Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 355

"This voice is...'Planar Destroyer'!" Hearing the terrifying voice, Mu Hantian was a little panicked. If only he is the only one, it's nothing, but...Shixiang and the others.

"Don't worry, my purpose is just you, and I won't do anything to them. After all, as long as you die, they won't live for long. I don't need to do anything at all." A voice came from the beam of light. , Then, a person who was covered in darkness and could not see men and women walked out.

"Xiaoguang, is there a way?"

"There's no way, Master, this time it's really bad luck for you, and you didn't release Qiu. If it's Qiu, you should be able to kill this clone." Xiaoguang's voice was full of helplessness.

"Hantian, who is it?" Ye Juya asked.

"Don't worry, flee, flee with ten incense." Without much words, Mu Hantian handed ten incense to Ye Juya, and rushed towards the'plane destroyer'.


"My guardian, follow the ancient vows and come to my side. Swordsmen born from the chaos, transcend all constraints, turn into my sword and sever my enemy! Chaos sword God." Shouting, Mu Hantian summoned the beast.

"Oh, this kind of thing, it's meaningless for you to use it now, because you are too weak." Facing the Chaos Sword God, the'Planar Destroyer' just smiled contemptuously, not paying attention at all.

"Hi!" As if feeling the opponent's contempt, the Chaos Sword God cut out with a single sword, but such a terrifying sword was easily resolved by the'Planar Destroyer'.

"I said, it's too weak." With a light wave of his hand, a black light struck the Chaos Sword God, and then the body of the Chaos Sword God exploded.

"How come!" Mu Hantian was taken aback as he looked at the dying Chaos Sword God.

"Next, it will be you." He waved his hand again and struck Mu Hantian.That kind of power made Mu Hantian close his eyes.

"Hide, leave it to me here." Mu Hantian opened his eyes with the indifferent and familiar voice.

"Shizhi!" Mu Hantian looked at the woman who suddenly appeared in front of him, very surprised. If it weren't for the familiar feeling, Mu Hantian might not recognize it.

The Shiori in front of him, with light blue "colored" hair flying in the wind, dressed in a dreamy princess dress, holding a green "colored" knight's spear in his hand.

"Oh, is it the will of the world? Then kill you first. The breath on you is too annoying for me." As he said, the'Planar Destroyer' stretched out his hand, and a black sword appeared. In the hand, afterwards, he cut the sword against Shizhi.

Facing this sword, Shizhi didn't dare to be careless, focused all his attention, and stabbed the black mang with a single shot.

"Huh..." Shiori who blocked the attack was uncomfortable at all and was panting.

"Sure enough, there is no normal awakening, the strength is imperfect, and that guy is terribly strong." Shiori gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

"I'm attacking, Alaya's knowledge-the light of life." Raising his spear, Shiori rushed towards the'Planar Destroyer' like a flash of light. The spear was shot and the tip of the spear glowed with green light. Elements of life.

"That's it, I said why it is so annoying, it turns out to be the power of life. It is very interesting, but the power is not enough, it looks like it has been injured." Having said that, the'plane destroyer' is still cautious. Then Shiori attacked.

"Bang..." The attack hit the'Planar Destroyer', stirring up layers of smoke.The smoke dissipated, and the figure of the'plane destroyer' revealed.It didn't look like it was injured, but immediately, the black mist that enveloped the whole body of the Plane Destroyer disappeared a little, and it could be clearly seen that the left hand of the Plane Destroyer was gone.

"Very good, but I don't think you can always use this trick!" With a contemptuous smile, the'Planar Destroyer' was ready to attack, but at this moment, the fluctuation of the space caused ripples in the surrounding space. , A blue light flew into Mu Hantian's hands.

"This is... Dragon's Heart!" Looking at the things in Mu Hantian's hands, Xiao Guang exclaimed.

"Heart of Dragon has appeared, and it happens to destroy you together." Seeing the heart-shaped dragon scale in Mu Hantian's hand, the'Planar Destroyer' was also taken aback, as if thinking of something, smiled mysteriously.

"Hey, hey, it's too overwhelming to rely on what you want to move me."

Chapter 493: My name is Yi

"Are you able to move my things?" A low voice passed into everyone's ears, and then two figures walked out of the void, a man and a woman.

Seeing that woman, Mu Hantian was shocked.Xiao Guang was surprised when he saw the man.

"Isn't that woman Hyuga Hinata? How could it be here? Is that man a traverser?"

"It seems that it chose you, which is really surprising. However, you feel very familiar to me, but I can't remember it. It may be related to the memories that suddenly appeared!" Seeing Mu Hantian, he suddenly appeared The man said slowly.

"I didn't expect you to be alive." Seeing the mysterious man, the'Planar Destroyer' was a little surprised.

"Oh, listening to your tone seems to know me, but I don’t remember having seen it before. Moreover, someone who is not a good person at first sight like you will definitely kill you if I meet you. But those are not important. The important thing just wanted to ruin my things, let us settle the accounts." The man smiled slightly, it was very sunny, but what he said made people unhappy. There was no reason, too. Strong.

"Huh! Do you think I'm afraid of you?"

"Just try it.'Skywing Bow'" The man stretched his right hand into the void and took out a purple bow from it.

"It's troublesome, I didn't expect that he could actually use Tianyi."

"Master, take advantage of this, quickly take out the'Illusion Dragon God', then fuse the'Dragon Heart' in, and unlock the seal. In this way, we can solve the clone of the'Planar Destroyer'. "Seeing the bow that the man took out, Xiao Guang said to Mu Hantian happily as if he had seen hope.

"I see." After speaking, Mu Hantian took out the'Hand of the Illusory Dragon God' that had been kept in the system warehouse.Seeing'Dragon Heart' was like seeing a mother's child, plunged into the'Illusory Dragon God'.Afterwards, the'Illusion Dragon God' issued a strong white light, making everyone had to close their eyes.

"Oops, it seems that I am going to retreat here. Although this is only a clone, if it dies, it will have a blow to my power." Looking at the radiant'Illusion Dragon God','Plane The saboteur's thoughts of retreating.

"Huh! I want to leave after I've installed b. How easy is it, leave it to me!'End of Judgment'!" Seemingly aware of the intention of the'Planar Destroyer', the man bent his bow and "shot" arrow.There are no arrows, just a ray of light.

"Ah!" The light "shot" on the chest of the Plane Destroyer, and then let out a painful scream.

"As soon as I woke up, I saw the guy I hate." The white light of the'Illusory Dragon God' dissipated, and Mu Hantian spoke, but it was incredible that the voice from Mu Hantian's mouth turned out to be a female voice.

"Hmph, what if you wake up, do you think he can stop me?"

"Haha, is it? Is your seal completely unlocked? Don't laugh, it's impossible to unlock the seal without that thing, it's the seal of the gods." Mu Hantian mocked.

"Hmph, it's impossible for this clone to run away anyway, it's better to have a self-destruction, you can be fine, but the others, and her woman. Hahahaha!"

"Will you succeed?" said lightly, a card appeared out of thin air in Mu Hantian's hand, and the word'sealed' was written on the back of the card.

"Go!" Mu Hantian threw the card at the Plane Destroyer, and the card instantly entered the body of the Plane Destroyer.

"Just for a clone of me, I actually used a'seal of the gods'. Thinking about it this way, I didn't suffer." After the faint words, the body of the'plane destroyer' began to dissipate, not long after , It was completely gone, if it weren't for the traces of the battle on the spot, it would be invisible at all.

"Light, I beg you for the next thing, let him come to me soon. My will will soon dissipate." After saying this, Mu Hantian's gaze became dull, for a while. Before returning to normal.

"Xiao Guang, who is the woman just now, why, why I feel heartache when I see her, why?" This time, Mu Hantian's voice was his own.

"Master, I can only say that if everyone in this world leaves you, only she will never leave you." Xiaoguang's voice was full of memories.

"Hey! Over there, the matter has been resolved, and I am leaving, this is for you, it is of no use to me, I can't fully use its power, I don't know if you can conquer it, I am looking forward to it." , The man took out a rectangular box from the void and threw it to Mu Hantian.

When the box fell into Mu Hantian's hands, the box disappeared, revealing what was inside-a green sword.

"What do you mean?" Mu Hantian asked puzzlingly as he looked at the man in front of him.

"Nothing else, but it's pleasing to your eyes, this is the'wing of the storm' as a meeting ceremony. By the way, my name is Wing, free, unfettered wings, wings soaring in the sky, remember Live!" After Yi finished speaking, he opened a door of time and space with a bow, and walked in with Hinata, and then the door disappeared.

"Everyone, let's go back. There are many things we have to discuss, right, Shizhi." After that, Mu Hantian looked at Shizhi with a smile.

"Ah...haha, let's go, let's go, I'm a little hungry when I go back." Shizhi hit haha ​​without answering.

"Forget it, let's go back first." Mu Hantian waved his hand and left with the girls.The light of the sunrise "shot" between the streets that had been turned into two sections by the battle-the shadows of the people combined into one, shining long on the floor of the building.

The 494th chapter is puzzled

Tiangong City, Mu Hantian Home:

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