Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 1004

In the depths of the forest, a figure slowly appeared.She is a tall girl.

"you are……"

This girl is the senior student who provoked Claire yesterday-the King Kong elf.

There was no expression on that lid.

She moved staggeringly like a ghost, slowly walking towards Claire.

"Could it be... you transplanted a curse engraving on her body!"

"Oh, don't get me wrong, she nodded and agreed. But looking like this, she seems to be unable to bear the engraving of my curse."

Ha ha ha-coquettish laughter echoed in the forest.

"Goo...Um...Kleier... "Lu" Qiu——!"

The King Kong elf made the girl utter a loud roar at this moment.

Suddenly the wind blew, and a huge beast appeared in the sky.It was a giant metal deer that was several times larger than Claire.

It has two sharp horns on its head.The black eyes are full of tyrannical air.The horrible sense of oppression makes the scalp numb.

"This... shouldn't it be her King Kong Elf!" Claire said in surprise.

The young girl's contract elves should not be such a high-level elves.

"This is indeed her elf. It's just evolved into an upgraded version because of the transplanting curse and engraving." Vivienne Melosha laughed softly.

"Well, Miss Huomao, can I trouble you to do an experiment for me?"

Then, the violent giant deer shook the sky and rushed towards Claire.


Mu Hantian bought the cat necklace that Claire saw yesterday in the store.

He asked the clerk to wrap it in red "color" ribbon and put it in his chest pocket.

"Actually, today is her birthday."

"That's it. No wonder you want to get paid first."

"Yeah... I don't have that much money."

Seeing Mu Hantian shrugging, Alice coughed: "She should have made that chocolate by herself?"

"Well, it seems to be. She was practicing chocolate making yesterday."

"I will give you chocolate on the day of the Valentine's Day, is it..."

Alice coughed again, and then—her eyes kept staring at Mu Hantian.

"what happened to you?"

"That...that...actually I...make chocolate..."

Just when Alice was about to take something out of her uniform pocket--

Rumble, rumble, rumble!

In the direction of the square, there was a loud shaking from the sky.


"Yeah! Let's go, Hantian!"

Alice's expression suddenly changed back to a knight-like calm and sharp, and then rushed into the square like a gust of wind.


The two of them flashed past the chaotic crowd and arrived at the square to take a look...

"What it is?"

In the middle of the square, there is a huge beast in riot.

The beast's mouth has two sharp teeth and looks like a boar.On the surface of its body, there is a shiny shell like a mirror.

This is not a Warcraft, it is an Elf.

And it is a violent high elf.

The crowd in the square was frightened and panicked, and the scene fell into chaos.They fled in the same direction, like dominoes falling one after another.There are also many elderly and children among them.

"Did someone make the elves run away?"

"It should be. I don't know where the elf is hiding, but obviously, this elf has no control."

Alice is worthy of being a veteran on the battlefield, she seems to be quite used to such a scene and looks very calm.

In her hand, she was already holding a fairy magic outfit-the'Windwing Spear'.

"The reason will be found out later. This is a level five elven disaster, and we must eliminate it!"

"I got it." Mu Hantian nodded and summoned the magic sword.

"Go on, Restia!"

Perhaps it was because of sensing the breath of the elven magic outfit, the violent elves turned to the two.

After a loud roar, the beast elves slammed on the ground and rushed over.

Suddenly the sky was shaking.The surrounding buildings fell one after another.


Alice swung the wind-wing gun and launched an attack.

A large number of wind blades that can even cut through steel rushed towards the elf.If this blow is taken head-on, even the high elves cannot be unharmed.


The mirror-like elf shell suddenly glowed colorfully.


While the colorful rays of light bloomed-the Wind Blade that should have hit the target was all "shooted" back and flew in all directions.

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