Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 337


"Captain! It would be very dangerous to lower the height! Without the invisible "camouflage" state, I am afraid it will attract the attention of the residents." On the bridge of the'arbatel', the crew led There is a sound of anxiety like a scream.

"Shut up!" Paddington, sitting on the captain's seat, told them to shut their mouths with a drink.

"Is the fire extinguishing in the remote control room over? All the'bandersnatch' on the ship are dispatched! Be sure to capture the'nightmare' and the'princess' anyway!"

"Yes, it's just..."

"Okay, do it quickly!"

After a beat of Paddington's roar, the crew gritted their teeth and banged on the console.

"What, that thing..."

"Agree. I really hope it knows how to observe the atmosphere." Yajiya and Yuxian raised their heads and looked at the huge iron block that appeared above, making a sound like a bad mood.

After opening the hatches under the battleship, one by one, dolls equipped with various weapons on their hands, feet and backs fell down.

After spreading out the wings on their backs, those robot dolls unexpectedly hovered lightly in the air, and began to fly in order to surround Yajiya and Yuxian.Then, in the next moment, the doll flying around pointed the cylindrical object on the right hand at the two of them, and light was emitted from there.


Yajiya and Yuxian drew aside at the moment of the moment, staring at the doll fiercely.

However, the other dolls quickly followed it to prepare for shelling, and launched an attack on Yajiya and the others.

"What's the matter with these dolls!" Yasushi caused the front end of the spear he held in his right hand to swing around, creating a small tornado and blowing away the crowds of dolls.

"Attack. It's annoying to say"

After Yajiya and Yuxian blow away the doll again, they look up at the sky again.

The appearance of the doll seems to have not ended.One by one, dolls were dropped from the huge battleship.

When the two saw it, they frowned in disgust, and spoke at the same time.This way, no matter how many dolls are defeated, it will be endless.


"Proposal. Yashiya." The voice overlapped beautifully.After Yajiya and Yuxuan opened their eyes dullly, they looked at each other.

Then, Ye Juya made a "hehe" voice.

"Want to go?"

"Sure. Come on, Yakushi."

After the two nodded gently together, they flew into the sky. At the same time, Yajiya stretched out his left hand, and Yuxian was his right hand—completely, together.

At the same time, the two spirit costumes and the angel glowed-the wing on Yajiya's right shoulder, and the wing on Yuxian's left shoulder merged into one, forming the shape of a long bow.Then Xixian's snake pendulum was used as a string to connect the wings and the ends of the wings-Yajiya's spear turned into an arrow.

This time, Yajiya is the right hand and Yuxian is the left hand.

With the hands covered in the armor of the spirit, he pulled the strings at the same time.It was pulled to the largest longbow, facing the battleship above.


"'Hurricane Rider——Sky Drive!'" The two released their hands at the same time, and "shot" the huge arrow towards Gao Tian.

In an instant, the terrible wind pressure that nothing can compare with it so far blows around.

Mu Hantian and Shixiang directly below them were okay, but the dolls that flew towards them were all blown away by the aftermath.The remaining trees were blown down, and the forest rustled like waves.

Something that can stop the arrow protected by the wind does not exist in this world.This is the strongest arrow released for the first time by the two of the eight dances.A warship that is a product of mankind is simply impossible to defend.

The huge battleship was pierced by the arrows of the "Hurricane Rider" in an instant, and then the internal organs were destroyed by the wind pressure on it, and the night sky was dyed red with a huge explosion.

Chapter 469 Sign a contract with me


Accompanied by the sound of groaning, Origami slowly opened his eyes.

What is reflected in the vision is not the windy island sky, but the ceiling of one of the hotel rooms illuminated by the square lights.For a moment, there was an illusion that it was all dreams so far.But the pain still remaining on the side tells her that this is not a dream.

After wrinkling his face and touching his chest, he found that his body was given first aid with a wet cloth and bandage.

"Ahhh, are you awake?" Ling Yin's falling asleep voice came from the pillow.

"Teacher...where is this place?"

"This is my room. I'm sorry to bring you here without authorization. It will cause a "commotion" if you are seen by other students."

"Excuse me... where is the doll that attacked us?"

"Ah, when you lose consciousness, you suddenly become motionless for some reason."

"That's it!" Origami didn't doubt Ling Yin, and slowly wanted to get up?

"Don't force yourself. Take a good rest today."

"Is it the teacher who treated me?"

"I'm sorry I can only do this."

"No, thank you teacher very much."

"By the way, teacher, about that doll..."

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

Origami looked at Ling Yin silently, trying to say something, but in the end he just shook his head and lay on the bed.


"Hehe... Our hurricane is really strong. Such a doll is tossed like garbage."

"Agree. Yuxian and Yajiya's wind is the strongest."

"Compared to this kind of thing, Han Tian, ​​hurry up and take away our strength!"

"Agree. Although there is still time, I still hope it can be earlier."

"Okay, okay, if that's the case, let's incorporate this into your body, and then sign a symbiosis contract with me." With that said, Mu Hantian took out two chess pieces from his jacket pocket, which were chess soldiers.

"Eh? Hantian, what is this?" Shixiang who was watching from the side asked with interest.

"This is a god's pawn. After using this, the power will be transformed into divine power, but if I die, Yagushi and the others will also die. By the way, there is one more point, they cannot betray me." Han Tian explained to Shixiang.

"Han Tian, ​​it's okay, if we protect you, how could you die, right, Xi Xian."

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