Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 370

Even the devil needs treatment if he is injured.With this thought, the girl healed the devil.

It was another accident that was seen by another priest, and the priest reported this fact to the church.

As a result, the girl's life was reversed again.

"You said that is the power to heal demons!?"

"How could there be such a thing!"

"The power of healing will not have an effect on people who are not protected by God!"

Yes, there are people with healing powers all over the world.However, there is no cure for demons and fallen angels. This is common sense within the church.It seems that there have been cases of healing outsiders in the past, but that is regarded as the power of a "witch".

The people in the church regarded the girl as a "heresy."

"A witch who can heal demons!"

The girl who was worshipped as a saint was simply threatened to become a "witch" and abandoned by the Catholic Church.

The desperate girl was taken over by the "Lost Demon Expulsion" organized by the Far East.

In other words, she accepted the asylum of the fallen angel.

Although she was abandoned, the girl never forgot to pray to God, nor did she forget to thank.

However, there was no response, God did not help the girl at all, and finally even the Lord abandoned her, the girl thought desperately.

"...Sure, I didn't pray enough. You see, I'm so stupid, I'm still "lost"." Aisha smiled and wiped away the tears from her face.

"Aisha, you are not wrong. It is your Lord, the so-called God, who really made the mistake."

"How come, I must be bad! If not, if not,"

"Then can you treat that devil to death! Can you see the injured person turn around and leave!"


"It can't be done, because you are such a person, such a gentle, kind and good person." Mu Hantian understood that Aisha was actually a virgin girl like Xia Yin.

"Oh oh oh, this is someone you don't know," suddenly came a frivolous voice. This was a young man, "My lovely assistant Aishachan, who is this?"

"It's the friend who just sent me to church, Father Fried, this is..."

"Stay back, Asia!"

Before she could finish her words, Aisha was already pulled behind by Mu Hantian. This priest has a problem!

"Why, what's the matter?" Aisha asked confusedly. She just wanted to introduce this new friend to her colleagues, but was stopped by Mu Hantian. Mu Hantian's reaction was strange.

"Fried, right? You just killed someone!"

Yes, although very few, but he can feel the blood coming from the priest, and more importantly,

"You even hurt Yicheng!"

The time goes back to when Yicheng and Mu Hantian just separated,

"Really, brother is too interesting, right? Does the devil have no human rights? Cut, I want to date a beautiful girl, too." Ise complained that only then did he begin to hate the fact that he was a devil.

Ok?The smell of blood, Ise moved his nose, and there was a smell of magic.In short, I have to go and see, Yicheng made a decision.

This is a house, not a mansion or apartment, it belongs to the kind of independent house that can be seen everywhere.

Obviously this is only the case, but it gives Yicheng an ominous feeling.

"This kind of ill feeling, something bad absolutely happened in it."

Yicheng suppressed the panic in his heart and walked in. He didn't ring the doorbell because it was no longer necessary, and the front door of the hall opened.

There is no light in the corridor.There is a staircase leading to the second floor, but there seems to be no electricity, only a dim light in the depths of the first floor. What is that, a candle?

The feeling of getting worse and worse was like Ise struck, and it was really strange. There was no human breath here.

Walking in the direction of the light, it turned out to be the living room.

There was a sofa, a TV, and a coffee table. It was a living room everywhere, but Ise froze.

That was the wall, and a corpse was nailed to the wall of this living room.

It was a male "sex", it was placed upside down, his body was about to be shredded, and there were even internal organs overflowing from the wound.

"Not good!" "Xiao" slashed, and Yicheng's body leaned back at the same time.

"Oh oh! Is the devil's response good? I thought he could cut you in half." The speaker was a white-haired man, very young, like a foreigner, in his teens, dressed as a priest, or A beautiful boy, holding in his hand the thing used to attack Ise before, it was a beam sword.

"What are you doing!" Yicheng shouted angrily. At this time, his chest was dripping with blood. This is the masterpiece of the priest. He was just shocked by the scene of the killing. It's cut, but it's not too serious, it just looks scary.

"What are you doing? Of course, I am going to cut you off. I am a priest, a young priest, and cut off the devil. I was ridiculed by the cruel me and cut off your devil's head, and I want to eat." The priest suddenly hummed frivolously. Songs that are out of tune and bad words.

I don't know the so-called, where did this nerve come out, Yicheng thought with a headache.

"My name is Fried Selzer. It's the end of the organization that belongs to a certain demon. Ah, don't report your name because of me, and you have to report your name. Because my brain is impossible to remember Enter your name, so you don’t have to. No problem, because you are about to die. It may be painful at first, but you will cry soon!"

"...It's getting troublesome, um, let me ask, this person was killed by you." Ise unbuttoned the button, took off the blood-stained coat and threw it on the ground, moving a bit. Neck, asked.

"Yes, yes. I killed it. Because he is a habitual offender of summoning demons, so I can only kill it."

"Let me try what my brother taught me."

"You guy, you're just a bastard demon, you're so arrogant, take it to death!"

Chapter 509 Let's go with me

Less than ten minutes have passed since the battle, and Fried is now holding the sword, not as relaxed as before, and Ise, although he is injured, does not seem to be a major problem.

"Ise-kun, it's amazing." A blue light suddenly appeared on the floor, and a voice came from inside at the same time. It was a magic circle.And it is the magic circle of the family members of Gremory.

"I thought I needed to save you, I was really strong, Hyoto-kun." Kiba walked out of the magic circle with a smile, and there were Aka Nao-senpai and Kitty-chan behind him.

"No need to do this," Yicheng was rare and shy. In his memory, few people care about him so much except for his relatives."But then again, what about this priest?"

"Take it back to Lias first." Zhu Nai thought for a while and said.If this matter is said to be big or small, it is really not a good idea, and it is not good to just kill it, it is really troublesome.

"You, cough, cough, you think it will eat me, cough, it's too tender!" Fried shouted, suddenly a magic circle appeared under his feet, and then the person disappeared.

"Hey, to be careless, I said why he didn't speak, so he was preparing for this." Zhu Nai said regretfully, "But forget it, I'll catch it sooner or later."


"Who killed or something, Mr. Hantian, what are you talking about?" Aisha asked "confusedly", Mu Hantian's attitude was really strange, as if he was protecting her.

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