Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 182

"Honglian, you go to one side first." When the words fell, he sent Honglian aside, then pulled out Tianjing and pointed at Wei Zhuang.

Mu Hantian held the sky crystal, and the blue "color" sword aura danced around the sky crystal. Mu Hantian took the lead and rushed towards Wei Zhuang holding the sky crystal.

With a sword of Ling Chen, life and death are only in one thought.

But Wei Zhuang is also a strong hand in the sword. He lifted his figure lightly, and then tilted his waist slightly in mid-air, avoiding the attack of Tianjing, but the shark teeth in his hand turned backhand and attacked Mu Hantian's abdomen. .

Suddenly, a powerful sword aura'forced' Mu Hantian.

But Mu Hantian, holding the Tianjing, didn't change his face to Wei Zhuang's attack. With a move, his right foot leaned forward and his left foot swayed back, easily evading Wei Zhuang's counterattack.

Immediately afterwards, Wei Zhuang turned right back in the air and "forced" Mu Hantian's chest away.

Seeing Wei Zhuang's attack rushing towards his face, Mu Hantian was not afraid, just listening to "Zheng..."

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

The sky crystal and the shark teeth collided with each other, and the dust flew up instantly, and the dust was filled with smoke.The powerful vigor pushed Mu Hantian and Wei Zhuang back tens of meters away.

Before their bodies stopped, Mu Hantian turned around and waved his left hand toward Wei Zhuang with a sword finger, only to see a sword qi heading towards Wei Zhuang's heart.

Wei Zhuang's right foot is certain, and his left foot slides on the ground and turns around, with shark teeth in his hands crossing his chest.


The sword energy hit the shark tooth's sword, and the flames suddenly appeared.

The people nearby couldn't help sweating as they watched the confrontation between the two.Mu Hantian and Wei Zhuang both looked straight at each other with swords.

"That's it for today! If you continue to fight, there will be trouble, so goodbye." Mu Hantian took the sword, turned around and held Honglian before leaving.Only Wei Zhuang is left.

"Hmph, I remember you, and the sword in your hand." After Wei Zhuang finished speaking, he quickly left.

Chapter 291 is handed over to you

"Are you okay!" Hong Lian looked at Mu Hantian and asked.

"Of course...Puff (vomiting blood) It's okay, but I pretended to be too bi. Now go to the inn first." Mu Hantian said.

Feixue Pavilion.

Snow Girl was sitting in front of the dressing table combing her hair, "Ah!" The comb fell to the ground all of a sudden.

"Why do I feel heartache?" Xue Nu said, clutching her chest.

With that, Xue Nu looked into the distance from the window and muttered: "Fool, are you okay? Don't let anything happen."

The capital of Yan State.

Yan Qinjun Mansion.

Above the high hall, an extremely ugly, obese man yelled: "Trash, even an individual can't be killed, but the shadow killer was killed by the opponent."

This person is exactly the figure who covered the sky in Yan Guo, Yan Chunjun.

Tang ordered a group of people in black kneeling, "My lord, I will kill him next time I meet us."

Hearing the words of the black collar, Yan Chunjun's angry eyes relaxed and said: "Okay, I will give you this opportunity."

"Master Xie!" the leader said.

"Huh, if the person who killed me Yan Chunjun didn't tell me, he dared to touch the woman Yan Chunjun liked, and she must die."With that, Yanchun Jundao.

After a long time, Yan Chunjun came down calmly and said: "It's all about you, let's go down first."

"Yes".The people in black all responded and disappeared into the darkness.

Looking at Feixue Pavilion's direction, Yan Chunjun said coldly: "The first dance'prostitute" of the Zhao country, I have no one who Yan Chunjun wants to get."

In an inn in Korea:

"Master, what's wrong with him?" Yu Lei asked.

"He was hurt by a white-haired man, but it should not be serious," Guren said.

"Of course it's not heavy anymore, how else would I come back!" Mu Hantian opened his eyes and said angrily.

"Master, you are awake!" Yuyou said excitedly.

"Ah! I worry you, but we must leave immediately, otherwise we won't be able to leave after the martial law." After Mu Hantian finished speaking, he took the three women and left the inn, heading towards Yan Guo.


"Okay, let's take a rest here, there are woods here, so we can also run." Mu Hantian said, looking at the three girls.

"Are we okay to rest here? God." Guren asked.(Mu Hantian has already told Honglian his name)

"Of course there is no problem, peace of mind, I will protect you." Mu Hantian said.

"Master, we don't need your protection. My sister and I have practiced the swordsmanship given by the master. It is already very powerful." Yu Lei said with a small fist waving.

"Yes, yes, you are the best." Mu Hantian said, "The guys who are hiding, don't you dare to come out?" Mu Hantian cried.

"Huh, I was found." A group of people in black came out of the forest.

"Who sent you here?" Mu Hantian said, looking at the guy who looked like the leader.

"Huh, kid, don't say I didn't tell you, we are from Yan Chunjun." The leader said.

"It turned out to be Yan Chunjun's dog, who I thought it was!" Mu Hantian laughed.

"Boy, you are looking for death. Come on." As he said, he drew the sword from his waist, and with a wave, a group of people in black rushed towards Mu Hantian carrying the sword.

"Yulei, Yuyou, leave it to you, I don't want to fight against fools, that would waste my IQ." Mu Hantian said.

"Understood, Master." Yu Lei and Yu You responded.

The people in black couldn't understand what Mu Hantian was talking about, but they understood that it was definitely not a good thing, and the other party also let two little girls out, wouldn't they look down on them?So, it's even crazier.

The man in black thought they could kill the two little girls right away, but they were killed in the end. In the incredible gaze of the black collar, Yu Lei took a sword and pierced his chest.

"Okay, it's resolved, we should also leave." Mu Hantian watched the scene for a long time, then the scene was gone, it was time to go.

Chapter 292 Misfortune

Inside the Inn:

"Master, you will be in Yan Country soon, and you can see Miss Snow Girl." Yu You said.

"Yes, I can see Xue'er soon, I don't know how she is." Mu Hantian sighed.

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