Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 1043


"Ah. But I believe what you said-you are my sister. But, even so, you shouldn't hurt Claire and the others."

"Hmm..." Muya lowered his head, bit his lip, and said nothing.

For a while...

"Brother, I will definitely remind you." Muya finished speaking, and left after a few jumps.

"Are you gone... then let's go back too."


The next day, Mu Hantian's room.

"Kleier, what is the repertoire of the'Elves Sword Dance Festival'? The elves should have announced the decree, right?"

"You too, don't go by yourself."

"Well, I will have a lot of gossip. Okay, let me know."

"The repertoire of the sword dance sacrifice this time is-'Qunlan'Ran' Dance'."

"'Qunlan'Ran' Dance'..."

Mu Hantian knew that the last time this mode was used for the Elf Sword Dance Festival was almost two hundred years ago.

In this way of competition, the sacrificial elves gather on the vast competition grounds of the sanctuary, and use teams as units to fight for several days.What is being tested at this time is not only personal combat skills, but also long-term strategies that are deeper than tactics, and the overall strength of the entire team.

"It seems that this battle is not easy to fight."

"Frankly speaking, that's right. If it can be played in a knockout way, I don't know how good it would be..." Claire nodded solemnly.

In fact, it is not entirely unexpected that the repertoire of the sword dance competition is "Qun Lan "Ran" Dance.

Going back to the history of the Elf Sword Dance Festival so far, and relying on the clues of "five elves to conduct group battles", we can screen out more than a dozen competitions that may be used.

In fact, the Aresia Fairy Academy once used this competition piece as an imaginary topic, and conducted long-term accommodation and other training.

However, if he could, Mu Hantian really didn't want to get this type of game.

This way of competition values ​​the overall strength of the team more than individual strength.In terms of the current situation where Claire and others can't rest assured of the team's tacit understanding, it is really not very advantageous.

Recently, the "Scarlet Team" finally developed a centripetal force, but no matter what, it was only a few weeks ago to gather five members.Even if everyone is a strong wizard, but in terms of the overall strength of the team, it still can't be compared with other representative teams.

Although Mu Hantian could do 1v5, it would be completely meaningless, and Claire and others would not get any growth.

The first thousand and thirteen chapters go for a walk

"I said, shall we go out for a walk now?" Linsele said suddenly.

"go outside?"

"Yeah, today is the last day off before the main event starts, of course I have to go outside and relax and have fun."

"That's it." Mu Hantian nodded.

"Then it's so decided, hurry up and get ready to go!"

"Yeah, I can't feel cheerful even if I stay in the room."

"Moreover, close to the port, there are many businesses setting up shops there."

Claire, Lin Selei, and Alice were clustered together, grabbing Lamu Hantian's arm.


Mu Hantian and his party put on uniforms, and then arrived in the port area in a carriage.

Plain and simple wooden buildings are built side by side in the port area, creating a lively atmosphere like a shopping street when a festival is held.

In addition, various countries in the mainland have also jointly sponsored funds to raise various food and entertainment facilities to entertain the audience of the Elf Sword Dance Festival.

Because this is a world of elemental elves that cannot be inhabited by humans, this dreamy street will only appear for a few days.It is a scene that can only be seen during the Elf Sword Dance Festival.

"Huh-there is no cloud in the world."

"Well, because we are on the cloud now."

At this time, a refreshing breeze blew, and Claire's hair tied into a ponytail swayed in the wind.

Laguna Yishi, a floating island floating high in the sky, should have been hit by strong winds, but because this sanctuary is protected by the blessing of the Wind Spirit King, there is no need to worry about being blown away by the wind .

I saw a small flying boat shuttled between the gaps in the white clouds, arriving at the port one after another.

Seeing that the main event of the Elf Sword Dance Festival is about to begin, nobles from all over the mainland have also gathered here.

"It's really spectacular."

"You can only see this kind of scenery on the floating island."

Alice and Linselei murmured in surprise.

"It would be great if Feiyana could come together." Mu Hantian muttered, while looking up at the clear blue sky.

Mu Hantian originally called Feiyana with him, but she said that she didn't want to come out and wanted to check some books in the room.

"Buy some gifts later and bring them back to Fijana, right?"

"Hmm, good."

On the slab-paved street, there are many shops.

Because it is a temporary store, the building itself is not so glamorous; but the artisans or chefs working in it are all top talents recruited from various countries.Because the Elf Sword Dance Festival is a great opportunity to show the prestige of the country, all countries are investing heavily here.

When the group walked to the center of the shopping street, they passed by a group of tourists who had just got off the flying boat.

"It's not that I want to say, the crowd here is too exaggerated."

"There are male'sex' everywhere... I think my head is starting to dizzy."

Alice and Linsele looked around nervously.

It seems that the young ladies who are born and raised in the greenhouse do not seem to be used to crowded places.

And here is different from college city, the proportion of male "sex" is very high.Although they are first-class elves, when they arrive here, they immediately become pure and ignorant girls. Whenever a passing male'sex' is about to touch his shoulder, they will make a whisper and snuggle to Mu Hantian. .

Kleier is no exception. From the very beginning, she has been repeatedly sticking to Mu Hantian and then separating immediately.

Whenever she leaned on Mu Hantian, she would blush and pull away; when she hit a strange passerby, she would return to Mu Hantian again.

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