Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 1093

The girl's unique sweetness made Mu Hantian blush.

In an instant...

"Wow! It's hot!"

The firewood of the campfire burst open unexpectedly.

"Hey hey hey! Do you want to do something good while "chaos"? Be careful I burn you into coke!"


I don't know where came a fairly familiar line... Is that Claire's voice?

Mu Hantian looked around, but did not see Claire's figure.


"Really, it's all because you said you can ask for clues without leaving a trace, so I left it to you."

It turned out to be speaking in Claire's voice—it was the salamander sitting in the campfire.

"K...Krell? No, have you been looking at us since the beginning?" Alice yelled with a flushed face.

"What's the matter?" Mu Hantian asked the salamander in the firewood.

"This salamander is my servant elf. I let it share senses with me, in case you two mess up!"

"Who...who would do that kind of thing!"

"Oh, I can't guarantee that."

The salamander stared at the two with suspicious eyes.Upon seeing this-

"Han Tian is right! I...I'm not thinking about things that make people blush and heartbeat..."

Alice played with her fingers coyly, while staggering her eyes for no apparent reason, looking far away.


"——The Sword Saint, my knight who serves the Emperor of the Son of Man!"

In a small clearing in the forest, a fierce gust of wind blew.

"——Fulfill the blood contract here, become the guardian sword, come to me!"

The girl's poor lips chanted the technique of liberating the contract spirit.

The black and beautiful hair was blown by the strong wind, and the elves imprinted on the girl's chest also bloomed with dazzling light.

——In an instant, the pure brilliance burst out, and the girl summoned a knight in armor out of thin air.

A heavy silver "color" heavy armor, reflecting a dazzling brilliance in the moonlight spilt between the branches.

He is'Geochius', a high-ranking knight spirit who has served the royal family of the Odesian Empire for generations.

Fiana stretched out her hand to caress the knight's cold armor, raised her head, and said in an urgent tone: "'Geochius'... please, be my strength!"

She closed her eyes intently, and again chanted the sentence written in Elvish language.

"——Your sword is my strength, and your shield protects my body. Let us expose the infinite light and drive away the darkness!"

Following the chant, the knight elf burst out fierce rays of light, and a stern whirlwind blew up nearby.

This is a phenomenon caused when powerful elves are liberated and their power increases to the critical point of the explosion.

"Goo ah ah... uh... ah ah ah..."

The burning pain caused Fiyana to cry out hoarse screams from deep in her throat.

She couldn't control the elves' out-of-control power smoothly, and a situation of divine might happened in her body.

"Please, listen to me obediently!"

Only the elves who can use the'elf outfit' as they like can exert their true power.

However, there are not many elves who can successfully expand the contract elves into the form of elves.

It seems that Kraer and the others can use the elven magic outfit with no effort, but behind it, it must undergo years of intensive training and innate aptitude assistance.As an alternate candidate for the former'Elf Girl', Feiyana can be outstanding.However, even with her talents, she couldn't learn to use the'elven magic outfit' overnight.

"I want to fight with Han Tian and everyone!"

As if responding to Fiana's emotionless call--

The knight elves are unincarnate and become particles of light floating in the void.

"Very good, that's it. Work harder...!"

Fiery sparks burst into Fiana's brain.She described the sword in her heart-a sword that can cut everything.

Suddenly, the manifested mentality gradually condensed in the palm of her clenched palm.

I don't know the moment before you're done--

"Hmm! Ahhhhhhhh!"

The almost condensed light burst out suddenly, and an invisible reaction force suddenly pushed out.

Fijana was thrown away severely.

The failure of the elf magic outfit's expansion technique caused the divine power to flow back, turning it into an impact and feedback on the surgeon.


Fijana firmly grasped the soil on the ground, her lips trembling.

In the end, even with the assistance of the magic square, she still couldn't make the elf magic outfit appear smoothly.

"Why can't I do it!"

I want to be stronger.I don't want to be the princess who will always live under the protection of others.

"Not yet...I won't give up yet. Try again—"

Fijana bit her lips tightly, landed on her knees again, and stood up staggeringly...

The first thousand and forty-eight chapters the battle begins

When dawn broke, Mu Hantian closed his eyes and rested for a while, and then began to prepare for the battle.

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