Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 1097

Just when she wanted to seize the enemy's weapon--

"Idiot! Do you think there is a way to catch the ever-changing currents!"

The water blade disappeared without a trace.Then Lao Ling turned the long handle of the Qinglong Sword upside down, and then regenerated the blade on the other end.

"Big sister, it's our turn to attack next!"

Bai Ya, who was holding a large shield, took advantage of the gap where Claire retracted the whip of flame and threw herself at her.

It turned out that it was not a shield for body protection-but a fighting weapon for close combat.

"Earth! Release your majestic roar—'Land Crush Thunder'!"

Bai Ya shouted loudly, and slammed the ground with the shield of the elves.

What she launched was a magic trick that was "sex".The earth swelled, and a lot of dust was flying in the sky; the main purpose of this attack was not to strike the enemy, but to block the enemy's sight.

"Eat my trick! The fiery fire—"

"too slow!"

Claire originally wanted to preemptively use the flame ball, but Bai Ya rushed to her in front of her instantly.

She snatched into Claire's arms in an instant, and attacked Claire's heart with no mercy.


The heavy impact made Claire almost fainted. It seemed that Bai Ya and Xiao Fu were both masters of assassination boxing.

Bai Ya took advantage of the victory and wanted to attack the Claire floating in the air. At this time, Linselei's Ice Arrow hit her head on, blocking her movement.

She didn't seem to want the big shield to be frozen by magic ice, so she used avoidance instead of defense.Claire also took advantage of this gap to re-position the opponent's frame, waving the whip of flame to contain the opponent's actions.

"Miss Huomao, you are too naive."


'Suzaku'-Li Ou holding a bright red "color" single stick, grabbing the flame whip "flurry" and snatching into Kleier's defense range.

With one hand, she played with the stick of the elf demon outfit, and the flaming whip of flame was wrapped around the stick.

"How is it possible! You actually absorbed Scarlett's flame...!"

"Hehe...because my sacred beast spirit'Suzaku' is an spirit of the flame type "sex"!"

As soon as the bright red "color" stick held by Li Ou let go, it immediately turned into a fiery burning flame demon bird.

The demon bird became huge after absorbing Scarlet's flame, and then fluttered into the sky.

"Tsk...deserves to be the famous beast spirit...!"

"The opponent's proficiency in joint attacks is better than ours."

Claire and Alice were double-teamed by the three members of the "Four Gods" and naturally fell into a back-to-back dilemma.

For us, the situation was overwhelmingly unfavorable.Claire and the others tacitly attacked the enemy’s lower abdomen and back. Mu Hantian, who was the attacker, was again restrained by Xiao Fu; although Lin Fei did not look like a frontline combat player, she was a master of ritual magic like her. Most of them have contracts with powerful elves, and if you let them go, they will have many dreams.

Fayana, please catch up...!

Claire quietly glanced at Fiyana from the corner of her eye, who was performing a ceremonial dance behind her.

The first thousand and fifty chapters of sudden changes

"Many elves stretching across the earth! Please respond to my call!"

On the battlefield, the sound of the intersecting forces is endless.At some distance from the front line, Feiyana is trying to dance the ceremonial Kagura dance.

She deserves to be the former candidate of the'Elven Ji', Ji Miao, her performance is not only magnificent, but her movements are unhindered.

"Ying" in Chu Chu's poor lips chanted the elves of sacrifice to the earth elves.

"——I beg you for shelter and praise you for power..."

The graceful dance is almost like a queen on the battlefield.However, contrary to the graceful movements, her mood was actually in a mess.

In the distance, Mu Hantian was still fighting with Xiao Fu, fighting fiercely.

Fijana suppressed the cry of her heart and continued to use her dance to sacrifice.

It's not just Mu Hantian, everyone in the'Scarlet' team is fighting hard at this moment.

The sound of weapons colliding in her ears from time to time made Feiyana feel anxious like a fire.

Suddenly, Fijana suddenly felt that her body became very light.

This is a phenomenon in which the elves of the earth respond to the ritual dances she sacrificed.


She landed gracefully on the ground, and a brilliant magic square immediately appeared near her feet.

The ritual dance performed by Feiyana just now has the effect of inviting the earth to bless the dancers and the partners who have a deep friendship with the dancers.

"The fourth style of ritual Kagura-'Rongguang Hymn'!"


The high-pitched sound of metal interplay echoed in the forest area——

Mu Hantian's "Devil Devil Sacred Sword" and Xiao Fu's "Shen Huya" were colliding fierce sparks.

"You guy is really amazing!"

It was Xiao Fu who couldn't restrain the anxiety and took the lead.She saw her boxing punches with swift speed being repeatedly bounced back, and Mu Hantian could see through her ever-changing body style.

"Then what about this trick—'Wang Ya roar'!" Xiao Fu hissed.

'Shenhuya' then "shot" a shock wave of "sex" in the wind.This force blew the careless Mu Hantian into the air.

"You guy, you still have a long-range move."

"This is a killer's trick!"

Xiao Fu "Lu" raised the corners of his mouth ferociously, and leaped towards Mu Hantian lightly like a beast.

Mu Hantian stood up instantly, blocking the attack at the moment of his death.

"You don't have such good luck this time!"

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