Magical comprehensive travel

A Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 140

The team that appeared on the square unsurprisingly attracted the attention of a few players present, because, looking at the discipline "sex" and costume of the other party, it was obvious that they were members of a guild!

When the last player walked out of the transfer door, a team of about fifty people had already been discharged in front of the square. They were all wearing white-bottomed and red-edged armor-style uniforms, and there was a sign on their shoulders. A majestic cloak, this costume, in the entire'sao', there is only one guild talent!

'Knights of the Blood Alliance'

Not long after, a beautiful chestnut-haired girl in a flowing skirt uniform also walked out from behind the transfer door, behind which was followed by a follower with a ponytail and a skull face.

One is beautiful to the extreme, and the other is very ugly. Between the beauty and the ugliness, the impact on people is undoubtedly great. Such a sharp contrast, I believe that if you change someone, I am afraid that this will really dare not follow the former. Behind him, this person has a full face for granted, without the slightest self-knowledge.

When seeing the former walk out of the transfer gate, the'Knights of the Blood Alliance' team in the square immediately held their heads up.

"Master Asuna!"

Asuna nodded gently, which was a response to her subordinates.

At this time, Asuna was a bit more majestic than usual, and the expression on her face was serious, which made her beautiful face add a cool "color", which made people feel inferior and afraid to approach.

In front of outsiders, Asuna will always look cold and cold, completely different from the smile in front of Mu Hantian all the time.

Among these people in front of me, some have known Asuna even since she entered the "Knights of the Blood Alliance". But in Asuna's eyes, these people will always be outsiders, including the Knights of the Blood Alliance. The head of the regiment.

Mu Hantian counts as one, Liz counts as one, and Kirito counts as one that can really make Asuna treat her sincerely. As for the others, it seems that they are gone.

Today, the reason why Asuna brought people from the "Blood Alliance Knights" here is to challenge the "Mystery" palace area!

Now, the monsters above the 70th floor are different from the past, and the difficulty has increased a lot. The monsters in the "Mission" area are even more so. Therefore, Asuna will bring so many people to challenge the "Mission" area. The purpose is to "feel" the specific strength of the monsters in the 74th floor "Mystery" palace area, so that I have a bottom in my heart, so that there is not a shortage of manpower at a critical time, and the trouble will be great.

Asuna glanced around at all the members of the "Knights of the Blood Alliance", wherever they looked, the members of the "Knights of the Blood Alliance" stood tall, their faces radiant, just for the Asuna-sama whom she liked. Leave a good impression in front of him, but only a faint gaze in exchange.

"Let's go." Asuna said softly.


Just as the people of the'Blood Alliance Knights' collectively walked towards the direction of the "Mission" palace area, a figure came head-on from the front, making everyone in the'Blood Alliance Knights' stand still and stagnated on the spot.

"That's..." a person cried out in surprise."It's'blue'color' brilliance'"

The "Knights of the Blood Alliance" were all in a "chaos" and looked at each other. Obviously they did not expect to see this legendary character here.

Unlike others, Asuna was stunned for a moment, and then the cold "color" on her face melted abruptly, and a trace of smile emerged from the corner of her mouth, but when the chowder rabbit in Mu Hantian's hand was printed in her eyes , This smile froze.

"Huh?" At this time, Mu Hantian also noticed the'Blood Alliance Knights' blocking the road ahead, and also noticed Asuna.

"Oh, Asuna..." Mu Hantian raised the rabbit's hand, seemingly saying hello."Are you here too?"

Hearing Mu Hantian's words, Asuna completely ignored her, and a pair of chestnut-colored eyes moved with the hand that raised the chowder rabbit, full of excitement.

Seeing Asuna's appearance, Mu Hantian was stunned, and when he reacted, he cursed inwardly.


Chapter 227: Klatil

Since she often invites Asuna to eat at home, Mu Hantian already knows that she is definitely a foodie. This hidden "sex", looking at Asuna's appearance, Mu Hantian knew that she definitely recognized the chowder rabbit in her hands. As an s-grade super rare ingredient, Asuna, who has the "sex" of eating food, is tempted.

At the moment, Mu Hantian hurriedly stuffed the chowder rabbit in his hand behind him, and looked at Asuna with a vigilant look. The disappearance of the chowder rabbit from the line of sight finally made Asuna recover.

"Just...just now...couldn't it be..." Asuna's eyes trembled with excitement, and she said with a little disbelief: "Chowder rabbit? S-grade ingredients?

The words'S-grade ingredients' passed into the ears of the people present, and the whispers that had been faintly ringing suddenly calmed down.

Mu Hantian squinted his eyes and looked at Asuna who was extremely excited in front of him. Knowing that he could no longer hide, he sighed and brought out the chowder rabbit.

"It's really you, I recognized it at a glance..."

"Really..." Asuna stared tightly at the chowder rabbit, and said with some envy: "You actually got the S grade ingredients..."

"Luck, luck..." Mu Hantian is very humble, but the pride on his face may not be seen by others, but Asuna, who has been with Mu Hantian for a long time, can easily see it.

If it were the usual Asuna, then this would definitely strike Mu Hantian unconvinced one or two times, but now, she had no such thoughts at all, instead she "showed" a smile, looking at Mu Hantian, she looked abnormal. Sweetness.

Mu Hantian, who is familiar with Asuna's "sex", understands that if she does not agree to her at this time, she will definitely not be able to eat.She shrugged her shoulders sadly, and Mu Hantian forced a smile and said to Asuna: "That... it's better to be together..."


Before Mu Hantian finished speaking, Asuna immediately responded with a big smile. It was obvious that the two words'OK' had been brewing in her stomach for a long time.

At this moment, the members of the'Blood Alliance Knights' standing behind Asuna finally realized what had happened.

Asuna-sama, seems to want to have a meal with "blue "color" glory"!

Looking at the smile on Asuna's face, the members of the'Knights of the Blood Alliance' almost exploded in their hearts, and they were actually'condescended' because of an s-grade ingredient. This is our deputy known as the ghost of the strategy. Leader?

Although the S-grade ingredients are very, very rare, in the eyes of these'Blood Alliance Knights', their noble and holy Asuna-sama, shouldn't be moved by such tacky things?As the deputy commander of the'Blood Alliance Knights', Asuna definitely has no shortage of money.

Is it the deliciousness of coveted S-grade ingredients?

How is this possible?

The people of the "Knights of the Blood Alliance" did not know that their guess was completely correct.

"Master Asuna!"

At this time, a discordant voice rang from the side behind Asuna.

Hearing this voice, the smile on Asuna's face disappeared in an instant, her expression gradually sank, and even a little bit ugly, Mu Hantian also frowned, turned to look at the sound source. At this look, Mu Hantian was stunned, then smiled, which was quite intriguing.

The person who made the sound was the skeleton face that had been following Asuna before, like a follower!

The first time he saw this person, Mu Hantian recognized him, this strange appearance, in the'sao', Mu Hantian only knew one, and that was Klatir!

The Klatil who had a special twist on Asuna in the original work and tried to kill the original protagonist Kirito!

And his predecessor was a member of the Red-Named Murders Guild "Smiling Coffin" who was annihilated by a crusade team composed of fifty members of the Raiders Team, who were all red-named players who took pleasure in killing players!

In short, Klatil is an evil player with a pretended appearance and a twisted surname in the interior!

With the current situation, Mu Hantian probably knew what would happen next.

"Kladier!" Asuna strained her face and turned to look at Kladier. From the expression on Asuna's expression, she didn't seem to have much favor with this Kladier.

"Is there a problem?"

"Master Asuna." Kradier glanced at Mu Hantian, who was looking at him with a thought-provoking smile on his face, and his heart was stunned, but he stepped forward and said to Asuna, "It's almost time to set off. "

Hearing that, Asuna just remembered that she had to lead the team to the "Mystery" palace area.

Seeing this scene, Mu Hantian blinked and looked at Asuna."You don't have guild activities, do you?"

"Ah!" Asuna nodded helplessly. Upon seeing this, Mu Hantian smiled happily.

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