Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 1085

The first thousand and forty-two chapters exit

Bande Loya raised the Dark Demon Sword, and Mu Hantian rushed towards him.

Suddenly, the Dark Demon Sword made a sound, bursting out a flash of'declared dark thunder'.

The lightning strike with maximum power without thinking is undoubtedly a false move to contain.

It was easy to dodge this blow - but Mu Hantian did not evade, stepping steadily, planning to face it head-on.

"Han Tian, ​​are you crazy?" Claire cried out in surprise.

Mu Hantian proudly raised the corners of his mouth and shook his hands tightly.

"Don't worry, something like this... doesn't threaten me at all."

With that said, Mu Hantian used the "Devil Demon Sacred Sword" in his right hand to split the black lightning strike open.

"Um oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh! "

Mu Hantian roared loudly, and then used a series of sharp and continuous slashes.

The'Holy Sword of Demon Demon' and the'Sword of Penetrating Reality' constantly clashed with the huge magic sword, smashing fierce sparks.

Mu Hantian's high-speed combo made Nirvana Roya too late to regenerate, and the dark polymer that had originally condensed into a human form gradually collapsed and collapsed.

"End this battle!"

Mu Hantian squeezed both swords tightly and put on the next attack position.

It is an offensive that abandons all defenses and is full of flaws.

Nirvana Loya's arm disintegrated into an ugly black "color" block polymer, snatching into Mu Hantian's eyes.

But Mu Hantian had unshakable confidence in his heart.His trust in these good partners makes him fearless.

"Cold Bingfang, go through the enemy-'Magic Ice Bolt'!"

Countless ice bullets that "fired" from the sky from a distance.

The wrist stretched towards Mu Hantian was frozen by the magic ice, stabbed on the ground and could not move.

Nirvana Roja roared, planning to knock down Mu Hantian with his body.but--

"Watcher of the sleepless furnace, liberate your anger-'Purgatory Binding'!"

The flaming whip of flame turned into a spiral flame cord, which bound Nirvana Roja's body.

The black "colored" polymer instantly stopped moving - Mu Hantian grasped the flaw in this moment and snatched into him.

Mu Hantian sank his body and kicked the ground vigorously and jumped high——

"Majestic gale, give the brave soldiers extra protection-'Tianxiang Wind Wing'!"

Mu Hantian's leaping body was pushed higher by Alice's magical wind.

Mu Hantian raised his sword and shoveled up Nimband Loya's huge body, while "showing" a proud smile.

In an instant, Mu Hantian suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

"'The Underworld-Dance of the Wing Blade!'"

Countless sword beams criss-crossed the dark night sky.

Mu Hantian performed a wave of 16 consecutive cuts in midair.

The dark polymer that was already inhuman form-Nirvana Roja's body-was chopped off and gradually collapsed.

Nibband Loya, who had turned into a black sludge, fell to the ground, causing a rumbling sound; although he barely maintained a shape close to a human, his movements had become sluggish.

He raised a hand that seemed to break at any time, and wanted to swing the magic sword of darkness.but--

"Cold Queen of Steel, the holy sword for slaying demons and slayers!"

A mantra recited in Elvish was heard in the air.

"Bloom the glory of sanctions and destroy the enemy for me!"

The'Devil Demon Sacred Sword' that fell with Mu Hantian penetrated the black polymer.

The fierce flashes that filled the entire range of sight burst out immediately.

At this moment, Nirvana Roja's body was completely wiped out.


After yesterday's fierce battle, one night passed.The next day, after everyone had a simple breakfast-Mira Pachet made an abrupt announcement.

"Mira... did you really decide to do this?"

"My heart is determined."

Everyone sat around the dining table and looked at Mira; under the eyes of everyone’s attention, she slowly nodded and said, “Now I have lost the “Holy King Master Group” sealed in my “eyes”. Sacrifice the power of victory."

Summoning elves using the ground veins of the'base' is originally a reluctant action.

Mira's amber "colored" left eye was cracked as a result, and it had lost its original brilliance.

She was no longer an elf ambassador, and she made a choice...that was to take the initiative to abstain and exit the stage of the elf sword dance festival.

"But...what should you do from now on?" Claire asked.

After Mira loses her status as an elf, is there still a place to go back?

"Because I betrayed the expectation that my motherland gave me, so I can no longer return to Russell Bell Principality... But please don't worry about me, I will definitely find my own value again."

Although her expression was still very blunt, she could hear a cheerful feeling in her tone.

"If you don't dislike it, you can come to my house. I am willing to hire you to be the maid of Lauren Frost's house." Linsele said, closing her hair.

"I advise you not to. Lauren Frost is not only a country place, but also incredibly cold. Leave her alone and come to our house. After I revive the Elstein family, I always need Someone helps."

"You, what did you say!" Lin Silei glared at Claire.

"Thank you, I will keep it in mind." Mira nodded to the two of them.

"Hehe... Otherwise, you can also consider living with Han Tian and me!"

"Hey! What's the matter with you saying'living with Hantian'!"

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