Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 1057

"That kind of armor...could it be the Dragon King Knights of Doragonia?" Alice stared at the top of the cliff.

The three figures landed on the ground silently and confronted Claire and others.

"It's really surprising. I didn't expect that the Dragon Sovereign Knight Order, which values ​​reputation, would launch a night attack on its opponent."

"For us, the mission of being a professional soldier is more important than the dignity of a knight. We are just taking the most effective tactics to bring back victory and glory for the motherland."

The one who took a step forward to answer was a girl with short hair like a teenager.

In her hand, she was holding a phantom magic outfit'Halbat' with a long-handled battle axe in her hand, posing in a position to meet the enemy.

"In order to show respect, let me report my name. I am the deputy head of the Dragon King Knights-Yuri Ashid."

"I'm Claire Lujo from Team Scarlet."

Claire immediately turned Scarlett into the form of a whip of flame.

She did not dare to relax while looking ahead, while whispering to Alice behind her: "Leola is not in this group. It seems that the explosion just now was 80% of her good deeds."

Her dragon elves, Nidhogg, can indeed create that kind of destructive power with a single blow.Leola should be the right time for Mu Hantian to be alone and come to eradicate him.

"Although I believe Hantian can win, I still feel a little worried."

"I see, I will rush to support him immediately."

Alice nodded to Claire, and then chanted the fairy magic of "flying".

She kicked the ground hard, ready to fly to the night sky that was dyed red by the fire.


"I will not let you interfere with Lord Leola!"


I saw another knight standing up in the path of Alice's flight.It was an elf envoy riding on the back of the flying dragon elf.

"She should be an ambush in the forest after the enemy team made predictions about our actions. What she called was one of the dragon elves who was particularly good at flying. Alice’s elven magic alone could not be used. Drop her."

"This is bad, we are completely separated."

"Han Tian... we will solve it quickly."

Claire looked at the direction of the pillar of fire soaring into the sky, biting her lips firmly.

The first thousand and twentieth chapters of the battlefield of separation

A hot flash swept across the ground.The earth turned to scorched earth, and the red lotus flames burst into raging pillars of fire accompanied by the shocking sound of explosions.

Mu Hantian quickly moved away from the explosion site.After the smoke cleared, Mu Hantian took a closer look...

What caught my eyes was a terrifying scene like the end of the world.

A large bowl-shaped hole was dug out of the ground, and the high flames surrounding it seemed to swallow the night.The ferocious and violent dragon spirit roared behind the high flame wall, and the atmosphere was instantly shaken.

Suddenly a strong wind blew away the flames.It turned out to be the air current caused by the dark dragon spirit waving its huge wings.

The pale moonlight shone on Leola's back, and she quietly walked towards Mu Hantian.

Seeing her raising her hand, the dragon elves turned into a dark gloom.The dark manifestation entangled in her hand and instantly turned into a huge magic sword.

"This is the elven outfit of my dragon elves'Nid Hogg'-'Dragon Killing Sword'."

Leola whispered lightly, and then raised the magic sword high.

Mu Hantian quickly turned around to avoid the attack, at this moment--


Leola narrowed the distance with Mu Hantian in the blink of an eye.

Just before the magic sword swung down, Mu Hantian quickly jumped away.

In an instant, there was a loud sound of smashing the rock formations.

If Mu Hantian hadn't avoided that blow just now, his body must have been cut in half vertically.Judging from the feeling of her swinging the sword, she was basically planning to put Mu Hantian to death.

Is it because of the influence of the'dragon blood' that Claire said...

Leola's red eyes were shining brightly in the dark night.It was obvious that she had lost most of her sanity and turned into a berserker.

Since the Elf Sword Dance Festival prohibits players from killing each other, the Elves usually deliberately reduce the level of the Elf’s magic outfit and attack the opponent by directly causing damage to the power of the gods.However, Leola in front of him completely wanted to destroy Mu Hantian's body.

"Although I don't know what happened to you, but I can't lose here!"

Mu Hantian exerted his force on the muddy ground, and the guardian god Esther in his hand thrust straight towards Leola.

Leola quickly blocked.

Seeing this, Mu Hantian accelerated his attack speed and kept attacking.

Regarding Mu Hantian's offensive, Leola had no discomfort.Her fluent movement is totally incomprehensible with her slender wrist and the heavy sword.

She should have strengthened her muscular endurance with the wizard magic of the dragon "sex".

"Not enough, not enough! Come...hurry up and make my blood'liquid' boil even more, Mu Hantian!"

Leola turned the defense and sent out a magic sword slash.The magic sword made a loud roar like a dragon, and sprayed a shock wave.

Although this attack is similar to Alice's Wind Blade, its power is incomparable.

Mu Hantian frowned and responded with a sword air.


The result of the two collisions turned out to be offset by each other.It seems that the enhancement of'Dragon Blood' is not just a little bit.

However, even though Leola can gain overwhelming "sex" power when the'dragon blood' works, she will also become unable to calmly think.

At this moment-under a cliff beside the stream in the distance, a huge pillar of fire suddenly ignited.

"That's..." Mu Hantian looked there in astonishment.

You don't need to think about the geographic location to guess that it is the location of Claire and others.

"My men seem to be fighting."

Leola's blood-red "color" eyes released light, and he narrowed the distance between Mu Hantian and Mu Hantian in one breath.

"If you want to protect your partner, don't run away and use all your strength to defeat me!"

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