Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 1108

——At this moment.

"It's really surprising, I didn't expect to meet you here."


The two heard the words in the dark night "color", and couldn't help trembling at it, and immediately put on a posture to meet the enemy.

"How could it be! We didn't feel the breath of those who came."

With the facts before her eyes, Claire was alert that things were not going well, and the alarm bell rang in her heart.

"Who is there?" Linsele shouted sharply.Then he unfolded the magic bow of the elven magic outfit in his hand.Without waiting for the opponent to answer, he immediately "shot" an arrow as a containment attack.

The Ice Arrow shot out, dragging a tail like a comet in mid-air.

"Your education needs to be strengthened, Miss Lauren Frost."

A flash of red lotus flame sprang up in the darkness, which instantly swallowed the attack of Ice Arrow.

The flame fluttered, illuminating the figure hidden in the darkness.

"Um! are...!"

Seeing the other party's face, Klei's back flashed a bit of cold.


Linselei also kept the posture of "shooting" and froze in place.

Under the red lotus flames, a bright red "color" mask emerged from the night "color".Dark hair fluttered in the hot wind.

"You are...Lian Ashbel——!"

Claire murmured the name as if desperately.

How come, why does she appear here?

Doubts appeared in his mind.

However, there is no such leisure time to think about reasons.The facts are looming, and at this moment, the strongest elf envoy of this'Elven Sword Dance Festival' appears in front of him.

"What should I do, how should I deal with it now?"

Claire's cold sweat slipped on her feet.

There is no way to go head-to-head with her, so the only choice left is to see if we can find a chance to escape.At this moment, Claire suddenly noticed something.

Regarding the reason why'The Strongest Sword Dancer' appeared here at this time.

So far, the'Apostle of Purgatory' has taken the initiative to find the'Scarlet Team' in trouble several times.

If there is nothing strange about it... it may not be too optimistic.

"Could it be that you are the murderer behind the kidnapping of Feyana!" Claire asked harshly, enduring the fear that the powerful presence in front of her brought to her.

"You said I kidnapped the princess of the Odesian Empire?"

"No... isn't it? Yi Rong turned into Han Tian's appearance... It's a good thing you did, right!"

There was a few seconds of silence between the two parties--

"That's it, I understand."

Lin Ahubel nodded and "groaned," as if she had come to the answer in her heart.

"Abominable witch, do you want to take the lead in claiming credit-or is this also instigated by the Yale Fas "snake" party?"

"Don't fight with me."

Claire summoned a fire cat carrying a fiery flame at her feet.

In fact, she didn't think that doing so would have the slightest deterrent effect on Lin Ashubel.

Just as Scarlett showed up--

"Oh, interesting—"

Lian Akhubel suddenly said in a thought-provoking tone: "It turned out to be the'Burning Silver Warrior' inherited from the Elstein family, but it's really not the spirit you deserve now."

"what did you say?"

Lian Ashbel muttered to herself unfamiliar words, and then—"Interesting, let me play with you."

From her right hand wearing white "color" gloves, a small amount of flame ignited.

"Hmm!" Kreil bit her lips tightly.

"Claire, what should I do now?"

"What else can I do, I have to bite the bullet!"

If she gets serious, no matter what, they won't be able to get back together.

"Hey, if you want to, maybe you can find a chance to escape while I'm fighting."

"Oh, let this young lady be happy with that boring joke."

Lin Silei made up her mind, shook her head resolutely and set up a bow of magic ice in her hand.

"Lin Silei, thanks."

Claire thanked her childhood friend next to her with a volume that was so weak that she could hardly hear her. Then, she turned her gaze back to the front, facing the light that exists in the same space, it exudes a sense of stern oppression-the strongest Elves.

She didn't see the slightest chance of winning in her eyes, nor could she see the way to escape.Maybe he will lose the "Magic Stone" here, maybe be eliminated from the game.

But she firmly believes that Mu Hantian and the others will replace themselves and win the final day of the'Elves Sword Dance Festival'.

——With the faith in his heart, Claire made a consciousness.Now that she had enlightenment in her heart, she was no longer fearless.

"Lian Akhubel, can I ask you something?" Claire started.

"What's the matter?"

"Are you...really that Lian Ashubel?"

"Why do you ask?"

Claire stared at the red eyes hidden under the mask.

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