Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 305

"This is the bond between the family!"

Qin shrugged with a speechless expression and sighed.

"Can you pause for a while? As the host here, I want to say that this is my house. Secondly, it's time for dinner. It's time to go to dinner." Mu Hantian suddenly jumped out and disrupted the family. Ethical drama.(It feels like something strange has been mixed in.)

The 434th chapter cherry blossoms bloom and end

"By the way, Zhenna." After eating, Seori sitting on the sofa looked at Zhenna.

"Yes?" said with a slap of his hand, his head was stunned.

"What you said, there is no memory of the past, right."

"Well, that's right."

"So, where do you live now? Didn't you live with your family?"

"Ah...that..." At this time, Zhenna, who had been answering like fluent, became vague.

"Well, there are some reasons for this."


"Almost... right. All I have to say is to work in a special full-board workplace."

"Workplace...? Really, isn't it the same age as Qinli now? How about school?"

Really embarrassed his eyes wandering around: "Then, that... eh-more... Excuse... Excuse me!"

"Hey...? Wait a moment..."

Really said so.Shizhi couldn't stop it, and fled like a rabbit.

"Wh...what, in the end..." scratching his cheeks, staring blankly at the direction of the disappearing door.

At this time, beside Shizhi, in the piano standing up from the seat opposite to Zhenna, for some reason, Zhenna used teacup was recovered.

"Huh? Shizhi, where is your real sister?" Mu Hantian, who came out of the kitchen, did not see the scene just now, so he asked.

"She's gone." Shizhi said with a bit of frustration, obviously there are still many things that have not been asked.

"have they gone?"

"Yes, then I and Qinli won't bother you much." With this, Shizhi pulled Qinli and left.


The breeze in the late spring morning slowly blew Mu Hantian's boredom away.

"It's really troublesome!" Mu Hantian walked slowly to the door of the campus, sighing helplessly in his heart.Although it has been decided to save Kuangsan, how to save it is still a headache.Tell Kuang San directly to save her?That's really haha, if it is useful, it will be a ghost.

"Han Tian, ​​good morning." Kuang San walked to Mu Hantian's side from another street and said with a smile.

"Kuangsan? Morning." Mu Hantian put away his thoughts, "showing" a smile, and said hello to Kuangsan.

"Come with me for a walk in school, okay?" Kuangsan asked, grabbing one of Mu Hantian's arm.

"Of course." Nodding lightly, there is still a while before class, and there is no need to rush into the classroom.The two walked slowly across the campus arm in arm, like a perfect couple, full of warm feeling.

"The cherry blossoms are gone." Kuang San gently twisted a fallen cherry blossom, his voice a little sad.

"Ah, the cherry blossoms are gone, but when you came, it was still in full bloom. After a few days..." He sighed slightly, and Mu Hantian looked at Kuangsan, wanting to say something, but he couldn't say it.

"The beauty of happiness and happiness are always short, isn't it?" The sadness on his face flashed away, and the mad smile revealed a sad smile.It seems to be asking himself, but it seems to be asking Mu Hantian.

"Then why not choose to keep happiness forever?" Mu Hantian gently "touched" Kuang San's small face, and asked meaningfully.

"Keep it?" Kuang San's pupils faltered, he was dazed in place, repeating in his mouth.

"You don't understand at all! You don't understand anything!" Suddenly Kuang San got out of control again and again, yelling frantically, with sadness in his voice.Fortunately, it is still early.There are very few students on campus.Moreover, the places where Mu Hantian and Kuangsan were located were relatively quiet, and no one noticed them.

"I understand, I understand the sadness in your heart, and I understand your hardship! I promise you that I will take you to a world of useless elves and no disasters. Trust me." Mu Hantian stepped forward and cherished He held Kuangsan in his arms.Let Kuangsan push hard on himself.

The Kuangsan now is so lonely and helpless... When other children were young, they enjoyed the love of their parents and relatives and enjoyed the friendship of friends.The elves were about to be attacked by humans at the first moment they just awakened. They could not relax at all times. They could only have a short rest when they returned to their neighbors. They were lonely from the moment they were born.

"Han Tian, ​​although the life with you is very short, I have a very happy life, I want to keep going like this, but...I can't do it!" He sighed slightly, and Kuang San pushed Mu Hantian away. Say such a sentence.

After talking about Kuangsan, he quickly ran to the teaching building.The figure looked a little embarrassed.

"Kuang San, there is still a chance. Whether you want it or not, I have to do this." Mu Hantian looked at the departure of Kuang San and made up his mind.

Chapter 435: Zhenna's Secret

"Lingyin, how did you study what I gave you yesterday?" In Fraxis' bridge, Qinli called Lingyin sitting on a seat closer to the captain's seat.

However, there was no response.He peeked at the hand of Ling Yin in amazement-then tilted his head.

For some reason, the monitor beside Lingyin showed Jina's face, and the screen was enlarged.While looking at this, Ling Yin "exposed" a complicated expression.

"Lingyin? What's wrong with that?"

At this point, Ling Yin seemed to have finally noticed the existence of the piano, and Ling Yin's eyes with thick dark circles looked at the piano.

"Is it on the piano... Well, it's a little troublesome."

With that said, "Fuck" the console with a skilled technique.Immediately, the picture zoomed out, and Zhenna's face became smaller.

"... Compared to that, how is the situation really?"

"If it's true, it's confirmed that it's a real girl."

"Really...sister? Why do those girls come to ast..."

"No!" Ling Yin said as if to interrupt the words in the piano.

"After a little investigation, it is not exactly the case."

"What do you mean?"

"She is not a self-defense member at all, but a transfer member of dem industry"

"D?e?m company?"

"Wait a minute. It's even more unclear. Sister Shizhi's sister, why is she the magician of that dem?"

"This is still unclear, but..." Ling Yin suddenly stopped speaking, his teeth creaking, clenching his fists as if very angry.

Qinli frowned in surprise.Although we have worked together for a long time-this is the first time I have seen such a voice.

"What the hell happened?"

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