Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 1019

"Of course. I hope you can be a little measured and stop asking me to run into the military as a spy."

"For this, I really owe you a lot."

Greyworth shrugged, and Freya rudely threw the report at her.

"This is the data of the incident four years ago. After the collapse of the facility-the'teaching institute', a total of 14 orphans were placed by the Imperial Knights. According to rumors, five of them were later incorporated into the special order of the Knights. The army; the remaining nine people were affected by the engraving of the curse installed at the facility and died a few years later."

"However, this number is not right, this data is different from the information found in the facility."

"It seems that not all orphans are placed by the Knights; like Geo Inzaki, who invaded the Academy not long ago, is one of the orphans that the Knights did not grasp. Even if there are orphans other than him. Existing, isn't it strange?"

"That's right. Thanks for your hard work, then I will trouble you to continue investigating."

"Oh, my real job should be a teacher and not a spy?" Freya grumbled, and disappeared into the wall again.

Greyworth looked out the window and sighed heavily.

"You must be careful. I can't help you now."


The flying ship floated on the clouds filled with ether and moved forward in a sliding attitude.

The destination is one of the sanctuary in the world of elemental spirits-Sky Island'Laguna Yishi'.It is the venue of the Fairy Sword Dance Festival.

Originally, it was a sanctuary where only the maidens of the "Shenyiyuan" who served the Elf King were allowed to enter and exit, but during the "Elf Sword Dance Festival", it was especially open to ordinary people.

"This flying boat is not bad." Mu Hantian sighed slightly overlooking the vast sea of ​​clouds under the window.

I've been on a flying boat like this before, and that was the time I was in the world of "Xue Zhan City" and Fan Xing "Lu".

The noble ladies seemed to be used to it. After putting down their luggage, they went to the lounge assigned by the team and sat on the sofa to relax.

The walls are polished marble wall tiles, and there are red carpets embroidered with beautiful embroidery.Each of the abundant daily necessities in the cabin is the most high-end.

"This is the latest type of flying boat. If the voyage goes smoothly, we will be able to reach Luo around noon." It was Claire lying on the sofa... Although she didn't mind very much, her current posture would The skirt was lifted up and the panties were on the edge of the light, so Mu Hantian quickly looked away.

"By the way, the opening ceremony will be held in the castle hall tonight. Have you brought any dresses for the ball?"

"No, I didn't bring it. I didn't even know there was a so-called dance party." Mu Hantian shook his head.


For some reason, Claire's muttered voice seemed a bit disappointing.

"I didn't bring a dress, will it cause you trouble?"

"It's...that's not the case!" Claire flushed and turned his head to ignore Mu Hantian.

"What are you mad at..."

"I... I'm not angry... fool."

"Please, you two, do you have to fight even on the boat?" Lin Silei shrugged helplessly.

"Lin Silei, what are you doing?"

I saw Lin Silei set up the tea set she had brought on the table.

"I'm going to make black tea now. Would you like to enjoy the tea time together?"

"Okay, okay, I've heard about the sweetness of tea from the Lauren Frost area."

"Yes, although it is on the eve of the Elf Sword Dance Festival, I still need to relax moderately."

Fiana and Alice, who were originally looking at the scenery outside, also gathered at the table together.

It seems that no matter when and where, it is the routine of the ladies to taste afternoon tea elegantly.

Lin Silei used an elegant technique to pour black tea into a small teacup, and a burst of citrus fragrance immediately filled the room with water vapor.

"Thank you. Oh-it smells so good." Claire bluntly praised.

"This is a citrus tea unique to the Lauren Frost area."

"Huh, the black tea made by the lady is really delicious." The maid Kahlo smiled'hehe'.

"Making tea should generally be a maid's job, right?" Mu Hantian complained.

"Say what! If our lovely Carol gets burned, can you afford it?"

"Well, it's my fault." Mu Hantian smiled bitterly, picked up the black tea, and took a sip.


At an altitude of four thousand meters--

A small combat boat appeared directly below the flying boat on which the representatives of the Elf Sword Dance Festival took part.

It has been lurking in the forest, waiting for prey to be delivered.

The metal cabin door opened, and a young girl with an immature appearance walked out of it.The dark gray "color" hair bundles tied up on both sides of the girl swayed in the strong wind that was stroking on her face.

"I found you, brother."

The girl smiled slightly, and then began to chant the elf's liberation technique.In an instant, the ring on her middle finger glowed red.


"Well, let's make a big fuss! Destroy the Elves' Gaze of the Dead!"

From the crack that opened in thin air, a huge black monster emerged.

The first thousand and ninety-seventh chapters cut off yours

On the deck, you can see clouds drifting by at a very fast speed.

In principle, the human body will be blown away by the strong wind caused by the current travel speed in the blink of an eye; the reason why the wind cannot be heard is because the wind barrier created by the wizard magic is covered. The relationship of the hull.

Looking down from the edge of the flying ship, you can see an endless and treacherous forest.

Just as Mu Hantian was overlooking the forest--

"You are the representative player of Aresia Elf Academy, Mu Hantian. That's right?"

Suddenly someone spoke to him from behind.

When Mu Hantian turned his head, he found a beautiful girl with shoulder-length black hair and good looks standing behind him.

The girl wore a beret on her head and a black military uniform with no wrinkles. The girl was staring at Mu Hantian with her seemingly stubborn black eyes.

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