Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 385

"By the way, Hantian, other members will be here today." Lias said.

"Huh? Cats and them? What are you doing here?" Mu Hantian puzzled.

"Uh, I think the paranormal research department meeting after school will be held here today."

"In my house, right? Okay." Mu Hantian did not refuse.



There was a metal echo under the clear sky.

"I'll come, I'll come." Ise caught the flying baseball with his glove.

"Good pick up, Ise." Lias smiled and gave a thumbs up.

At the back of Mu Hantian's villa, there is a fairly open field although there is not much grass. Members of the Supernatural Research Department are practicing baseball here.Obviously, there are activities, but the result is to play.

"Next week will be the game tournament at Komao Academy. You can't lose in the team battle." Lias said loudly and energeticly.

That's right, it will be one of the activities held by the school soon, the golf tournament.This is a big game of baseball, football, basketball, and tennis in a day.

The types are divided into class competitions and individual competitions between men and women, and there are also community competitions.

Of course, the Supernatural Research Department will participate without exception, and it does not distinguish between cultural organizations and sports organizations.

The competition type of the club competition will be announced on the same day, so I don't know what kind of competition it is.If there are not enough people, societies with a small number of people will join together.

For projects with high demand, foreign aid personnel approved by the Student Union will be added.

It is close to dusk.The sky will be dyed crimson soon.In normal times, I would chat to know the time of night activities while drinking tea in the interior of the old school building, but recently, it has been replaced by exercises in physical "exercise" clothes.

Morning exercises, sincerity from school, practice in club activities, demon work at night...

"That's probably the case for batting practice. Baseball No. 4 is decided to be a kitten."

"Understood." Of course, the strange girl kitten who hits consecutive home runs is definitely the most suitable.No one will have any objections.Having said that, even if it is recruited into the profession, it is not surprising that it has a hit rate.

"Next comes the defensive practice! Okay, everyone! Put on your gloves and go to the "playground"!" Lias was very excited!Very energetic.In other words, complete fighting spirit burned.

"The Minister likes this kind of activity the most." Zhu Nai said while smiling.

"Is that so? To be honest, I don't like baseball very much. In fact, I prefer feather balls and basketball." Mu Hantian said.

"Well, everyone has their own hobbies. Okay, Asia! It's going to be on!"


The ball that Lias hit flew towards Aisha.

"Hah! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

The ball passed under Aisha's crotch and flew behind.Aisha's motor nerves are slightly lower than that of ordinary people.Occasionally, I fall down where there is nothing.

"Aisha! The past ball has to be played back well!"

"Yes, it is!"

"Next, Yudou! It's coming!"


The ball flew towards Kiba this time.


The ball fell on the head of Kiba who was in a daze.

"Kichang! What's wrong, cheer up!" Mu Hantian couldn't help calling out.

After Mu Hantian noticed Mu Hantian, he turned his face around.Looks like a god who doesn't guard the house!

"Ah, I'm really sorry. I was just in a daze." After picking up the ball that fell on the ground, Kiba mechanically threw the ball to Lias.

Lias also sighed while catching the ball."Youdou, what's the matter? Recently, you are always in a daze. You don't look like you at all?"

"I'm very sorry." Kiba apologized frankly.

But, as Lias said.Kiba has been thinking about something with a complicated expression lately.The regular meetings of Supernatural Research also looked at the distance and did not participate in the dialogue.

I didn't expect this guy who always smiled to show such an expression.

Chapter 529 Key Yuan Shirou

"Yicheng, do you know what's wrong with Youdou?" Mu Hantian asked Yicheng, looking at Youdou who was in poor condition.

"I don't know. It seems that when he came to the house the other day and saw a picture of Irina, what holy sword was he still muttering?"

"Holy Sword? So that's the case, is it the second story? Although the first one has not been seen, but the rest is still known, then the next step is the holy sword." Mu Hantian muttered.

"Okay, okay, everyone continue!"

Rias swung the bat, so the practice started again.


Lunch break the next day.

The football conference is approaching.

After lunch, Mu Hantian and others gathered at the department.It seemed that the final combat meeting was about to be held.

"Aisha. Are you finished?" Mu Hantian walked to Aisha's side and asked.

"Aisa, your boyfriend called you." Kiryu Lanhua, the girl with glasses who was eating with Aisha, said with an obscene expression.

"Male, boyfriend...!?" After listening to Kiryu's words, Asia showed an unprecedented waver.

"Huh? Isn't it? Because you two are always together, I thought you were dating."

"That, that, that, that kind of... just..." Asia's face was completely red.

"Yeah. So that's the case. But, from the perspective of others, you are a couple who fit together every night? When it comes to what young men and women do at night under the same roof, that is. Uhhhhh. Mentioning'frank meeting' is what I taught! How about? Great, right?"

Hey hey hey hey!What an erudite girl this guy is!It's really worthy of being called a "teacher" by classmates!

"Sure enough, that was what you taught! By the way, fit or something, you guy! This is not a fit between robots! I am not as shameless as that!"

"Eh. But, it's not right. Aisha is right to you—ahhh!" Aisha covered Kiryu's mouth as she wanted to say something.

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