Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 351

In line with her movements, the surrounding'bandersnatch' moved in unison.Point the laser cannon mounted on the right hand toward the origami.

Although Origami wants to take evasive action, the brain has reached its limit.His vision has been dyed red, and his consciousness has become increasingly blurred.

"Then, do it!"

As if responding to Jessica's order, the'bandersnatch' were about to pull the trigger.

But at that moment.Something passed through the hazy vision of the origami, and the body of the laser cannon facing the origami was neatly cut in half.The generated magic power filled up in the shelling state caused the explosion of the gun body due to the loss of the target, and the metal fragments scattered around.Although he was not scared or burnt in his eyes, the'bandersnatch' turned his head back and forth because he noticed an emergency.

"what happened!"

"I don't know, suddenly the gun of the'bandersnatch' was destroyed." Jessica and her men also noticed the unexpected situation after a slow beat.Make a panic cry.

However, the matter is not over yet.Once again, the blue "colored" figure passed through the origami vision, and at the same time the head of the'bandersnatch' flew into the air.

"What!" At the same time Jessica uttered an embarrassed sound, several'bandersnatch's surrounding the origami all stopped functioning and fell to the ground one after another.

"This...what is..." Origami held his forehead with his hand in order to relieve the headache and made a sound.

Then, as if responding to her question, a human in blue "color" mechanical armor appeared in front of Origami.It is a cr-unit that has never been seen before.The streamlined armor covering the ****, hands and feet, and the huge thruster assembly mounted on the back.The sword on the right hand is mounted on the left hand like a weapon with the head of a wild wolf.After seeing that person's face, Origami couldn't help being taken aback.


"It's been a long time, Yuan Yi Yi Cao" The girl with a blue cr-unit turned around and cast her gaze on the origami.

That is undoubtedly the ast member who used to fight the elves together with Origami and Shina Shina, who is also Shizhi's sister.

Chapter 488 Shixiang was taken away?

"Why... is here. Also, what's the matter with your outfit?"

After Origami asked, Zhenzha waved his hand like a perfunctory: "These trivial things will be discussed later. Let's solve them now."

Origami rounded his bloodshot eyes and nodded.

Jina smiled satisfied after seeing her response, and then looked at Jessica who was dumbfounded.

"Oh, oh, who did I think it was? This is not Jessica. Why did you come to Japan?"

"Chonggong Shina?" Jessica let out a startled voice.

"Why do you... forget it, compared to that, do you know what you did just now!"

"That's my line. It's just to deal with a person who is so exciting, and hasn't seen each other for a while, how can the approach become so shameless?"

"That's not the question at all! I'm asking why you are attacking us! Answer me quickly, adeptus2!"

"Can you stop calling me by your previous code name? I'm sorry, but I don't plan to continue working in the dem company. The penalty for retirement will be replaced by your head. Just tell the president."

"What are you talking about! Even in the glorious adeptusnumber, you are second only to Executive Minister Mia! Are you planning to betray Lord Wescott?"

"Well, that's it, that's right." Shin that strange weapon mounted on his left hand pointed towards Jessica, and then said: "Now, if you choose to retreat because of your fear of me, it would be ideal, you How to choose?"

"Don't be kidding! You know that too! If you disobey Master Westcott's order..."

"Well, that's what I said. But..." The moment he finished speaking, Zhenna's figure disappeared like a mirage.

Then she appeared behind Jessica, whose eyes widened in surprise, and waved the sword on her right hand.

"You are..." Even if Jessica wanted to avoid it, it was too late.Shina's sword cut the body and thruster that Jessica was equipped with like a watermelon.

Jessica, whose balance was destroyed, still did not lose his fighting spirit, and drew a laser knife from her waist and swung it towards Jina.But unfortunately, the fighting skills and the "sex" of the two can be too far apart.Shina caught Jessica's attack with a sword and fired a magic cannon from the weapon installed in his left hand toward Jessica's abdomen.

After a brief period of pain, Jessica lost consciousness.At the same time, because the random area was released, the body components attached to the whole body also fell to the ground because the connection was released.

"Those lines of yours, if you had beaten me once in the previous simulation battle, it would be a bit convincing, but a pity..." With one hand supporting Jessica who was completely unconscious, Shina gently Exhaled.

Then Jinna turned his gaze to the remaining four magicians and said: "Your boss is already this virtue. If it is the magician of dem, you should be very clear about the result of the battle with me based on the battle just now? "

After hearing Zhenna's words, the magicians "exposed" nervous expressions.Shina instantly moved behind the magicians once again and threw the fainted Jessica at random.

The magicians who caught Jessica's body were a little flustered, but still "fuck" at random areas, posing a posture to fight to the end.

After confirming their posture, Zhenna continued: "I said I have let you go. This is the last warning. Hurry up and take that guy away from here."

However, the magicians didn't realize that they just took the initiative to stop when they were warned, their eyes fixed on Jina, and they spread out to surround her.

"Oh, oh, it's really troublesome." Zhenna sighed deeply, spreading his hands like he was about to attack in all directions.

Let us turn our eyes back to Mu Hantian.

"Qinli, what happened just now? Don't lie to me." Mu Hantian asked Qinli through headphones while holding Meijiu who was sealed with power.

"Well, it's nothing. The people from the dem club wanted to catch you and Shixiang, but they have been solved by Origami and Zhenna." Qin Li thought about it, and Jue Ding told Mu Hantian, after all, the matter has been solved.

"Is that so? Then why didn't you tell me just now."

"I'm not afraid of you being distracted, what if you lose?" Qinli explained.

"Good, good, what you said makes sense." Smiling and shook his head, Mu Hantian hung up the headset, and then looked at Mei Jiu.

"Meijiu, let's go, Shixiang and the others are still waiting for me."



In the lounge, Yakushi, Yusen, Kuzan, Shitono, and Rein stood together, their faces full of anxiety.

"What should I do, how should I explain to Han Tian?" Ye Juzhi said anxiously.

"Unhappy. I did this while we were apart. Xi Xian wanted to make her look good."

"Eh, Xi Xian, who do you want to look good?" At this moment, Mu Hantian, who brought Meijiu to find everyone, walked in.

"Han Tian, ​​why are you here?" Ye Juzhi asked in a panic.

"Yeah. What's wrong with you? I don't think you are right." Mu Hantian said "confused.

"Han Tian, ​​it's like this, Shixiang... was taken away." Ling Yin sighed and said.

Hearing Ling Yin's words, Mu Hantian was shocked, and he was stunned.

After a while, Mu Hantian came over and said: "You are kidding, there are Kuangsan and the others, how could Shixiang be taken away."

"Han Tian, ​​sorry, we didn't make a joke. We were not with Shixiang at the time. She and Mai and the others went shopping outside. Then we felt the spiritual fluctuations and it was too late to go out to watch." Kuang San said.

"Who did it! Say." Mu Hantian shouted.

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