Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 340

"This is too cheating." Shixiang said with trembling with his hands.The eyes are shining, and even saliva has flowed from the corners of the mouth.

"There is also the Affiliated Middle School of Xiancheng University. Because they are affiliated schools, they can go straight to high school, so they don't need to spend too much energy on learning before reaching the third year of high school."

"So...that is to say these two are the primary goals, right?"

As soon as Shiori finished speaking, Teoming shook his finger."Shizhijiang, have you forgotten the king-Longdan Temple Women's Academy?"

"Huh?" Shizhi scratched his cheek.I really forgot it.

"They will also do their best this year... The most hateful thing is that they have the consciousness that their school has the highest deviation value for beautiful girls in the city. Although the taste and dishes are also top-notch, they also earn money by respecting customers. I took a lot of customers and votes. Just like last year's simulation store, I used my hands to find me the change at the level of the idol handshake meeting. I forgot that I had queued a few times."

"What team are you going to line up! That's an opponent." After Mu Hantian stared at him with contempt, Dian Ting coughed and quickly changed the subject.

"Anyway, they are a group of terrifying young ladies. Moreover, there is a suspicious rumor in the Longdan Temple this year."

"Rumor?" Mu Hantian was very suspicious.

"Yes, wasn't there a news in early April? It was said that a transfer student from Longdan Temple was enrolled."

"April? At that time, I didn't have time to care about these things." In April, I was just busy with Shixiang's affairs and had no spare time to pay attention to other things.

"Are you kidding. You really don't know? It's Mei Jiu Jiang Mei Jiu Jiang!"

"Who is that?"

"Eh? Hantian, don't you really know? It's Yumi Mijiu, that lovely girl. I heard that she sings very well." Teomachi said, "excited" on his face.

"Well, no matter how you say or sing, I still have no problem."

"Ah, too, Hantian, you are a super singer, but you must be merciful when you meet Meijiu-chan." Teomachi said this, and made a begging look.

"Brother, are you going to sing again?" Origami's voice suddenly appeared.

"It depends on the situation!" Mu Hantian gave Origami a vague answer.

Just as Origami was about to say something, Ya Yi's voice came from the microphone.

"Quiet, everyone. I have received all of your thoughts.-However, I have a request. The president and they all died because they accumulated too much pressure and too much labor, so we must Decide on an agent. Does anyone want to be the executive committee member of Tianyang Festival?"

In an instant, all the students who were screaming like a few seconds ago became quiet.

"You don’t need to be like this. Although you are an executive committee member, most of the work has been completed? Really. Just sit there quietly during the meeting. It’s ok! It’s a completely unfettered, comfortable Committee! It will also help you improve your own level!"

The enthusiasm of the students who had been so enthusiastic before quickly dropped to below zero.Everyone turned their eyes to one side in order to avoid meeting Yayi on the stage.

Chapter 473 Mysterious Man


"What's the matter, Dionmachi classmate."

"I recommend Mu Hantian as the executive committee member of Tianyang Festival!"

"Huh? Why."

"Because of his presence, victory must belong to us."

"Dianding, have I said anything like this?" Mu Hantian quit when he saw his friend push himself out.

However, as soon as Mu Hantian said what he said, there was a voice of agreement around him.

"Please, Han Tian, ​​please be sure to lead us to victory."

"Yes! You are the only student Hantian who can entrust our will!"

One after another sound resounded throughout the stadium.

"Quiet!" Ya Yi shouted from the stage in order to suppress the scene.

For a moment, I thought that Yayi would help persuade everyone... but this idea was really naive.

"You guys, I did receive your voice! Mu Hantian from Class 4 of the second year, based on the recommendation of others and approved by the majority, was formally appointed as the executive committee member of Tianyang Festival!"

"please do not……"

However, before Mu Hantian's refusal was finished, he was interrupted by the cheers of his classmates.


Sitting leisurely on the sofa in the uppermost suite of the Dongtian Palace of the Imperial Hotel, Izak Westcott let out a sigh of relief.He lifted his head while shaking the pale gold "color" bangs, and narrowed his eyes as sharp as an extremely sharp blade.

What is now placed in front of Wescott's eyes is a written document held in a long tail.Then turn his eyes to the left.

"So that's it. Are the elves'princess','nightmare' and'berserk'?. There is another human who can defeat you?

"No, it was just a weapon gap at that time. Next time I see it, I will defeat her."

"Let's not talk about it. Outside of this, there is still a'Latatosk' airship on the scene, which is really troublesome. By the way, how is the situation there?"

"Very smoothly. The 10 players under adeptus3 have been assigned to the operational force today."


Finally heard a satisfactory news.In order to pass this extremely reluctant establishment, a lot of materials were used for bribery-but these were trivial matters.Sure enough, using new systems and institutions can more efficiently mobilize those magicians who are like their own hands and feet.But doing so requires huge capital and time.However, this is also the fastest way to use force in an official capacity in Japan.


In a mysterious and unknown space, there are countless beautiful scenery, and the only cabin in it seems to remind everyone that it is inhabited.

A man and a woman walked out of the house. The man had a decent face. The woman felt very weak and weak. If anyone who likes anime is here, she will recognize this woman, Hinata Hyuga , One of the most popular characters in Naruto.

"Wing, where are you going this time?" Hinata asked the man beside him.

"I don't know, it's just that it is guiding me, and I want to figure out the inexplicable memory in my mind." He took out a blue heart-shaped dragon scale from his arms and faced Hinata with wings. Said.

"Is that so? Let's go. It has been by your side for a long time and there has been no response. Now that I want to leave, something must have happened."

"I think so too. Let's go and see where it is going." As he said, Yi took out a bow from the void. The two swords of the bow were sharp blades.Strike the void, a space tunnel appeared, put the dragon scales into the tunnel, hugged Hina Tian and walked in.


At more than seven o'clock in the evening, Mu Hantian staggered forward on the dark road.

"I'm tired. I'm really tired." Mu Hantian, who was officially appointed as the executive committee of the Tianyang Festival, was semi-mandatory and asked to take over the work with them.

Starting from the decision to set up the booth, budget allocation, various communication items, and various other information are stuffed into the brain all at once. Mental fatigue is more profound and serious than physical fatigue.Now I finally understand that it's not surprising at all that even if I feel a stomachache due to stress, handling such a large amount of information.It is incredible that Yayi, Mai, and Meiyi are still so energetic.

With a school bag in his right hand, and a shopping bag in his left hand, he walked slowly on the road.

Looking at the colorful Tianyang Festival posters on the walls next to him, he smiled faintly.

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