Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 394

"Well, leave that alone, let's go in, the enemy is waiting for us."

"You guys, wait a minute."

"This is really troublesome."

Mu Hantian and the others turned around and saw Lias and Cangna standing there with very dangerous expressions.

"You guys, even if you want to fight, you have to protect the school first, come with me."

Mu Hantian and others can only keep up.


"Senior Rias. I have covered the academy with a huge barrier. This way, as long as it is not too "chaotic", it will not cause external damage." Saji is reporting the situation to Rias.

The members of the Supernatural Research Department and the Student Union are concentrated in the park in front of Komao Academy.

The key of the student union is now explaining the barrier to Lias.

Sona, who had heard about the matter from Rias, immediately gathered all the members of the student union and opened a huge barrier in the academy.This is a measure to prevent what happened inside from spreading outside.

After all, the opponent is a fallen angel cadre who has records in the Bible and related books.What will happen is not surprising.

"This is just for minimizing the damage. To be honest, if Kirkbol does his best, all the city will collapse without talking about the academy. I said it just now, it seems that I have already prepared. I. His servant has already captured the figure of Kirkbol who is liberating the power in the school court."

"In order to curb the attack, my family members and I will each stand in place and continue to open the barrier. Try to minimize the damage. I really can't bear to hurt the school, but since I am a fallen angel cadre, I can only do this. That's it." Cang Na narrowed her eyes and said unhappily while looking at the academy.

"Thank you, Cangna. Leave the rest to us."

"Lias, the opponent is a monster beyond ordinary? I will definitely lose. It's not too late, to your brother..." Lias shook her head.

"Didn't you also call your sister?"

"My side is...your brother loves you very much. If it's Lord Suzex, he would definitely take action. So..."

"It has been reported to Lord Suzex." Zhu Nai "inserted" into the conversation between the two at this time.

"Zhu Nai!" The minister made an accusatory voice to Zhu Nai, but Zhu Nai's rare "expression" made an angry expression.

"Lias, I know you don't want to cause trouble to Lord Suzex. Although this is something that happened in your territory and in your stronghold. It also troubles your family. But since it is a cadre, That would be different. This is far beyond the level that you can solve personally. Use the power of the Demon King."

Although Lias wanted to say something, she sighed greatly and nodded quietly.After confirming, the senior sister also smiled.

"Thank you for understanding, Minister. Lord Sangna, it's about an hour before Lord Suzex arrives."

"One hour? I see. During this time, our student union will bet on the name of Xidi's family members and open the barrier well."

"One hour. Okay, my servant demons. We are offensive. Pay attention to Kokbor in the enchantment. This is a deadly battle! Even so, none of you are allowed to die! You must live here to go to school. Yeah, everyone!"


Mu Hantian and the others walked in from the front door dignifiedly.

The four swords in the center of the school court glowed sacredly while floating in the air.With that as the center, the entire school courtyard depicts the magic circle.

In the center of the Rubik's Cube stood the famous old man-Barupa Galileo.

"What the hell is...?" Ise asked in surprise.

"We will merge the four excaliburs into one." Barupa said in a cheerful tone.

"Barupa, how long will excalibur and the integration take?"

The voice came from the air!When everyone looked up to the sky, Kirkball appeared bathed in moonlight.Sitting on a chair floating in the air, looking down at everyone.

"About five minutes, Kirkball."

"That's it. Then, I beg you."

Kirkball's sight shifted from Barupa to Rias.

"Will Suzex come? Or does Seraphim come?"

"We will replace my brother and Lord Leviathan."

Whoosh~!Boom... After the sound of cutting through the air, the explosion sound spreads around with the blast wind.

The place where the blast occurred is the gymnasium.No trace at all!Disappeared!

"Too boring. Forget it. I don't know if it can be a side effect?"

There was a huge beam of light slanted on the ground at the gymnasium.

"Well, you guys can play with the pets I brought from hell." Kokboer snapped his fingers.Then, in the depths of the dark night, something swayed and approached.

Over ten meters tall, each of his four feet is very thick, and it is cool just to see the sharp claws sticking out from above.Even in the dark, bright red eyes gleamed with blood.From his mouth, there were fangs that looked extremely ferocious.They are all lined up, and there is still a white breath between the teeth.A dog with three heads.

"Kelbeiros!" Lias said unhappily.

"Well, it's a Hellhound in short, leave it to me, and play with him." Mu Hantian said, raising his left hand high, "My guardian, follow the ancient vows and come to my place. By your side. The Swift Thunder, the Wings of Fantasy, if the gust of wind runs away and the thunder is shattered, come on, the Silver Winged Wolf." With Mu Hantian's call, the silver "color" wolf with the wings of thunder descended.

"This is..." Kokbol's expression was a little ugly, he could feel the surging magic power in the silver-winged silver wolf.

"Wolf and dog fight, I don't know who will win, I'm a little expectant, come on." Mu Hantian smiled lightly.

Following Mu Hantian's order, the Silver Wolf rushed up, seeming to feel the danger. Kyle Bellos vomited flames from his mouth. The Winged Silver Wolf was agile and quickly avoided Kyle Bellos' attack. Then began a counterattack.

Thunder and lightning came from the wings, more powerful than Junai's. Kyle Belos was too huge to have swift speed and was completely hit.

Oh oh oh……

Hearing the sound, everyone turned their heads.

"There is another one!" Another Kyle Bellos appeared from the darkness!

Oh oh oh oh oh oh!

The other roared and rushed towards Mu Hantian and Aisha!When Mu Hantian was about to attack...


One of the heads of Kyle Bellos who rushed over was flying in the air.

Cut it!Was chopped!

who is it?

What appeared in front of Mu Hantian was the young girl waving excalibur-Xenovia.The head of the demon dog that flew into the air turned into dust and disappeared.

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