Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 1065

"To blame, blame yourself for being so reckless to "shoot" people down." Claire shrugged and rolled her eyes.Then he explained: "Keep your eyes open and see clearly, that is a messenger, not a detective elf."

"What messenger?"

Lin Silei frowned in confusion, and Mu Hantian and others also looked closely.

I saw the elf hovering sharply in the sky above the crowd, and then dropped something in his mouth.The object flew lightly in the air, and finally fell on the table; it turned out to be a secret letter.

Claire carefully confirmed that there were no traps in the secret letter before opening the seal to read the text.

"What's written on this?"

"This is an invitation to us to form an alliance."

"Form an alliance?"

Everyone couldn't help but "confused" the ground looking at each other.


This secret letter was sent by the Russell Bell Principality’s representative team, the “Leading Division”.

At the end of the article are the signature of the head of the delegation and the emblem of the coat of arms representing the Duchy of Russell Bell.

"It looks like this heraldic seal is real, I don't think it is a fake."

After reading the secret letter, Fijana, who has studied the official letter, gently put it on the table.

"Russell Bell Principality..." Mu Hantian "groaned" deeply.

Russell Bell Principality-a small emerging country created by a group of radicals who originally belonged to the Kingdom of Holy Lukiah after declaring independence.

The country does not have a long history, and this is only their second time to participate in the'Elves Sword Dance Festival' event.However, this team of girls who used high-ranking holy elves was regarded as a dark horse with considerable potential in this conference.

"The most eye-catching of them is their leader...Mira Pascher."

"If you remember correctly, she participated in the competition at the age of thirteen. She is the youngest elf envoy of this conference, right?"

Hearing Mu Hantian's question, Claire suddenly raised her cheeks and scolded: "Why do you remember other people's information so carefully? You are abnormal!"

"Don't say things that are easy to misunderstand, okay, it's obviously Kleier that you told me to remember." Mu Hantian said silently.

"By the way, Claire, don't you think it's wrong? It's not long before the start of the game. Actually, some teams will start looking for someone to form an alliance at this point in time." Mu Hantian changed the subject in due course.

"You're right... There is something weird in it." Kleier nodded in agreement.

According to the competition rules of "Qunlan "Ran" Dance", there is no restriction that participating teams may not form alliances with each other.

But logically speaking, an alliance is a means of last resort; it is mostly a dangerous move for the defeated teams to survive to the end, not a casual relationship.The reason is simple-even if standing on the common front, only the top four teams can advance in the end.

Looking at the past, when the Elf Sword Dance Festival was carried out with the "Qunlan "Ran" Dance" competition, there were almost no examples of alliances in the early stage.

"This is probably a trap..."

"Yeah... the enemy will definitely set up an ambush, and we will catch it all when we arrive at the negotiation site." Lin Silei agreed with Fiana's opinion.

"But, don't you think it's a bit weird? This technique is too rough, maybe...what happened to us that we didn't know might happen." Krayer couldn't help but guess.

"If this sealed letter is not a trap, I think I can try it out. Regardless of whether or not to form a common front with the other party, the ability to share information is of great value."

Alice is a knight from a martial arts family, and her idea is very practical.

"Furthermore, it is said that all the elf envoys of the'Lee Broken Division' are all powerful holy elf. If they can form an alliance with them, they may be our reliable reinforcement."

"Han Tian, ​​what do you think?"

Claire asked for his opinion, and everyone else focused on Mu Hantian.

"This invitation is indeed very likely to be a trap. However, I think there is still value in going to the appointment. Moreover, our strategic policy has not been drawn up yet-in this case, even if you are caught in the trap, we will adapt to the situation at that time?"

"Student Hantian said so, and I am willing to agree."

Linsele replied, and Alice and Fiyana also nodded in agreement.

"Then... I decided to meet with the'Lee Po Division Group' to discuss matters concerning the alliance."

Claire nodded and finished speaking, stretched out his hand and placed it above the end of the letter where the coat of arms of the Principality was printed.

She chanted the spell of the Elf in a low voice, and the heraldic seal burned at the sound, becoming a little flame elf.

It turned out that Claire was liberating the guide elves that were sealed in the seal.

It is a kind of the most inferior elves, which can only perform simple tasks such as leading people; but because of its convenience, many elves use it to communicate with each other.

"The negotiating place designated by the other party is about two hours walk away from here."

"Do they have a designated number?"

"That's not the case. But, we can't all five of us go there together?"

"That's right..."

If other teams attacked when the "base" was weak, I couldn't imagine how miserable the situation would be.

In addition, the whole team of people walking in the forest is not only too arrogant, but also makes the negotiating partner extra vigilant towards us.

"I'll go alone." Mu Hantian said.

"How can it be! Not what I like to say, as a male "sex", you will go to the appointment alone, and you will only be more strictly guarded. Your terrible rumors have long traveled across oceans and become scandals spreading across the world. Up."

"Huh? What are you talking about? What scandal?"

"You do not know?"

"Uh, I guessed it from your tone." Mu Hantian lowered his throat and let out a low "groan" of displeasure.

"This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is... with your character, who... who knows if you will let the girls of the'Lead Breaking Division' unknowingly obey you. Well... let me remind you that it is a crime to attack a 13-year-old girl."

"What are you thinking about all day long!" Mu Hantian complained, half-rolling his eyes.

"Huh huh, having said that, Han Tian's strength is indeed high; considering that it may be a trap, he will travel with him... Hmm, it's safer to take a bodyguard."

Having said that, Claire cleared his throat and continued to declare: "So, so, Han Tian, ​​he must accompany me as a negotiator to the appointment!"

"Wait, why is the conclusion like this?"

Alice protested sharply.

"You are too cunning to sneak away like this!"

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