Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 1063

"Hey! Drink--!"

She swung the long sword with a strong and powerful movement, with a sharp breaking sound in every stroke.

Alice is not forging chain sword skills, but using ritual sword dance to sacrifice to the elves living in the creek.

Alice's serious profile with heroic air is really beautiful.

After the sword dance came to an end, Alice took the sword back to her waist and bowed deeply towards the river.

I saw the water elves with faint light gathered on the water surface, spinning and dancing happily.

The elves seemed quite satisfied with the sword dance presented by Alice.

Alice "Lu" began to wipe her sweat with a relieved expression, and Mu Hantian seized the opportunity to greet her.

"Hi, Alice."

"Han Tian... have you seen everything just now?" Alice turned her head and asked in surprise with her big brown eyes.

"Sorry, I really didn't mean to take a peek."

Mu Han scratched his head and continued to approach Alice.

"Alice's sword dance is really beautiful."

"What! You, you say I...beautiful?"

"Uh... I mean your sword dance. But... it's almost the same, because Alice herself is also beautiful."

Hearing this, Alice blushed immediately.

" frivolous fellow! Come here and sit down and reflect on my knees. I'm going to chop you into an onion and bake it!"

In the blink of an eye, Alice had already drew out the long sword and put the sharp blade on Mu Hantian's neck.

"Why are you suddenly angry?"

"You actually said that I'm beautiful, you don't think so in your heart...!"

"Why, I'm just telling the truth."


The knight leader's face became more and more red, "showing" an expression that hesitated and stopped, not knowing how to respond.

"Then... Then tell me, what are you doing here?... Is it to peep?"

"Don't be stupid, how could it be possible!" Mu Hantian retorted in the first place, and as a result—

"Huh... I knew it. Anyway... Even if I'm taking a bath, I don't see much, right!" Alice turned her head as if she was having a temper, deliberately not looking at Mu Hantian.

"Um, I didn't mean that, I just said that I was not peeping. And, if I saw you bathing, I would die miserably."

"Uh, that... actually... it's not impossible..."

"What are you talking about?" Alice's voice was so low that Mu Hantian didn't hear it clearly.

"Nothing, let's go back."

"it is good."


At this time, the sun has risen high, shining on the entire floating island'Laguna Yishi'——

Mu Hantian and his party had breakfast near the river.

"Anyway, move on before the food cools down."

"I agree with you, Han Tian."

Esther, who was sitting next to Mu Hantian, nodded impatiently.

Everyone used the section of the big tree as a dining table, and put several warm breakfasts on it.

Just right grilled freshly baked bread with a burnt aroma; river fish skewers seasoned with salt; salad made from weeds; pan-fried mushrooms with "milk" oil; and Lauren Frost's family dish chicken soup ——A delicious salty soup cooked with ginger and spices, etc. Every dish looks very delicious.

"Everyone, enjoy. Every one is the self-confidence of this lady." Lin Silei said with her chest proud.

"Wow, this is too rich. Where did these ingredients come from?"

It's impossible to make this luxurious table just using the canned food brought by everyone.

"It was collected by Scarlett and I while we were asleep in the cold."

"The forest of this sanctuary is like a treasure house full of ingredients."

"It sounds like it's almost the same as the Academy's'Elven Forest'...Speaking of which, it's almost impossible to tell that it's a different world here."

Except for many elves living in it, the ecosystem of floating islands is not much different from that of the mainland.

"Han Tian, ​​this is because'Laguna Yishi' is a sanctuary directly under the jurisdiction of the Elf King. You don’t want to think that there are so many Ji witches who serve the Elf King. If the environment makes it difficult for them to live, wouldn’t it? Is it troublesome?"

Feiyana, the former maiden of Ji who once belonged to the "Divine Academy" a few years ago said.

It turns out that this is a special place in the "Elemental Elf World".

"I want to hunt a big fat wild boar back for dinner."

Linsi Lei made a "shoot" bow and arrow gestures.

Originally, hunting was forbidden in the'Sanctuary' under the jurisdiction of the Elf King. Only during the Elf Sword Dance Festival was the ban on hunting specifically lifted.

"I want to go together. Although I am not good at cooking, hunting is my specialty."

"I...I don't like hunting very much. When I think of "shooting" those cute and fluffy animals, I just..."

Alice frowned, took up Scarlett who was eating fish, and held it tightly in her arms.

"Mi? Meow meow!"

Scarlett seemed to be struggling constantly in trouble.

"Alice, let it go quickly... it doesn't like being held by you."

"Um... it's nothing like that! You see, Scarlett and I have such a good relationship!"


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