Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 1079

"Yes, they are the team that was hired to use this item of mine; without the'Leader Broken Division', they would not be able to use the elves in the eyes of Summoning Demon."

In other words... Mira alone could not derive the power of the elves.

"I said it is true that I hold the spirit of the holy "sex"... But I can't use its power."

"You said something lied to me, but this is what you meant."

If you form an alliance with Mira, who calls the holy spirit of "sex", you can have the upper hand in dealing with Nirvana Roja——

This is the exchange of benefits she proposed to us when negotiating alliance matters; now, since that elf can't be used, it is tantamount to completely overturning the strategy originally formulated by Mu Hantian and others.

"Sorry, because I have to win this'Elven Sword Dance Festival' anyway, that's why I made the best move; this is the mission given to me by the country-I was nurtured and grown up as a prop."

After the'Liebei Division' failed to form an army, she still struggled to win after losing everything.

Because only winning can prove the value of Mira Pascher’s life.

"It doesn't matter, because that is your way of fighting." Mu Hantian gently put his hand on Mila's head.

"cold day?"

"This alliance is a victory you won with your own strength. You should be proud." Mu Hantian gently stroked Mila's dark coffee "color" hair.

Suddenly... Mu Hantian heard movement in his ear.That was the sound of the destruction of the barrier that Fiana had built.


Not far away, a group of dark shadows quietly appeared in the quiet forest that was drooping at night.

It was Nirvana Roja, a black knight with a vicious and ominous aura.

After absorbing the divine power of countless elves, the presenter of the demon's mind...has become a veritable monster.


The elves living in the forest sensed the arrival of the invaders, and they kept moving.

"Cold sky?" Mira asked worriedly, frowning.

"Hmm. This breath... is that guy." Mu Hantian replied concisely.

Who is the opponent who is about to visit? Don't even think about it.

"Mila, do me a favor... Run to see Claire and the others."

Mu Hantian quickly changed into his uniform and picked up the double swords that were still in sleep mode.

"Then Hantian you?"

"Leave that guy to me."

"Do you want to fight against that Nirvana Roja with your own strength?"

"Go on--!"

Mira nodded, and then immediately sent her feet to the tent camp and ran away.

The first thousand and thirty-eight chapters are strange

The feeling of anxiety in the air almost scorched the skin; the trees in the forest were smashed and felled; the elves who were in charge of defending the'stronghold' were swallowed by the huge darkness and dissipated without a trace.

At this moment-suddenly there was a bitter roar that made the earth shake.

"come yet……"

Mu Hantian squeezed the'Devil Demon Sacred Sword' tightly, and the guardian god Esther emitted a silvery white radiance, illuminating the dark night.

Nirvana, Roja tore through the high walls of trees on the road, and finally appeared in front of Mu Hantian.

The elf envoy covered in jet black armor-Nirvana Loya.

"Although I don't know what your purpose is, but since you are my enemy, then kill you here!"

Nirvana Roja did not reply, and seemed to be disdainful.In the next second, there was an extra black magic sword in his hand.

The big sword was full of evil and strange aura, like a violently flaring black "color" underworld.

"Ester, let's go!"

'Devil Demon Sacred Sword' responded to Mu Hantian's call, bursting with a dazzling silver-white color.


Mira was running hard in the forest, and the elves all around looked quite disturbed.

Her destination was the center of the'stronghold' where Claire and others were-but they should have been aware of this emergency.

At this time, she suddenly saw a fire cat with intense inflammation running out of the forest in the opposite direction.

If you remember correctly, it should be Kraer's contracted spirit Scarlett.


Seeing her stopped, the other party spoke to Mira first.

Appearing from the darkness were Claire, Alice, and Linsley. They all unfolded their elves into weapon forms, ready to fight at any time.

"Where is Hantian? Is there anything wrong?" Kleier panted and adjusted her breath, and eagerly asked Mu Hantian about his safety.

"He is fighting Nirvana Roja alone."

"What are you talking about!" Kraer and the others stared at each other in astonishment.

"Hurry up and tell us where the location is, and we have to fight together!"

"Fight together?" Mira couldn't help frowning in doubt...what the hell was this girl talking about?

"Yes, that guy is not an opponent Han Tian can handle alone."

"If you don't hurry up, Hantian will definitely be beaten by him!"

Both Alice and Linsele couldn't conceal their nervous and anxious emotions, and they rushed forward.


Mira agrees that several of them are quite good elf envoys.

However, even if they rushed to the scene, they would definitely not be able to help Mu Hantian, instead they might hinder him.

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