Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 901: It’s scary to think about it, the information missing from the lord system

This is actually a very scary question to think about.

Zong Shen still didn't understand many things about the blood-burning demon invasion back then.

As a "failed" era change in the strategy notes, Zong Shen believed that there must still be many unsolved mysteries hidden in that era.

The blood-burning demon that made a strong debut but suddenly came to an end may have many unknown characteristics!

After thinking for a while, Zong Shen suddenly remembered the coming of the Scourge to eliminate the great demon.

It was a time to correct chaos and correct errors in the era change of the Endless Continent.

He quickly sorted out the timeline in his mind about the invasion of blood-burning demons at the end of the last era.

First of all, with the arrival of the end of the era, the blood-burning demons launched a surprise attack, and hundreds of demon legions that were already ready to go were dispatched.

Each blood-burning demon legion has the participation of millions of demons of all levels. For the dimensional world where the blood-burning demons are located, this is no less than a nationwide mobilization.

Looking back at the Endless Continent back then, neither the alien forces nor the human forces were prepared.

Zong Shen has discovered many related records from the ruins of Azshara.

In other words, the Burning Blood Demons have an information advantage. They may even know the relevant information of the attack in advance, including the distribution of giant cities in the world of Endless Continent, the main forces, combat effectiveness levels, ethnic characteristics and other information.

Only in this way can we explain why the blood-burning demon can accurately appear on the major cities of the major forces and launch blitzes as fast as thunder.

Many great cities fell due to lack of preparation.

In fact, if these giant city-level forces in the Endless Continent could have been prepared, no matter how fierce their offensive and combat characteristics were, the Blood-Burning Demon Legion would still not be able to push forward as recorded in the ruins.

The reason for this is that Zong Shen does not rule out the possibility of the intervention of the lord system for the time being.

Secondly, the invasion of the blood-burning demons was opened by a giant space portal, which was said to have occupied most of the sky in the Endless Continent back then.

Moreover, it also has the ability to transmit in batches to fixed points, which can direct the designated blood-burning demon army to the top of the target giant city. This is also a doubtful point.

Now Zong Shen sorted out this information and came to an incredible conclusion——

——The invasion of the blood-burning demon itself is an unequal war.

The disparity here does not refer to the ethnic combat capabilities of the Endless Continent dimensional world and the Blood-Burning Demon dimensional world, but to information preparation!

The Burning Blood Demon has an absolute information advantage.

In other words, they are the beneficiaries of poor information.

After understanding this situation, all doubts and Zong Shen's previous misunderstandings came to light.

Before that, Zong Shen firmly believed that the Endless Continent was a "proving ground", not only for their generation of lords, but also for the vanished eras above, and most likely also for the civilization that the lord system came to guide and develop.

The so-called dimensional change is like a "final exam", which can now be understood as the ultimate challenge to epochal civilization.

But judging from the current situation, it seems that none of the past epochal civilizations have been able to complete the ultimate challenge, achieve a civilizational leap, and enter the era of epochal conquest.

Of course, Zong Shen didn't dare to vouch for this. After all, although his experience and understanding of the history of the Endless Continent were far better than those of ordinary lords, there were still many shortcomings.

Maybe there was a civilization of a certain dimension in the past that completed the ultimate challenge, but it was lost due to other reasons in the future. In the long years, everything is possible.

However, the above conclusions are all based on the premise that dimensional change is the ultimate challenge arranged by the Lord System.

Recalling the information he had learned before, it seemed to correspond to this situation.

Then the problem arises. The challenges set by the lord system cannot be said to be absolutely 100% reliable, because Zong Shen often does some outrageous things in challenges. However, in every challenge, the lord system is relatively fair.

There will never be a situation of information asymmetry similar to that at the end of the last era.

In other words, if the lord system really arranges the invasion of the blood-burning demons as a test of the change of the era, it will definitely make the situation relatively fair.

At least it will make the forces of the Endless Continent and the Burning Blood Demon Legion evenly matched, and it is impossible to unilaterally give the Burning Blood Demon such a huge advantage!

Combined with the invasion of the blood-burning demons, the sudden appearance of the Scourge, the patching behavior of forcibly purging and sealing all high-level demons, and the subsequent ten-thousand-year blank period when the Endless Continent appeared, all seem to indicate that during the changes in the last era During the period, some kind of serious error occurred in the lord system...

If the Lord system is regarded as an extraordinary program, would there have been operating errors or temporary hibernation at that time?

Thinking of this, Zong Shen's brows furrowed even more tightly.

He analyzed this idea and came up with a surprising answer!

That is, when the era changes, in addition to the three parties of the endless continent dimensional world forces, the blood-burning demon dimensional world forces, and the lord system, there is also a mysterious fourth intervenor or force.

It was the intervention of this mysterious fourth force that allowed the blood-burning demons to have unequal information gaps, and thus took advantage of the temporary collapse of the lord system to invade the Endless Continent.

It is not even ruled out that the collapse and mistakes of the lord system at that time were caused by this mysterious fourth force.

Of course, the power and authority of the Lord System are certainly not easy to target, so the mysterious fourth-party force failed to completely paralyze the Lord System, but only caused it to temporarily fail or lose certain permissions/abilities.

Therefore, shortly after the blood-burning demons invaded in large numbers and achieved an initial advantage, the lord system was restored and the Scourge was sent to solve the problem.

This period spans a relatively long period, at least several years to more than ten years according to the information obtained by Zong Shen.

After all, although the giant city of Azshara at that time quickly fell to the raid of the Burning Blood Demon Legion, the remaining ethnic groups in the Endless Continent formed an alliance army and launched a counterattack. The alliance army was not weak, otherwise the Burning Blood Demon would also The [Bone Burial Ground] will not be created to block the coalition's advance.

This also proves that the mysterious fourth force only provided help before and during the invasion of the blood-burning demons, such as informing the attack information, opening multi-point directional dimensional portals with extremely large coverage, etc...

After the invasion of the blood-burning demons, the mysterious fourth force no longer intervened, at least not on the surface.

Otherwise, the Burning Blood Demon Legion would have wiped out all the alliance armies and completely occupied the entire Endless Continent.

However, their follow-up offensive was blocked and they were unable to achieve this at all. It can only be said that the mysterious fourth party gave the demons an initial advantage, but then this mysterious force disappeared!

This can explain the abnormal situation of the invasion of blood-burning demons at the end of the last era, the emergence of the damned, the ten-thousand-year blank period, the shrinkage and development of ethnic groups in the old era, and the information about the "demon fusion" ability of the current lord system. Missing, all the above problems can be explained on this line speculated by Zong Shen!

The information in the strategy module is not generated out of thin air. It relies on the vast information reserve of the lord system itself. In theory, as long as the strategy module is omniscient in the world controlled by the lord system.

Any information that the strategy module does not know means that the lord system does not know it either!

After coming to this astonishing conclusion, Zong Shen's mood was more complicated than that of Lai Huo Calrig, who had transformed into the Three Swordsman style below, and Mogroga Black Jin, who was in the superposition state and was in the process of exploding seeds.

At this time, they were looking at the light cocoon left behind after the clones of the great demon Artorius and Magtheridon passed through [Devil Fusion], with confused expressions on their faces!

The three-sword-style incarnations of Lihuo Calrig revealed their figures one after another. Mogroga stood aside with a war blade in his hand, his eyes full of fear of the unknown situation.

They have all tried to attack the light cocoon of [Devil Fusion] just now, but they were unable to achieve any substantial effect.

It doesn't matter if he transforms into a clone of the Three Sword Styles, Lickfire Calrig. Its clone can last for a long time.

But Mogroga Black Muscle is not calm when it is in the explosive state. Its [Blood Rage] only lasts for 5 minutes, and its [Activate Ancestral Bloodline] only lasts for 15 minutes.

It is a five-minute/fifteen-minute real man. When the statute of limitations expires, not only will it be unable to continue to rise, but it will also fall into a weak state with reduced attributes.

Therefore, faced with such a delaying situation, there is no room for it not to be anxious.

"How long will it take for the fusion to end?"

Zong Shen is also very concerned about the time when the integration is completed.

If this bullshit light cocoon takes a long time to fuse, all its plans will be disrupted!

Faced with the problem, he asked the guide as usual, but considering that the guide also lacked information about [Devil Fusion] itself, he chose to start directly with the situation of the thing itself.

This question seemed to be a difficult problem for the strategy module. After waiting for a few seconds, no golden subtitles pushed the answer.

Finally, when Zong Shen was about to give up, the golden subtitles slowly emerged.

(In view of the fact that no completely matching cases and information were found in the information database, this guide comprehensively retrieved 7236724 cases of various fusion situations with clear records for analysis and processing.

The conclusion is as follows: the current fusion bodies are all lower-level legendaries, and the remaining fusion completion time is expected to be between 13.17 seconds and 3 minutes and 12.07 seconds)

Read the answers given in the notes of this guide.

Zong Shen felt that the strategy module was a little bit a bit conceited. It could not find the corresponding information in the information database, so it analyzed a large number of fusion cases to deduce a relatively reliable result range.

He focused again on the time it took for the [Black Water Dead Zone] to dissipate.

After a lot of troubles, the [Black Water Dead Zone] in the Black Tendon Clan camp will completely collapse and dissipate in 2 minutes and 17 seconds. At the same time, the estimated arrival time of Black Bug Demon Blood and Thorodo Red Bone will also be Just over 12 minutes left.

"It's difficult!"

Zong Shen's original plan was to take advantage of the time when the two great demons, Laihuo Calrig and Mogroga Blackjin entered the real fighting phase and the [Blackwater Dead Zone] disappeared. Use the boundary-breaking ability to sneak into the [Blackwater Dead Zone] one minute in advance, and then immediately detonate the [Inception Arcane Crystal Shard].

The arcane crystal fragments require a brewing period of more than a minute, which can be covered by the [Blackwater Dead Zone]. Moreover, when the two sides start fighting for their lives, even if they vaguely sense the energy fluctuations, they will not be able to deal with it.

After the arcane crystal fragments brewed for forty or fifty seconds, Zong Shen immediately broke through the [Blackwater Dead Zone]. At that time, he only had to wait for a while, and the fragments would detonate. The damage of up to 300,000 points would definitely destroy the entire Black Water. The Jin clan camp was razed to the ground, and the big demon and the dark orc commander who were still fighting for their lives could not stop them.

As for the safety issues after entering the [Black Water Dead Zone], Zong Shen is not worried at all. With his methods, he can deal with the Black Water Army and Black Muscle Clan soldiers trapped in it in a short time.

This plan can be said to be a one-stop plan. As long as it succeeds, Zong Shen will be able to wipe out the Black Water Army, most of the soldiers and legendary commanders in the Black River Clan camp, as well as the two big demons he created himself.

Next, he only needs to kill the coalition forces of the Demon Blood Clan and the Red Bone Clan as well as Thorodo Red Bone.

After losing the coalition, the two major clans will suffer heavy losses. Killing Thorodo Red Bones means that he only needs to fight against Black Bug Demon Blood.

With the full favorability of [Love God's Ecstasy Fragrance], there is still a lot of room for maneuver regarding Black Bug Demon Blood!

But now, this plan has completely deviated from the planned trajectory due to the sudden start of the [Demon Fusion] by the clones of Artorius and Magtheridon.

This made Zong Shen somewhat depressed.

It's like a hunter who is sure of winning, watching his prey step into the trap step by step. When the harvest is about to be harvested, the prey not only escapes from the trap, but also attracts a more troublesome predator.

"In this case, maybe I need to further change my plan."

"The fused light cocoon has special properties and is suspected to be immune to attacks. Forcibly detonating the arcane crystal fragments at this time may not achieve the intended effect."

"So the opening of [Blackwater Dead Zone] is inevitable..."

"As for Liuhuo Calrig and Mogroga Blackjin, these two big enemies must be the priority targets after the demon fusion is completed."

"But now they seem to be giving up, I have to find a way to add fuel to the fire!"

"Besides, in another twelve minutes, Black Bug and the others will arrive. Maybe the situation may not be as bad as I thought!"

Zong Shen thought to himself, reviewed the current situation, and made a new plan!

Maybe the situation has indeed changed, but he hasn't played a big card yet, and there is still room for change!

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