Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 1072

" monster!" a knight hissed while raising the elven magic outfit that transformed into a battle axe to meet the enemy.

She is exactly Yuli Ashid, the deputy leader of the Dragon King Knights of the Dragon Principality of Doragunya.

Since the Dragon King Knights launched a large-scale battle on the first day, other teams were slowed down in the construction of the stronghold; now they are still wandering in the forest looking for a place to stay.

Teams without a stronghold are often regarded as the best prey; they have also been attacked several times during the march, but the bold attackers were defeated by the dragon knight's counterattack.

Unexpectedly, the enemy who launched an attack on a group of people for the third time has a world of abilities different from the previous guys.

"Master Leola! This guy... he is not a normal elf!"

"Everyone, be careful of his black "color" chains! He seems to use that thing to absorb divine power!"

Leola Lancaster raised his sword to meet the enemy, and while galloping, he did not forget to give orders to his men.

Four dragon knights surrounded the black knight who had blended with the darkness of the night. Leola seized the opportunity and swung his sword at him boldly.

The sound of the intersecting weapons echoed loudly.

The black knight and the dragon knight fought fiercely against each other.

"It's amazing... I didn't expect that in addition to the strongest sword dancer, there is such a high-powered player hidden in secret——" Leola exclaimed in surprise.

It stands to reason that her elven magic outfit "Dragon Killing Sacred Sword"—it should be the most powerful elven magic weapon worthy of its name.

Now the sword she swung down was bounced away by the dark magic sword.

And as the number of wars between the two sides increased, the sharpness of the Dragon Killing Sword gradually weakened.

"This is a magic sword that is secretly "sex". It can actually weaken my "Dragon Killing Sacred Sword". It's terrible. But... can you survive this trick?"

Leola straightened the sword to block the slash of the black magic sword... and quickly used the magic magic to attack the opponent.

"Be afraid of the roar of the flying dragon!'Dragon Flame Flash'!"

I saw a hot red flash directly hitting the black knight's helmet.

"Take advantage of this, all assault!"

After the deputy commander gave an order, the dragon knights surged forward.

Although their strength is not as good as Leola, all of them are outstanding knights who can count as a thousand.

Everyone's elves and magic weapons attacked from the four directions and penetrated the armor of the black knight at the same time!


Yuli just cheered happily, and in an instant...From the gap in the black knight's armor, countless black chains were shot out like tentacles.


The dragon knights were pierced with black chains through their chests, and then they were thrown to the ground.

After absorbing the huge divine power of the girls, Neptune Loya trembled and made a terrifying roar like expressing ecstasy.

"How can this...reason...!"

"We obviously have used the elves to penetrate his armor..."

The dragon knight girls who were captured by the chains lost consciousness.

"Asshole, you monster--!"

Leola hurriedly used the'Dragon Killing Sword' to cut the black chains.

"Don't underestimate Doragunia's flying dragon...!"

Leola condensed the power of the whole body into her elven magic outfit, and launched a surprise attack.

While suppressing the huge body of the black knight with her own strength, she shouted at the deputy commander behind her: "Yuli! Let everyone prepare to retreat-this thing is a foreign object that deviates from the norm!"

"However, we are the proud dragon knights of Doragunia, how can we retreat for the sake of a mere elf——"

"Don't take a snapshot yet! Do you want us to be wiped out!"

"Observe, obey!"

Leola is worthy of being the Ji witch who inherited the blood of the flying dragon. She has a very outstanding intuition; only by relying on the hand of the opponent to count the swords, she can detect with her senses that the black knight in front of her is beyond common sense.

The black knight-Nirvana Roja roared through his armor.A grudge that was obviously stronger than before emerged from him.

Yuli summoned the fire dragon spirit'Ridome' and carried the unconscious teammates behind it, and the two who could maintain their consciousness also straddle their dragon spirits.

Seeing that the preparations were in place, Leola unfolded the'Dragon Killing Sword' and restored it to the form of the black dragon'Ned Hogg', and quickly rode on its back.

Nirvana Roja swept the magic sword in his hand, and shot a black thunder from the tip of the sword.

"All retreat!"

Leola shouted loudly, and the Dragon King Knights quickly evacuated at the same time in an orderly manner.

The black "color" thunder flashes immediately, and the vegetation in the forest turns to ashes.

However, Leola and others were no longer visible where the attack hit.

The knights bred by Doragunia through rigorous training showed a perfect retreat.

In the drooping forest at night, only Nirvana Roja with bright red eyes remained.

Thousandth and Thirty-third Chapter Night Attack

The fire spirit ore buried shallowly on the ground exudes a crimson light.

Mu Hantian, Kleier, and Mira found a rock of a moderate size and were hiding in the rock shelter to keep warm.Unlike ordinary campfires, this kind of elven ore that seals the elves on fire is extremely concealed, and does not produce flames or smoke, which is quite convenient.

"Cold sky, aren't you cold?"

At this time, Esther returned to the appearance of a girl, clinging to Mu Hantian's arm tightly.

"Hmm, I'm fine."

Mu Hantian reached out and gently stroked Esther's head, and she squinted comfortably.

"Ester is true, every time she sneaks away." Restia, who also turned into a human form, showed an unhappy expression.

"Cold weather, you are so warm..."

As for Restia's words, Esther didn't care.She snuggled against Mu Hantian's arm with her breakable cheek and rubbed it back and forth.

Mila and Claire sat across from the three of them, looking at Mu Hantian with a cold expression.

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