Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 397

Barupa's ****, who seemed to have figured out something, was penetrated by a light gun.

"Hmm!" Barupa vomited blood, and then poured onto the "playground".

"Barupa. You are good. It is because you are good that you can think of it. But I don't care if I don't have you. From the beginning, I planned to do it alone." Kou floating in the air Kebor sneered.

It was Kirkbol who killed Barupa.

"Hahaha! Ahahaha!" Kirkboll laughed and fell to the ground.

Overwhelm the weight of "sex".With strong confidence and aura, the cadres of the Fallen Angel finally stood in front of Mu Hantian and others."Lu" gave a fearless smile.

"Kiba, Jerova, step back, he is my prey." Mu Hantian waved his hand to signal the two to step back.

" it really possible? You are alone." Kiba hesitated.

"No problem, come on,'Wings of the Storm'!" While answering Kiba, Mu Hantian studied Jelowa and stretched his hand into the void to "fumble".

Finally, I found it, and pulled it out. It was a green "colored" sword, and the momentum alone could feel very strong.

"Hey, Kokboer, I just untie the seal of'her', I don't know if you can stop it." Mu Hantian chuckled lightly.

"Who are you anyway?" As a strong man, Kokbol could certainly feel the pressure on the sword.

"Me? Remember, I'm just a passing...person, and Gremory's'chariot'" (Haha, thought I would write about Kamen Riders passing by? I miss you too much.)

"Oh, a mere dependent, huh, it is better to offer your divine tool, I can spare you not to die."

"Come and try, I also want to know how strong I am, let's try it out." With this lightly speaking, Mu Hantian quickly attacked Kokboer who was standing on the ground.

"Oh, good speed, but not enough strength." Kokboer gently stretched out a hand, blocking Mu Hantian's attack very easily.

"How about this trick." Seeing the attack failed, Mu Hantian didn't pause, and quickly backed away, reorganizing the attack.

"The current of the gods-the front of the wings." With the'wings of the storm' as the center, the surrounding airflow turned into sharp blades and struck Kokebol.

"Huh? This kind of attack, it turned out to be you... the guy who suddenly ran out during the three-way war and defeated the god and the devil. I didn't expect you to be alive." Mu Hantian said in Kokboer's mouth. Words that do not understand.

'What is this guy talking about?Isn't it silly?'Although he thought so, Mu Hantian's attack did not weaken.

"Hmph, if it's you, there is no need to fight. I'm not your opponent, but you can't stop me if I want to go." Kirkbol seemed to have thought of something and had a retreat.

"How can I let you run away, human and ghost-the future eternal robbery cut." Mu Hantian took out Jingjue and opened it up.

"Damn it!" Feeling the attack behind him, Kirkbol had to turn around to resist.


Hmph, it seems that I can't leave today, so let me tell you something interesting. In the previous three-way battle, not only the four demon kings, but even the gods died.Of course you don’t know.God is dead, how can I say it?Human beings are a lot of people without the balance of God's heart and incomplete laws and functions?We fallen angels and demons did not inform the lower level of the truth.No matter where it is, I think it is impossible to "expose" the message that God is dead.Even among the three major forces, only some people at the top know the truth.Barupa seemed to have noticed just now.What remains after the war are angels who have gone to gods, demons who have lost all the demon kings and most of the upper-level demons, and fallen angels who have basically lost all but the cadres.Already, it has entered a state of exhaustion.Every force has fallen into the predicament that it cannot survive without relying on human beings.Especially when angels and fallen angels interact with humans, they will not leave offspring.In the case of fallen angels, the number of fallen angels will increase, but pure angels cannot increase now without God.The pure blood of the devil has become rare, right?"

In fact, Kokboer's purpose of telling the truth was only to interfere with Mu Hantian and the others, and then took the opportunity to escape.

"It's a lie. It's a lie." Not far away, Xenovia, who had lost strength and support, knelt on the ground on the spot.Her expression was very embarrassed.

Active believers.A servant of God.It is our duty to serve God and the purpose of living is to serve God. Now that the existence of God is denied, the reason for survival is also lost.

The same is true of Irina, lifeless.

"To be honest, even if you deliberately want to cause a war, you won't be able to fight. No matter which force, you have lost a lot in the previous war. In the battle, the gods and demon kings died, and it is meaningless to judge to continue fighting. The guy Asscher also lost most of his subordinates in the war, saying, "No war will start again"! I can’t stand it! I can’t stand it! I want to take back the fist I once slammed! What a joke What a joke! If that continues, it may be our victory! But that guy! What is the value of the fallen angel who lives with the owner of the human artifact!" Kirkball talked loudly.The expression is also quite angry.

Asia also covered her mouth with her hands, her eyes widened and her whole body trembling.Although she has left the church, her faith is still alive.

"The Lord is gone? The Lord... is dead? So, what is for us..."

Kirkball answered Aisha’s question: "Yes. God’s protection and love disappeared for granted. Because God is no longer there. Michael is really capable. Instead of God, he managed angels and humans well. Well, If the "system" used by God is still functioning, God’s prayers, blessings, and exorcists can still function to a certain extent. However, the number of believers that can be covered is much smaller than when God is alive. Right. The holy demon sword imp over there was able to create the holy demon sword because the balance between the god and the demon collapsed. Originally, the holy and the devil would not merge together. It is in charge of the balance of the power of the holy and the devil. If the gods and the devil are gone, it will cause all kinds of peculiar phenomena."

After listening to Kirkbol's words, Asia sat on the ground.

"Aisha! You still have me, don't worry." Mu Hantian hugged her and called her.

Kokbol ignored Mu Hantian and the others, and raised his hands to the sky.

"I want to start a war and use this as an opportunity! Your "life" is handwriting! Even if it is only me, I will continue that time! To prove to Suzex and Michael that we are the fallen angels It's the strongest! But now I can't help it, now I can only give in." After speaking, I was ready to escape.

Chapter 542 The White Dragon Emperor

"Hehehe, it's quite interesting."

Just as Kirkbol was about to escape, suddenly there was a voice in the air.No one is present.

The first thing I noticed is Zhu Nai, the mobile vice minister who is good at reading various forces.

Suddenly, she looked up at the sky.Immediately afterwards, Lias also felt something.The two looked at the dark night sky at the same time.


The flash of white "color" cut through the dark world and fell from the sky.If it falls to the ground at that speed, it will definitely form a crater with loud noises, and it is inevitable that this area will be filled with dust.

However, nothing like this happened.

Bai Ying shone in front of Mu Hantian and others.

Shining in the darkness, all the white things that are invisible to the gray and shadow.Maintain a certain height with the ground and float there.

White "color" full body armor.There were jewel-like things inlaid everywhere in the body, and even his face was covered by armor, and the man's expression was completely invisible.

There are eight wings of light on the back, and the wings of light cut open the dark night, emitting a sacred light.

The person whose whole body is wrapped in white armor is quite familiar.Although the "color" and shape are different, they are very similar.It is very similar to Ise's "Armor of the Red Dragon Emperor".

'White Dragon'.The first to speak was Kokboer, the officer of the Fallen Angel.

Kirkbol saw the white armor and was immediately stunned."One of the gods, the'White Dragon Emperor's Light Wings'. It has been transformed into the form of armor, which means that the posture is the'White Dragon Emperor's Armor' in the forbidden state. It is the same as the'Red Dragon Emperor's cage hand. 'Similarly, an unpleasant existence."

"Have you been attracted by the red? "White Dragon". Don't hinder..." Before Kirkbol's words were all finished, his black wings were flying in the air.In an instant, blood sprayed from him.

"Like a crow's feather "hair". A bit dirty "color". Arthurschel's feather "hair" should be darker. Isn't it normal dark?"

'White Dragon' holds black wings in his hand.From the sound,'White Dragon' is a young male'sex'.

"You, you bastard! Damn it, my wings!"

To the furious Kokbol who covered his wings, "White Dragon" laughed.

"It's the mark of the fall anyway. People who fall below the ground don't need wings? Are you going to fly?"

"'White Dragon'! Are you planning to disobey me!"

Although Kirkbol made countless light guns appear in the sky, the "White Dragon" said without moving, "My name is Arubion."

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