Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 192

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, as tight as a string.But Mu Hantian was drinking in the corner without paying attention to it.

"Gao Jianli, really well-deserved reputation, many people think that this action is too much to inspire the people, now it seems that you are somewhat underestimated..." At this time, a man in black in the wine shop laughed.

"You also came to kill me?" Gao Jianli said indifferently.

"Gao Jianli, his majesty was very upset when he killed the Minister of the State of Qin in the State of Qin. He wanted to invite Mr. Gao to visit Xianyang." The man in black said.

Gao Jianli said coldly: "Minister Qin? I just remember killing a small humble fish."

Talking about Gao Jianli, he got up and wanted to leave.

"It's windy and snowy outside, it's better to stay and get drunk." The man in black said.Speaking of that, except for Mu Hantian and another man lying on the table next to him, everyone in the wine shop drew their swords and stood up.

"Yan Guo's wine is too expensive, you can't afford it." Gao Jianli looked at the people coldly and said.

"Fortunately, there are a lot of people here. Everyone can get together and you can drink a little." The man in black stood with his hands behind his hands and walked over slowly, still smiling, and said lightly.

"Well said, drunk Fang Xiu. Man, bring the wine, give me as much as you can." At this time, the man lying on the table next to him raised his right hand up and said, "Lost" and "Lost".

As he said, the man stood up drunk, turned around and looked at everything around him, and said, "The drinker did not fall, but the drinker fell? Okay, so, then I myself Come get a good wine."

Mu Hantian looked at the man in shock, but soon settled down, and secretly said: "I really can't find a place to break through my iron shoes, ah."

After that, he drank quietly again.This person is exactly the person Mu Hantian is looking for during this trip, Jing Ke.

Maybe the people around didn't notice Mu Hantian in the corner.At this time, Jing Ke was drunk and saw that there was a bowl of wine on the table in front of Gao Jianli.

He said with joy at the moment: " the good wine is here...hehe." He couldn't stand steady as he said, and walked towards the wine in front of Gao Jianli, wanting to wrestle.

"Pu...hahaha." Seeing Jing Ke like this, Mu Hantian spit out the wine in his mouth and laughed.

When everyone smelled someone behind, they all looked back in Mu Hantian's direction.Gao Jianli was shocked when he saw Mu Hantian, but he didn't say anything. He just looked at Mu Hantian and didn't know what he was thinking.

While Jing Ke was pretending to be drunk to get the wine, his eyes also slanted to Mu Hantian's side. Seeing Mu Hantian, Jing Ke's mouth twitched and continued to take his wine.

Chapter 306 I'm Not Afraid

The man in black looked at Mu Hantian and saw Mu Hantian carrying two swords on his back.Looking at Jing Ke again, he said, "Gao Jianli, these two should be your helpers..."

"I never needed a helper." Gao Jianli said indifferently.

Hearing Gao Jianli’s words, Jing Ke’s hand holding the wine stopped for a while, and raised the wine bowl and said: "Friendship is drunk, so how can you make friendship less if you don’t drink? How about...I’ll toast you first."

As he said, Jing Ke suddenly flashed to the big man next to him, his left knee was pressed against his stomach, and the big man immediately stepped back.

"This person is so fast." Gao Jianli secretly said.

Mu Hantian in the corner looked at Jing Ke boredly, and said in secret: "This big brother is good at everything, but sometimes a little naive, oh..."

And Jing Ke had already come behind the big man, put his arm around his shoulder, and filled his mouth with the wine bowl in the other, and smiled: "Come and have a drink."

The big man swallowed a few mouthfuls before the kick he had just suffered.The people around all pointed their swords at Jing Ke, and after the big man slowed over, the long sword in his hand immediately swung towards Jing Ke.And Jing Ke flashed to the other side of him again, poured wine into his mouth, and said: "How can you make friends without drinking?"

After a bowl of wine was poured into the big man's mouth, he smiled and said, "That's good."

"Servant...", as soon as the voice fell, the big man spit out the wine in his mouth.Jing Ke looked distressed, and said: "You don't like wine and your appetite, alas, it's a waste of time to say it."

"Kill this guy!!!" At this moment, a man next to him rushed towards Jing Ke with a sword and shouted.

Jing Ke turned his hand on the shoulder of the big man, and turned the big man around twice before facing the man who came.Jing Ke kicked hard behind the big man."Puff..." The big man immediately put the wine he had drunk on the face of the man who rushed out.

After the big man finished vomiting, the man wiped it off with his hand.And Jing Ke appeared next to him again, looking at the man with a smile: "I don't know if this is right for your appetite?"

"Do it, don't keep one." The man in black behind frowned and said.

"Don't leave one? The people of Qin State are too arrogant. This is the State of Yan." Just as the black-clothed man's voice fell, Mu Hantian's ironic voice came from behind.

Everyone looked in Mu Hantian's direction again and saw Mu Hantian slowly standing up.

"Xiao Gao, remember to invite me to dinner, I haven't eaten enough yet." Mu Hantian smiled at Gao Jianli.

Gao Jianli glanced at Mu Hantian deeply, then nodded gently.Mu Hantian looked at Jing Ke again, smiled and said, "Big Brother, long time no see."

"Yeah, long time no see. Xiaotian, you don't even say to come to your eldest brother. Since you want your eldest brother to come to you, it is too loyal." Jing Ke also woke up from pretending to be drunk and said with a wry smile.

"Isn't this going to be going, then, let's settle the eye first." Mu Hantian said lightly.

"They know?" Hearing the dialogue between Mu Hantian and Jing Ke, Gao Jian left secretly.

"How can we say that Qin is also a great state of etiquette, how can we face impoliteness in the face of the enemy?" The black man's eyes were cold and he sneered.


Swords flashed, the two went straight to Jing Ke, and the two went straight to Mu Hantian.But wherever these four were their opponents, in one round, they flew out and landed on the ground.


Gao Jianli sat in the same position without moving, only to see Mu Hantian and Jing Ke flashing into the crowd, flashing back and forth like ghosts.

Soon, more than 30 people were killed secretly by the two quickly, and more than 30 bodies were left on the ground.

"Dare to ask the two names? Why do you want to be an enemy of our Qin country?" The man in black saw that Mu Hantian and Jing Ke were extremely fast, and their skill was good.I couldn't beat the more than 30 people at all, let alone Gao Jianli.

"Oh? Are you asking me? My name is Jing Ke, Jing Ke's Jing, Jing Ke's Ke; I am very famous." Jing Ke said shamelessly.

"Jing Ke?" The man in black came up with this name in his mind. After thinking for a moment, it seemed that he had never heard of it before. Why is it so famous?

In fact, Jing Ke was a defender of the country, and he had only a little fame in the world, and the country died early. Unless he is a well-informed person, he rarely knows Jing Ke, so he naturally has not heard of it.

But at this time, he naturally wouldn't be so stupid to say that he had never heard of the name. The man in black looked at Mu Hantian again and said, "Your Excellency?"

"First of all, I and anyone are not enemies, because I do everything based on my mood." Mu Hantian looked at the man in black and said lightly.

Hearing Mu Hantian's words, the black clothes stunned, but quickly calmed down and said, "If you say this, isn't it afraid that Qin's iron rider will step on Yan's country?"

"Don't worry, no outsider will know. You, can't go back. What's more, I'm really not afraid." Then, Mu Hantian moved his feet, and a long sword on the ground immediately flew out at Mu Hantian's feet, shooting straight into the black. Clothing people's heart.

"Ah..." The man in black looked at the long sword that was quickly "shot" at him, and didn't come to dodge in a hurry.With a scream, then he fell unwillingly.

Chapter 307 Cause

Seeing that all the enemies were killed, Gao Jianli stopped and said, "Thank you for your help."

"Well, there are drinks and fights, but I have come to the country of Yan." Jing Ke looked at the ceiling at Gao Jianli, hands on hips, said.

"It's nothing, but elder brother, wine is not a good thing. If you don't say anything wrong, it will hurt your body." Mu Hantian said lightly.

Jing Ke's eyes were solemn, his brows were black, he turned around, looked at Ye Chen, and said unhappy: "Xiaotian, what are you talking about?"

I just wanted to turn around to look for Mu Hantian's troubles, but he didn't pay attention to the jug at his feet. As soon as he turned and stepped on the jug, the whole person turned around and flew out like this.

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