Magical comprehensive travel

A Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 320

"Wow!" Because it was too sudden, he didn't stop covering his face with his hands.After prickling eyes looked in the direction of the flash from the slit, there was a female "sex" standing with a large camera.

She is a girl with pale silver hair fluttering in the wind.Clear facial features and white skin that are obviously different from those of Orientals are obvious features.

"That...what's wrong?"

After Mu Hantian was very sleepy and "confused" to ask the question, the girl put down the camera and looked over here.

"I'm disrespectful. I'm the accompanying photographer Mia Nicholas sent from crosstravel. From today, I will record your travels for three days. I'm sorry to shoot without permission. If it hurts you If you’re in the mood, please let me apologize for that."

"Well, it's okay, just be happy." Speaking of which, I have indeed heard that there will be photographers who will accompany to take travel photos.It's just that I didn't expect it to be a foreigner-and it was a girl about their age.

"Excuse me." Then, after looking at Mu Hantian and Shixiang as if they were precious, Mia bowed her head again and walked in the direction of everyone.

"Hantian, that person is not easy." Kuang San walked to Mu Hantian's side and whispered.

"Ah, I can feel what her purpose is, I'm very curious, but I'm even more curious about where she is from."


"A call from adeputasu1. Target, entered the island."

"Camera No. 6, North Street District, Chiliu Airport. Target confirmed."

"I also confirmed it here. It's a'princess'."

Cooperating with the sound from the lower part of the bridge, the screen showed the figure of a young girl.And aaa level elves.Code-named'princess', a girl with exactly the same appearance.


The 500-meter-class airship'arbatel' manufactured by dem company.

The middle-aged man leaning on the captain's seat softly moaned and stroked his bearded chin.

James A. Paddington.The second executive department of demindustry is equivalent to the staff of Dazuo, and was appointed as the captain of this'arbatel' by Westcott.

"It's really disappointing. Is that really an elf?"

"Don't take it lightly" as if responding, a young female voice rang from the amplifier on the bridge.

The identification signal, adeputasu1, was directly dispatched to the scene of the second executive director of dem, the voice of Mia.

"Maybe it's an elf. Just this is enough to be the reason for the first level of alert." Mia, who is clearly reflected in the right picture, said so, but Paddington just shuddered.

"The subordinates will remember it." Mia frowned slightly, seeming to be upset by Paddington's reaction.

"Cut." With a voice that Mia would not hear, he cut fiercely.

"So, what should we do? Even the elves, as long as the'bandersnatch' troops are sent, it is very easy to capture a little girl."

"Don't be too optimistic, it's better to be more cautious. Now, cut off the radio communication first."

"Understood.'ashcroft-β (beta)' Unit 25 to Unit 40 start in parallel to expand the constant "sex" random area. The goal is-or the entire island of the United States." In response to Paddington's voice, the ship The operator performs "operation" on the console at high speed.

The current'arbatel' is floating above the 20,000 meters above Ormei Island.From there, the display device'ashcroft-β (beta)' mounted on the ship was used to expand the random area of ​​the entire island that is incomparable to the ast members.

"So, speaking of it, what will the magician do?"

Paddington asked, stroking his chin.Indeed, in the same class as the target, there is an ast magic, because he is now cautious and unable to use the manifestation device, it should not be an obstacle... But the problem is that the magician had met Mia. .

"No problem. The meeting was only for a few minutes, and I was wearing sunglasses at that time. There should be nothing wrong." Then, Mia stopped talking during the communication.After looking at the screen, he seemed to be blown by a sudden wind.

"Does it matter, Executive Minister."

"It's amazing." After speaking, Mia looked at the sky.

At the same time, the picture displayed on the large screen of the bridge began to change.

Paddington couldn't help frowning.

The reason is simple.The wind is moving at a speed that is usually unimaginable

Chapter 451 Goodbye Eight Dances

The vast sky was gradually occupied by strange rotating dark clouds.

On the ground, the forests of several islands are gradually being razed to the ground by the violent strong wind, and the verdant branches and leaves of the trees are blown away by the strong wind, flying around, like clothes being thrown into the washing machine. , Constantly rotating and soaring towards the sky above.

Some slender trees even uprooted, like large bullets, "shooting" to the surroundings, no matter the ground or the rock wall, they were smashed into small holes.The waves rolled violently, everything on the ground was deformed under the gust of wind, and everything was distorted within the range covered by the rotating dark clouds.

"Han Tian, ​​that's..." Shixiang pointed to the sky in surprise.Hearing Shixiang's cry, Mu Hantian raised his head:

Until the sky was still beautifully clear just now, the gray clouds began to form a whirlpool.

Then one after another, at an astonishing speed, the surroundings began to change.The clear sky turned into dark clouds.No wind turned into a gale.The steady water surface turned into a big wave of rage...

Time, about a minute passed.

In this short period of time, the "color" of the world where Mu Hantian and others are located has undergone an eighty degree change.

The sound of the wind sounded like a hum, and the trees growing around shook.It is a storm reminiscent of a large typhoon.It seems that the nearby trash cans have been blown down, and empty cans and newspapers fly by in the field of vision.

Mu Hantian quickly grasped Shixiang's shoulders and lowered his posture.If you don’t do this, you might fall because of the strong wind.

"Is this... an elf?" Mu Hantian covered his face with his arm and frowned.

"Shixiang, doesn't it matter!? Hurry up to the museum."

"Han Tian! Danger!" Then, Zhong Shixiang who was speaking suddenly slammed Mu Hantian's body away.

"What..." In the next instant, the metal trash can flew over and flew towards Shixiang's head.Then Shixiang fell on the spot.

"Hey, Shixiang! Shixiang!."

But whether it was shouting or shaking his shoulder desperately, Shixiang didn't wake up.

"There's no way." Mu Hantian thought for a while, took Shixiang directly on his back, and walked towards the museum.

Then, when I don't know how many steps I took.

"That's...?" Looking at the sky, Mu Hantian couldn't help frowning.

The center of the furious sky.There, two figures may be vaguely seen.

With the figure flying in the air, Mu Hantian could only think of two possibilities.Elf, or the magician of ast.

"No, I have to go over and take a look." Mu Hantian flashed many thoughts in his mind, and proceeded along the scheduled path.You must first put Shixiang in a safe place.


The two figures who had been violently agitating in the sky several times, accompanied by the moment when a huge shock wave collided, blew a violent wind that could not be compared until now.

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