Magical comprehensive travel

A Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 400

"My sister. By the way, this room is really horrendous. There are obviously so many young girls here but there is nothing else but the magic circle." Szekes smiled bitterly as he looked around the room.

"Brother, why did you come here?" Lias asked in surprise.

After hearing Lias’s words, Suzex took out a flyer and said, "What are you talking about. I'm going to visit the teaching soon? I thought I should go and see it too. So I just came to see it. See how my sister is studying."

"Gurefia? You told your brother, right." After the slightly troubled Minister asked, Gurefia nodded.

"Yes. All reports from the academy will be passed to me as the schedule arranger of Gremory's family. Of course, since I am the'queen' of Lord Sazzex, I have the obligation to report to the master."

"Even if I received the report, even if I have a variety of positions in the demon king, I took advantage of the vacation to participate in the teaching tour of my sister. Don't worry. My father will also come."

"This, this can't work! Brother is the devil, right? Putting the job down and running out of things like this! The devil can't treat some demons differently!"

"No, no, this is also one of the jobs, Lias. Actually, the three major leaders will hold the receipt in this academy. I'm here to inspect the venue."

Everyone was taken aback, it was going to be held here!This school will hold a major meeting of demons, angels, and fallen angels!

"Here? Really?" Lias also opened her eyes wide.Because I was too surprised, I asked one more time.

"Yes. I don’t know why I’m always very destined to this academy. The sister of Demon King Seraphim Leviathan has also attacked Kirkbol and the White Dragon Emperor. This is something that cannot be classified as accidental. All kinds of forces gathered, and the waves became rough."

"You are the demon king. When we first met, I was Xenovia." The newcomer Xenovia who intervened in the conversation was the new demon whose hair was highlighted in green.

"Hello, Xenovia. This is Thazex Lucifer. I have received the report from Liasna. The user of the holy sword Durandal has become a demon, and is still a dependent of my sister... …To be honest, when I first heard it, I suspected that I had heard it wrong."

"I never thought that I would become a demon. I was reincarnated as the object I had always wanted to destroy, and I now regret the bold behavior I made.... Well, yes. Why should I be a demon? What? Self-rejection? No, but at that time I was sincere, very sincere... But, is it really okay for me to be a demon?" Ah, holding my head in thought again.

"Hahaha, there are so many interesting people in the younger sister’s family. Xenovia, you have just reincarnated. I might say that it may be a bit headstrong. I hope you can support Gremory as Lias’s family member. .please."

"The legendary demon king Lucifer, who is also recorded in the Bible, asks me to dismiss it. Although I don't know how much I can do, I will do it."

After hearing Xenovia's words, Sazex smiled "Thank you."

Xenovia flushed slightly after hearing Suzex's thanks.

"Well, there is no way to continue complicated topics. Um, but. Although it is in the human world, it is midnight. I don't know if there are any vacant accommodation facilities at this time?"

"Go to my house, no one is there anyway." Mu Hantian said.

"Oh, that's it, then it's troublesome, Han Tianjun." Szekes did not refuse.

Chapter 545 Teaching begins

A few days passed after Suzex's visit.

Suzex and Gurefia left Mu Hantian's home on the second day of their stay.

Although I said that I was going to inspect the city, from the time I followed Suzex for several days, I felt like I was sightseeing.

Before I knew it, I passed the holiday school day.

"I am leaving."

Mu Hantian and Aisha went to school together. Although today is Sunday, they still have to go to school because they have something to do.

"good Morning."

It was Xenovia.She seems to be living alone in an apartment near Mu Hantian.

Abandoning herself and becoming a demon, she can no longer set foot in the land of the Vatican.So, she lives in this city, but she seems to hate living in the old school building, so she lives in an apartment.

However, I often come to ask Mu Hantian some questions.Well, if you suddenly live in a place with different culture and living standards, there are quite a few problems.Having said that, both Aisha and Xenovia were surprised by the fact that they held umbrellas on a rainy day.

It seems that you can't hold an umbrella even if it rains.They were very surprised to see the plastic umbrella.There are really differences in culture.

"Aisha, is that homework finished?"

"Yes. Where is Xenovia?"

"I...I don't understand Japanese. Can you teach me?"

"Okay! Leave it to me!... But I'm not good at Chinese characters."

"Me too. It's horrible that Japanese can remember such complicated words. You can get a glimpse of the economic power."

Aisha and Xenovia were talking first.Although it was very bad when they first met, their relationship gradually improved.During school breaks, I was also with the three ergonomic female Kiryu of the same class.

Both of them are Christians, which may be an important reason for the deepening of friendship.

"Well, you guys. Today is only our pool open day."

Yes, the Supernatural Research Department received an order from the Student Union to clean the pool.It's already summer, and the academy will open a swimming pool too.

If you want to use the swimming pool for the first time, you have to clean up Rias and readily accepted this condition.

"This is welfare..." Mu Hantian sighed, swimwear or something is welfare.

The bikinis of Lias and Zhu Nai, and the campus department of Cat Aisha Yilia made Mu Hantian linger.


"Hantian, Yicheng, Aishachan. I will go with my father and him soon." Yicheng's mother was very emotional early in the morning.

At this moment, Aisha responded with a smile on her face.

After having a "family" living together, I can't bear it. Aisha also likes this every day.

That's how it came to the day of teaching visits.

The so-called teaching visit is, correctly speaking, public teaching.Of course parents can also come, even students from the junior high school can come to see the teaching scene.And guardians of junior high school students can also visit together, which is quite free.

"I can't get any interest." Lias said while sighing.

After saying goodbye to Lias in the entrance of the school, Mu Hantian, Ise and Aisha walked towards the classroom.

As soon as they sat on their seats, Matsuda and Motohama leaned over to Ise.

"Will Ise's parents come?"

"Yeah. It's better to say that Mom and Dad are here to see Aisha and Brother."

After hearing Ise's answer, Matsuda nodded vigorously.


The teaching finally started, and the parents of the classmates opened from behind and entered the classroom.

The class is English.The male teacher who was more excited than usual took out a rectangular object wrapped in a bag and distributed it to the students.

Ok? what is this? Do you need this thing in English class? This, this is paper clay?

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