Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 359

"It's not because you patted me on the shoulder and misunderstood by the girls." Yicheng defended.

"I understand roughly, what misunderstanding happened." Cangna's voice was steady and strong, she said her conjecture confidently, as if she had understood the truth.

Yicheng deeply reflected on why he had only noticed this beauty's chest before. He saw that the second greatest strength of the president is understanding, but he still felt that the first greatest strength of the president was **** .

"Yes, they misunderstood, um, they misunderstood." Because it is very important, I said twice, and Yicheng said confidently that he must categorize this matter as soon as possible, otherwise, his reputation will be repeated. Dropped, although it was already extremely bad.

In the student union, suddenly fell into silence.The original atmosphere was not bad, but it was more like a feeling of harmony, until the moment that Chi Chi Cang Na announced the punishment.

"Then, in view of the bad influence caused by the previous "commotion", Ise you have recorded the punishment."

This is not a "random" decision. After all, it was not a trivial matter this morning. Not to mention that in this aristocratic school, nearly half of the girls are late. You must know that the school has always been Girls are in the majority.

"No!" After hearing Cangna's words, Mu Hantian spoke. The relationship between him and Yicheng over the years has also been affectionate. Of course, it is brotherhood, so don't be crooked.

"This is necessary. The impact was bad this morning. Several classes failed to start on time, not to mention..."

"Enough, this incident is all because of me, don't punish Yicheng."

"Insolent person, this is the student council president Cang..."

"I said one last time. This matter has nothing to do with Ise. If you want to punish, you can punish me."

The vice chairman, Zhenluo Chunji, who had been standing next to Zhiji, just wanted to scold Mu Hantian, but was interrupted in the middle.


"President, I'm very sorry just now! It's obviously your queen and the strongest family member, but I..." The subordinate's voice pulled her back from meditation, so she said, "It's not to blame you, Chung Ji."

"But, I..."

"Listen to me, Chun Ji," Cang Na interrupted his subordinates slightly, "that person, I feel very strange, I can't see through him, I can't see through at all. But... although he is hidden Very good, but just now, I felt that there seemed to be something terrifying in his body."

"Huh? Could it be his body..."

"Well, there is a magical tool in his body." Cang Na was very convinced of her judgment, "It is more likely to be'sex', he has a magical device." She felt her tone rise a little, and she was a little bit excited. Because she made a decision,

"Absolutely, we must take him as a dependent."

She has been in the world for a certain amount of time, but it is the first time she wants someone like this, "However, whether he can control him is also a test for me." It is obvious that that person can't succeed with just a piece of chess. Look like.

"The president will be successful, and I am extremely looking forward to the addition of new combat power."

"Ah, I want to know his power too."

The 499th chapter Yicheng's death

I, Hyoto Ise, my parents and close friends are accustomed to "sex" calling me "Ise". I am a second-year high school student who is praising youth.

Walking in the hallway, girls often say "Look, that guy is Issei Hyoudou." I was often said to be "sex" by girls." Actually, I was surprisingly famous and popular?

No, how is it possible, because there is another sentence, "It's him, I'm waiting for the girl's public enemy, not only a "pervert" wolf, but also dare to reach out to Lord Prince."

This is not the case!How could I spy on the women's kendo club?This is a misunderstanding!What, you said that you didn't mention voyeurism and that department, ah, that's just an example... I'm sorry, I went, but I didn't see anything, it's true!I blame Matsuda and Motohama for not leaving in front of the hole, and they don't know how to give it back to friends.Ahem, I digress, and admit that I am a "pervert", but I am by no means gay!!

The girl just said, what kind of evil hand reached Lord Prince!Is that my brother?

Here to explain, this school, the private Komao Academy, was a girls' school for a few years ago, so there is a higher proportion of girls than boys.

The higher the school year, the more so. As the second graders, the male to female ratio is three to seven.Three-year-old is two to eight.

It is conceivable that girls certainly have an overwhelming "sex" advantage in the speech, and the student union is also more "sex", and the president of the student council draws Cangna is also a female "sex".

And in this school, there are three school-wide sisters, all of whom are among the best.

Ranked first, Lias Gremory, gorgeous red hair, plump ****, slender figure, noble and beautiful kaolin flower.

Ranked second, Himeshima Juna, long black hair, the same plump ****, exquisite face, Yamato Nadeshiko's temperament, the witch costume is definitely suitable for her.

"What's the matter, Ise, don't "show" that silly look early in the morning. How can you be so careless." Then this is the person who is talking to me. In this King King Academy, there are few who can talk to the three big sisters. An adult contending character, an alternative among boys, one of the school’s two great princes, Mu Hantian, just now the girls said that I’m the target of my murderous hand. Bah, I didn’t. In short, this incredible person is also my brother. , Of course, cousin.

"Really, at least the collar is arranged for me, stand at attention, don't move!" I stood at attention subconsciously, and then it was a tragedy.My somewhat natural and black-bellied brother is fixing my collar, why should he be so serious!I will do it myself!

"Well, okay, at least you have to organize your clothes next time, otherwise how would you be welcomed by the opposite sex."

No, I don't expect it anymore, I just beg them to stop staring at me, but fortunately I can't hear them.

"Well Yicheng, go to class, don't be late."

"I got it", with such a delicate mood, I went to class,

However, unexpected happiness suddenly flew to such a senseless me.

"Please associate with me!"

I was confessed, I was confessed, I was confessed without a girlfriend whose calendar is equal to age.

What a surprise!How happy!What a fluke, ahem, it's an honor.In short, I have been confessed, youth, and I feel it, now I am like in the wind, the sweet and sour wind called youth, blowing me to and fro.But... let's check first.

"Are you sure it's me, Hyoto Issei? It's not my brother Mu Hantian?" It's not promising, but the only benign contact between me and girls in the past was because, "Hyoto-kun, can you introduce me to Lord Hanten Is it?" "Ise, please give this to Master Hantian?"

Obviously they are usually called "sex" demons, perverts, beasts, and so on, so how come I will be called by my name only then!Therefore, it is normal to have such a question.

"Yes, it's you, Hyoudou-kun." But the super beautiful girl named Amano Yuma, a slender girl with smooth black hair gave me this affirmative answer.

It's really super cute. It's impossible for a beautiful girl of this level to be a girlfriend. I can't help but agree.


Early the next morning, Ise woke up very abnormally and brushed his teeth several times.Looking at his flashing teeth, Yicheng smiled.

"Laughing so wretched|trivially, I'm not ready to do good things today." Mu Hantian said as he watched Yicheng sort out his clothes.

"Why? I have business today!" Ise said with a smile, "I'm going on a date! I'm not alone anymore! I'm as popular with girls as you are!"

"Really? Congratulations to you. Since you have a date, you should leave, don't let the girls wait for you." Mu Hantian said, well, anyway, Yicheng is also my brother.


Yicheng’s date...

"Now, Ise." Amano Yuma said.

"What's wrong? Xi Majiang?" Yicheng said.

"To commemorate our first date, I want to ask you something, okay?" Amano Yuma smiled gently.

"You...what do you want to ask me...what is it?" Ise said nervously.

"Can I ask you to die?"

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