Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 1035

"What's wrong with Esther?"

"Hehe... in front of a girl, you can't praise another girl." Restia stretched out her finger and poked Mu Hantian's chest lightly, which indicated that she was also a little angry.

"Han Tian, ​​you are here."

At this time, Linsley, who changed into an evening dress, appeared.

It was an eye-bright sea-blue "color" evening dress; the dazzling light gold "color" hair was set on the top, just like the ice queen of the kingdom of ice.

Her cheeks were slightly flushed from the heat, and the rose-colored lips were more charming.Although she usually looks cute in uniform, Linsley, who is dressed up, is so beautiful that people can't help but admire her.

"Lin Silei, you are so beautiful." Mu Hantian didn't want to repeat the same mistakes, so he frankly praised.

"Huh?" Lin Silei was shocked for a while, her eyes widened.She saw her face become redder and redder.

" did you say!" The ice queen's face melted in an instant.

"Oh-it turns out that Hantian, you, no matter what you say the same thing, you really deserve to be the devil of the night."

"I just acted according to the advice you gave me." Mu Hantian squinted and stared at Feiyana, who was pursing her lips in dissatisfaction.

"By the way, didn't Claire act with you two?"

"She went back to the room just now, did you not meet her in Hantian?"

"No." Mu Hantian shook his head.

"Really... That child, from the beginning, has been very troublesome." Linselei bulged her cheeks angrily.

"Forget it, if she doesn't come for a while, I'll go and give her something to eat." Mu Hantian sighed helplessly.Obviously he said he wanted to come, but he didn't come again.

"That...that...hantian..." Lin Silei called Mu Hantian hesitantly.

"what happened?"

"I said...difficult... it is rare to have this opportunity, that..."

Cough, cough, cough-this young lady cleared her throat several times.

Then, she made up her mind and said: "Would you want a dance with me?"

"Huh?" Mu Hantian was a little surprised.

"No... can't it?"

"Why? Of course I am glad you can invite me. But, do you really want to dance with me?"

"Yes...yes. For me, dancing with other men'sex' can feel a little scary."

"OK then."

Mu Hantian gently took Lin Silei's soft little hands wearing white gloves.

"Yes... It's Han Tian's hand..." Linselei blushed.

"You, you are so cunning! I want too!" Feiyana said, holding Mu Hantian's other hand.

"Fyana! Then there is no way to dance!"

"That's it! Hurry up and let go of your hand!"

Fei Yana and Lin Si Lei simultaneously pulled Mu Hantian's hand.Mu Hantian's arms were bumped by the soft chests of the two, and his heartbeat accelerated.

When he came back to his senses, he realized that the three of them had become the target of everyone's attention.

"What are they doing?" "Emotional disputes?" "It seems to be the representative player of the Alicia Elf Academy." "Do those guys even understand the rules of the prom?" "He is the rumored male elf messenger. "Wow, it's the one I said before--" "Even if the girl resists, she will do whatever it takes to treat people..." "Actually deal with two people at once--" "They must come together at night." Everyone whispered.

What the hell was it with that night!And that unscrupulous!

Mu Hantian simply wanted to cry without tears.

Thousand and eighth fuck, did you fall out

Just when Mu Hantian's "Fuck" was about to fall out-

"You, you guys! Don't do anything to corrupt Tsunki before the Holy Throne of the Elf King!"

There was an awe-inspiring voice of eight hundred solemn voices, protecting his little "fuck".

"Ai, Alice?"

It was Alice in an evening dress who rushed to the scene.

She pulled Mu Hantian's arm, and then neatly separated the two eldest ladies from him.

"Yeah...what are you doing?" "Knight Commander, what are you doing!"

"I just want to ask what you guys are doing, really..."

Alice put her hands on her waist and severely rebuked the two who complained: "We came here as representatives of the academy. I hope you can be more conscious!"

Then, he stared at Mu Hantian with sharp eyes: "Hantian, so are you..."

She did not move suddenly.

"Alice, what's the matter with you?"

Mu Hantian thought he would be preached, but when she saw her suddenly stop, he couldn't help feeling confused.

I saw that Alice's cheeks became red, and she coyly played with her fingers on her chest and said: "Well...that, you look good in a suit unexpectedly. This...this is the so-called Buddha asking for gold Do you want clothes?"

"Really? Actually, I really don't like wearing a dress."

Mu Hantian scratched his head embarrassedly, and at the same time carefully looked up Alice in the evening dress.

What she wears is a pure white evening dress with complicated patterns.It was decorated with lots of ruffles, which contrasted with Alice's awe-inspiring temperament. It was a very girlish dress.

"Alice, this dress suits you very well, it feels like a little princess, so cute."

"what did you say……"

Alice's hair tied into a ponytail tucked up.

" could I actually say that I...I'm cute...!" Alice blushed at a loss.

"Hmm, Hantian--!" "Hantian?"

Feiyana and Lin Selei stared at Mu Hantian with murderous eyes.

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