind of high-level soul is something you can only meet but cannot seek. Even if he had it, he would rather give it priority to improve the qualifications of his close warriors. It is difficult for him to keep it until the time of defensive challenge.

Therefore, the active effect of [Summoning the Attendant of Solomon] can be ignored for the time being.

Speaking of which, [Solomon's Hexagram] should represent a certain mysterious god. Its power may be related to the forbidden dimension. Considering that the Scourge is an arrangement of the Lord System, the so-called "Solomon" may be a person who cooperates with the Lord System. God of relationship or subordination.

Zong Shen is still relatively unfamiliar with the existence of "gods". Most of the gods in the Endless Continent exist in the form of beliefs, including the moon god and sun god believed by the elves, as well as the dragon god and goblin believed in by the Longhua Church. The alien gods believed by the forest, the God of Calamity Raven believed by the Calamity Raven Church, as well as the elemental gods believed by mages of various departments and the Holy Light Temple, etc.

Strictly speaking, gods are by no means an unfamiliar concept in the Endless Continent.

The forces and churches that worship gods are like crucian carp crossing the river.

Even the major human kingdoms have traditions and tendencies to worship specific gods. Although they are not to the level of fanatical believers who are far from the church, it is enough to prove the influence of the gods in the endless continent.

The emblems of the Kingdom of Avalon are the roaring dragon and the redbud flower, with the former representing the worship of the dragon god.

There are even many people in the Kingdom of Avalon who claim to have the blood of the Dragon God.

Zong Shen doesn't believe that the gods are completely fictitious.

After all, in the long history of the Endless Continent, the traces left by the gods are everywhere.

For example, among the spell casters, there are divine favored ones and those oracles, as well as various sacrificial rituals, from which clues of the existence of gods can be found.

It is obvious that there is a high probability that these gods that exist in faith actually exist.

It’s just that they cannot directly interfere with the Endless Continent. They can only affect the Endless Continent by spreading beliefs, converting sacrifices, and dropping oracles.

Zong Shen didn't even know the existence form of these gods. In theory, these gods seemed unable to hinder the normal development of the lords, but in fact, maybe these gods were not as simple as he thought before, and they would never be as different as various gods. It is so majestic and majestic as described in myths, scriptures and allusions.

You must know that most of the records about gods are completed by devout fanatics. After careful consideration and beautification, it is difficult to get a glimpse of the true nature of the gods.

The main tool used by the condemned people to eliminate the blood-burning demons is this [Solomon's Hexagram].

The word "God's Attendant" in "Summoning the God's Attendant of Solomon" undoubtedly reveals the identity of the god "Solomon".

There is no doubt that the authority of the Lord System is definitely above the dimensional world, and there is a high possibility that it has already reached the level of gods, and Zong Shen believes that the ability of the Lord System definitely exceeds the gods that everyone knows.

"Things are getting more and more interesting..."

Zong Shen rubbed his chin, and the stubble had a unique touch like a brush.

Through this defensive challenge, he gained a deeper understanding of the dimensional war, the blood-burning demon, and the secrets of the end of the era.

He raised his head and looked into the distance. The evil energy body was still dormant under the mark of the strategy module. He still had a few minutes to study this [Solomon's Hexagram].

A strong intuition repeatedly reminded Zong Shen that this thing should be able to unearth many secrets from the past.


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