Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 1037

The man's followers smiled bitterly.He should be the royal family of a certain country, right?

From the man's expression, there is no sense of wanting to sincerely invite each other to dance.He 80% understood that Claire in front of him was actually the sister of the catastrophe Ji Ji, and he only spoke out to meet his playfulness and curiosity.

On the other hand, Claire--

"Sorry, forgive me to refuse." She coldly refused the man's invitation to dance.

I want to know that this fire cat girl will not obediently tame anyone.

"What did you say?" one of the attendants said angrily.

"It's okay, it's not bad for a girl who has such a stubborn temper occasionally."

The man gestured to his attendants with ease, and then forcibly pulled Claire's arm.then--

"Beautiful girl, please allow me to kiss on your hand."

"Huh?" Claire was stunned.

For the witch Ji, who is an emissary, kissing represents the most sacred Elf contract ceremony.Even if the part of the kiss is the back of the hand, it is definitely not an act that can be done lightly.Seeing his rude behavior, even the crowd couldn't help but be in an uproar.

"Don't touch me!" Claire cried sadly.

Although she is always aggressive, she is actually a young lady who is not immune to male sex, and she can hear her voice trembling slightly.

Just when Mu Hantian couldn't stand it and was about to do something...

"What are you pretending to be lofty? I am the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Barustan!"

"No! Let me go! You—"

Snapped--!The loud voice echoed in the hall.Claire slapped the man.Then walk directly to the entrance of the hall.

"Damn, that woman... dare to take my face--"

"Why is it so savage..."

"Because she is the sister of the evil fairy Ji."

The crown prince of Ballustan and his followers shouted curses.

Mu Hantian frowned, when he was about to chase Claire...

"Han Tian, ​​wait a minute." Feyana whispered solemnly in his ear.

"what happened?"

"She is coming--"

"she was?"

I saw a "commotion" that was several times exaggerated near the entrance of the hall.The most awaited character appeared at this wizard sword dance festival.

This person stepped into the venue with loud footsteps.

She wore a jet black evening gown, like a queen dominating the night.

The visitor was a black-haired girl with a bright red mask covering her real face.

She is also the strongest Sword Dancer——Len Ashbel.

The first thousand and nine chapters Lian·Ashubel

Wearing a dark evening dress, she exudes a terrifying sense of presence.

It can even give people the illusion-if you accidentally get too close, it will turn into ashes.

The whispering sound ceased, and then there was a silence that was so quiet that it was almost tinnitus.

Everyone swallowed nervously and stared at her.Unlike Claire's situation just now, no one wanted to approach her at all.

The strongest sword dancer first stopped in the middle of the hall, and then walked towards the crowd.

"Cold sky." x3

Fiyana and Linselei subconsciously tightened Mu Hantian's sleeves, and even Alice, who had always admired Lin Ashubel, seemed a little timid.

As if protecting the three of them, Mu Hantian took a step forward.

Lin Ahubel stopped in front of Mu Hantian.

"Are you Mu Hantian? That male "sex" wizard?"

"Yes. I am Mu Hantian." Mu Hantian nodded.

She calmly stretched out her right hand to Mu Hantian, and then said, "Mu Hantian, can you dance with me?"

Lin Ashubel made an unexpected proposal.

Mu Hantian turned his head and said to the three of Alice: "Sorry, can I ask you to avoid it first? Also, Claire will ask you, Lin Selei."

"I see." Linselei nodded, and then quickly chased Claire.

"Then let's go too, Alice." Fijana gently took Alice's hand and walked with her to Esther and Restia.

"How are you at dancing?"

"Don't you know if you feel it yourself?"

Mu Hantian smiled indifferently, and then took Lian Ashubel's hand.The performance that stopped for a while, sounded again.


Claire ran in the vast dark forest outside the city.

The bright red "color" evening dress was hooked up by the branches of the forest, torn open.The red "color" high heels splashed the mud, and the smooth white "color" skin was full of scratches.Even so, she ran desperately.

When she came back to her senses, Claire had already come to the lake where she performed the purification ceremony during the day.

In the secluded forest, there are countless elves floating on the lake.

Claire squatted by the lake with her knees.

The specially prepared evening dresses are all dirty.However, there is no way to go back to the prom anyway, it's no different.

Two bunches of red horsetails were scattered and the dress was torn apart by the bushes.

"What...! That guy won't help me, he only knows to be with other girls!"

A miserable mood came to my heart, and Claire couldn't help muttering in a low voice. The teardrops fell drop by drop to the ground.

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