Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 101

"Hey?" Mu Hantian didn't know why

"Hey what! I heard that there was an outbreak near your home! I looked at it with a surveillance probe and found that you are here!" Qian Cong said dissatisfied.

"Why can you use the surveillance system near my house!!!" Did you use the computer to black out it? Mu Hantian muttered in a low voice, it was really "chaotic".It seems that even relying on the concealed work of the Lion King agency can't surpass Qian Cong's intelligence gathering ability.

"Well, there is no problem now, because I was afraid of the fighting, it was only that month that brought us here, and I was fine." It seems Qian Cong worried about him, and ran to confirm what happened.

Mu Hantian was a little touched, Qian Cong treated him well as always and felt her care and love.

"Wait a minute, what happened?" Qian Cong asked in a confused voice.

"Hmm." Mu Hantian knew that he couldn't tell her all, so he undertook to tell her the story, which of course simplified it many times.Qian Cong sighed, hoping that Mu Hantian wouldn't cause serious trouble.

The northern area of ​​the artificial island is located on the sixth floor of the former Mage Plastics staff dormitory.Since the company was closed by the artificial island management agency, the floor has been abandoned.

It was a little dirty building stained with grey "color".All the windows were blocked by iron plates, and the entrances and exits were also covered by barbed iron fences.Bystanders would only regard it as an abandoned building.

If it is a human with experience in magic, it will be aware of the existence of multiple enchantments that open around the building. It is a powerful enchantment that ordinary people cannot approach at all.In the corridor of the building returning to silence, there was only the sound of footsteps for one person. It was a thin young man.Wearing a pure white cloak, the pattern of the shirt and hat is a red and white checkered pattern.In the left hand is a silver "colored" cane with carved skulls.A young man with a weird breath floating around.

He looked around slowly, and finally looked at an apartment.If Xia Yin were there, she would definitely recognize the apartment in front of her as the home where she and her adoptive father lived.

The young man was smiling, his eyes filled with excitement and enthusiasm, as if he had seen some dreamy baby, he just smiled with eyes full of hatred.Without hesitation, he reached out his hand and ran into the sealed door lock.

A strange scene appeared, the silver door lock melted into a "liquid" body and flowed into his body.The only people who have the ability to control metal are alchemists like magisters.The young man pushed open the door, looked around everything in the apartment, carefully explored everything around him.

The dusty house is very warm and tidy.It seems that when Xia Yin and the three of them lived, they were cleaned up.It was only due to the experiment of Kensho Yase that destroyed the peaceful and peaceful life.

"Sorry, the half of my body that was taken away by the master, now it seems that I will finally get it back."

If he could detect anything, he went straight to a bedroom on a metal safe.He tore the thick metal safe like a piece of paper.

Alchemists can freely "manipulate" the composition of metals.No matter what kind of super hard alloy, as long as it is touched by his hand, it will become more brittle than thin aluminum foil.

Then, what the young man took out of the safe was a sphere with a diameter of nearly fifteen centimeters.It is a transparent crimson "color" gem, something that alchemists dream of.

After confirming it through the light, the young man "showed" a smile with satisfaction.Kaka knocked the cane, and the young alchemist left.

If Mu Hantian and Xia Yin saw him, they would definitely be able to sense the familiarity of youth.He was the perpetrator of the tragedy in the monastery five years ago, because the spirit blood was out of control and killed more than a dozen witches.

It seems that in the monastery five years ago, Xian Sheng picked up the refining core that controls the spiritual blood, so the youth will find it.

Chapter 158 Thief

Perceiving a serious atmosphere exuding the classroom, Qian Cong and Yuma were taken aback for a moment!

"Father, what happened?" Yuma couldn't help asking.

"Yeah, we are investigating the murderer who stole Xuecai's sports clothes." After Mu Hantian said it, Xuecai's blush was red and cute, because it was embarrassing for girls.

"That's terrible, it's already a crime. How is the situation now, have you found any clues, Senior?" Qian Cong asked concerned.

"I have narrowed it down to the students in your class, but I didn't find that they had hidden the clothes of Xuecai sauce, so that the clues were broken." Mu Hantian explained the analyzed intelligence to them.

A few more people think about it, maybe there will be some unexpected discoveries.Besides, Qian Cong is not a girl, her nickname is the Empress of Electronics, her brain is better than anyone else.

"The boys at school are too disappointed." You Ma sighed.

"Could the murderer put the stolen clothes in his coat, so the seniors couldn't find it." Qian Cong muttered, but Mu Hantian's mind suddenly brightened.When reminded by her, it seems to have discovered its possible "sex".

", it's too annoying to steal my close-fitting clothes and put on something." Xuecai said in horror. She looked forward to not happening as Qian Cong expected, it was too disgusting.

"Don't be afraid of Xuecai, that kind of thing won't happen."

Saaya looked at the frightened Yukana, her eyes flashed with guilt.She clasped Xuecai's shoulders, staring at her with serious eyes, as if to comfort her.

"Have you put it on? There seems to be an extra clue." Mu Hantian whispered, and the surrounding atmosphere became very depressing."Sayaka, as a classmate, you should have noticed something strange."

Mu Hantian suddenly confronted Saaya Hua and directly frightened her.

"'s not me, I don't know anything." She shook her hands in a panic, her expression panicked.Mu Hantian just asked, is it necessary for her to panic?

Mu Hantian looked at her suspiciously and found that she was sweating profusely and looked very hot.The key is that the clothes on her body cover her tightly.It's too different to dress like this in the hot summer.

He seemed to have found some clue, with a sneer on his mouth.It's really not easy. First of all, he misunderstood Mu Hantian with a prestigious aura, eliminated his suspicion, and then led their thinking to the boys' side.

"So that's the case, I already know the answer. The murderer is you, Saiya!" Mu Hantian stretched out his hand at the corner of her skirt that covered her knees and pulled hard.

Saaya screamed, and before she could cover her, her skirt fell off her.The women were all dumbfounded when they watched Mu Hantian's actions, but after an instant they saw the pure white sports pants under Saiyahua's skirt.

Since she was more than ten centimeters taller than Xuecai, she didn't find it to others after she put it on. It was just a pair of safety pants.If it weren't for Qian Cong's reminder, and seeing Sayahua's strangeness, Mu Han might really have fallen on that little girl.No one would have thought that the prisoner was a girl and someone familiar.

"Hmph, it made me "fucking" and framing me, what do you have to say now?" Mu Hantian sneered and "forced" to her. She blushed and twisted the corners of her clothes and did not dare to speak. .

"Saya Hua, you...what the hell did you do?" Yuuki sighed, her worried eyes disappeared, and only blame remained, as if she was looking at her sister.Saya Hua is like a kid who has done something wrong, and she lowers her head not to look at Yukana.

She saw that the storage box of Xuecai was not closed, so she kindly wanted to help her close it.Unexpectedly, I saw sports clothes that were soaked in sweat and full of the smell of snow vegetables, so I had thoughts for a while.

I thought that there would be no major incident, and I planned to return it to Xuecai when I returned to the dormitory. I didn't expect that Xuecai was more anxious than I had expected.She wanted to confess, but she couldn't find the courage to fear that Xuecai would hate herself.

"Pervert, it's really dangerous for Xuecai to live with you, do you have anything to say." Mu Hantian glared at her and said harshly.(Author: amount, so you will not be too hard, but I like it.)

"Ye... I'm sorry to trouble you. Oh, my snow vegetables, do you hate me?" Saidaka said tearfully, not to mention how pitiful.In front of Nie Kong for the first time, a weak expression appeared.

"Don't cry. To be honest, I am very relieved. Fortunately, no one else stole it." She whispered to her as if she was "touching" a puppy.

"Suki, I love you so much." Saiyahua rubbed her head against her neck, very affectionate.

"Hmph, Xuecai, you are too spoiled for her." Mu Hantian said silently.

"Don't be jealous, I have been with Xuecai since she was seven years old. Compared to her real family, I spent a lot of time with her." Saya Kayao arrogantly touched her. In front of Mu Hantian.Shown on the screen are old photos of two young girls, about seven or eight years old.It is a girl with a firm look that makes an impression, and a girl with light chestnut hair.With the "color" of the winter landscape as the background, the barefooted girls seem to be fighting against the world with the strength of two people, holding each other's hands tightly and snuggling together

Regarding this point, I am afraid Saya Hua is the same as Yukina.The Lion King agency collects orphans from all over the country and cultivates them into young and outstanding magic attackers.

Saya Ka said that she stayed with Yuk Cai longer than her real family. Saya Ka, who lost her family once, finally got a new family with Yuk Cai.Thinking from this point of view, you can understand Saiyaka's excessive love for Yukuna. No, it's Saayaka's love for Yukna.Yukina and Saayaka could see their current appearance from the time, and because of this, it makes people feel younger, as if looking at their reduced-scale modeling characters "color".

"Oh, that picture is really cute."

"Need to talk about it!" Saidaka said proudly.

"But don't change the subject. Hurry up and take off the clothes of Xuecai sauce." Mu Hantian paused and muttered: "Since Xuecai won't mind, it's my turn." (Author's words: You are also a pervert.)

I thought that Mu Hantian was serious, but a whispered sentence made Xuecai blush and almost died in shame.

Chapter 159 Meeting

After the clothes incident, Saaya's attitude towards Mu Hantian became much softer.Sometimes I compare with Mu Hantian to see who can understand Xuecai better, and even tells me about the bathing with Xuecai when I was young.

If Mu Hantian was the only boy she could talk before, now the relationship has risen to an intimate stage.There is Xuecai as a common topic, so I had a very happy chat with Mu Hantian.

Yukina was a little helpless, and Saiya Hua became more attached to herself than before. She was happy that the teacher said that he would be jealous because he was jealous. At that time, she couldn't wait to take the sports uniform that she changed into our own.

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