Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 1104

Fijana looked back in astonishment and found that--

"Really, you seem to have been restless, it turns out that's the case."


After Claire appeared, she looked at Feyana with a serious expression.

"Why did you come here?"

"I originally wanted to give you the herbal'medicine' that relieves fatigue, but I happened to see you walking out of the tent, feeling something was not right, so I followed."

"Originally thought you were thinking about something, but I didn't expect - you are actually trying to unfold the'elf outfit'. Do you know how dangerous this kind of reckless behavior is?"

Claire slowly stepped forward and continued: "The'elf outfit' is not something that can be used freely by short-term training. Even if you force the contract elves to yield, you will not be able to successfully perform it; only the contract When the elves fully open their heart to you, they will have their own ready-made armed form that is most suitable for the owner. Fijana, you have just recovered the power to call the contract elves, so you should not rush to check the results first, and slowly develop a deep understanding The fetters are the best policy."

Claire's expression is very serious and serious.

The families of Alice and Linsele have been aristocrats and celebrities who have served the imperial royal family for generations, so when facing Fiana, who has the status of a royal family, they will be more polite.But the Claire family has been deprived of the title, so she will have an unreserved attitude towards Fijana.

"This...this is the truth, I don't need you to say it, I know it!" Feiyana said angrily.

She understood that Claire was really worried about herself, but she still couldn't control the negative emotions she wanted to refute.

"Although I don't understand why you are so anxious, I don't think you need to try to get to the next level. We all rely on Fiana's ceremonial dance. Besides, the trump card of Hantian is still in the team. . Even if I usually criticize him, he is really strong and messed up—"

"You mean, are you planning to rely on Hantian's power all the time?" Feyana interrupted with a sharp tone.

"You...what are you doing? I didn't mean that."

"Do you know? I don't want to be a useless princess who can only hide behind him and let him guard."

Fijana shook her head quietly, and then said, "I like cold weather!"

She stared into Claire's eyes and declared provocatively.

"So I want to be strong, strong enough to stand by his side and fight alongside him."

"This... this way..."

Hearing that, Claire couldn't help showing a swayed look on her face; although Fijana usually expresses her goodwill for the gods, but this is the first time Claire has seen her. Seriously confess with such a direct attitude.

"Claire, I'm going back first."

Fijana shook her head silently, and turned her back to Claire.

"Hey... Fiana, wait! I have something to say to you—"

The door framed by the hedge closed as if it was deliberately interrupting Claire's call.


Feiyana walked quickly in the woods, the cold night breeze blowing on her hot cheeks, slightly cooling her floating mood.

"I have to go back to the camp quickly."

Many ferocious elves wandered in the low-night forest.Although within the scope of enchantment protection, absolute safety is still not guaranteed.

Suddenly, there was a terrifying beast barking and roaring in the distance, and Feyana could not help shivering with fright.

Just at this time……

"Fiyana, so you are here."


She raised her head in surprise and found--

"Han Tian? You... why did you come here?"

"Because the forest at night is too dangerous, I am worried about Fiiana, so I came out to look for you."

" don't have to worry about it so much." Fiana was so embarrassed that her ears were red.

"Eh...Fyana, are you free now?"

"Huh...? Hmm, I'm free...what's the matter?"

"I mean, I want to take a walk with you to see the night scene. Look...Isn't there a small pond with a unique "color" not far away? Many luminous water elves will gather there after nightfall."

"This...! Um, now... now it's..."

Fiana swallowed nervously and continued, "Is this dating me?"

"Dating...? Well, it should be considered." Mu Hantian responded with a wry smile and shrugged.

This is the first time that Hantian has actively invited herself in private...Fiyana couldn't help but bump into the deer.

"Yes, but..."

However, she immediately regained her senses, shook her head and said, "This is no good. Although I feel it's a pity, it's still too dangerous to rush out of the Enchantment like this—"

Right now during the'Elves Sword Dance Festival' competition, even the slightest dangerous "sex" cannot be ignored.

"What are you afraid of, I will protect you by the side."

Mu Hantian smiled softly and stretched out his palm towards her.

"No, you are not Hantian!" Feiyana scolded, hurriedly away from the person in front of her.

"Fei...Fyana? What's the matter with you?"

"who are you?"

"what are you talking about?"

"I know Hantian's "sex" very well. It is absolutely impossible for him to say that kind of thing just now!"

Feiyana "showed" a stern look, staring at the young man in front of him-something with Mu Hantian's appearance.

"Hehe, there really are two brushes."

The tone of the boy-no, even the tone of speech has changed.

"I have obviously performed a mild hypnotic trick on you, but I didn't expect to be seen through... It's really shameless."

At this moment, Mu Hantian's figure was suddenly distorted and transformed into a young girl.

The girl wears brightly colored blue hair and is wrapped in sensational dancer-like costumes.

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