Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 410

"So, it seems that I am here to return to the past." Mu Hantian understood that it was this time and space storm that brought him back to the past, but there was no way to stop it.

"Lias, I have already sent Qiu and Nayue over, this is for you, it will help you, leave me alone, I won't die." With these words, Mu Hantian disappeared in this area. In the space.


"I don't know where this storm will take me. According to Suzex and the others, it seems that I was at the time of the three-way war, and then I went to the battle between the reformists and the old demon kings. It was really messy. ."

"It seems that I must hurry up, otherwise what should I do if I meet Orpheus or the True Scarlet Dragon God Emperor?" Mu Hantian murmured, and Mu Hantian accelerated.

Chapter 555 Back to the Past

"Master, there is a side mission, please accept it." Xiaoguang's voice sounded.

"Oh, let me see."

"Secondary mission: find the traverser who came here by accident. Send them back to their own world. (Unlimited time); Mission reward: 50000 redemption points, 1 chance to draw."

"This task is a bit troublesome. After all, there are too many people in this world. Alas, let’s deal with my current body first, let’s talk about it. There are traces of space storms everywhere on my body. Traversing, you have to vent."

"Master, look at the front, there are people fighting there, so you can take this opportunity to vent the excess." Xiaoguang suggested.

"Well, let's go, just to know what time it is now." Taking out Jingjue and Stormwing, Mu Hantian flew over.


"Huh, stupid god, you are about to overthrow your rule today," a demon said loudly.

"Huh, Lucifer, do you think you can defeat me by joining forces with Asacher? It's too naive." The man called the god smiled disdainfully.

"I said, you guys have to do it... Is that?" said a black and feathery boy pointing at the fast flying object in front of him.

"Nether God Flow——Blade of Gale." Without any words, Mu Hantian already knew where this was. During the three-way war, he couldn't control that much, because all he had to do was vent.

"Hey, who are you?" The attack was easily blocked.God asked.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what's important accompany me to fight a game now. Underworld-Six-pointed Star Array" said, Mu Hantian waved his sword and slashed towards the god in front of him.

"Damn it." The god was a little embarrassed, and there was no way. Mu Hantian was another powerful blow at such a close distance.

"Should we do it now?" Lucifer laughed.

"You three go on together, otherwise it will be boring." Mu Hantian said, but the attack in his hand has not slowed down.

"Arubion, I didn't expect someone more militant than us, let's go and fight." A loud voice was heard in everyone's ears.

"Okay, Draig, this time the winner must be determined."

"That's... Er Tianlong! Really, today is really not a good day, strange people ran out one by one." The god was speechless.

"This is great, this blow should be able to vent." Looking at the strong guys present, Mu Hantian thought.

"Ming Shenliu-Shen Mie Jian." Mu Han Angel made the strongest sword.

"It's not good, it must be blocked." This is the thought of all those who are attacked.

Bang... bang...

Everyone used their strongest tactics, trying to block Mu Hantian's attack.

When the attacks collided, the thick smoke began to spread, the smoke dissipated, and Mu Hantian's figure was gone.

"Damn it, let him run." Lucifer was a little angry.

"Then, let's take the two of them to vent their anger." God pointed to the'Red Dragon' and the'White Dragon' and said.

"Yes." Lucifer and Asacher did not refuse, just need a punching bag.


In the underworld, since the battle with the gods and the devil, the atmosphere in the underworld has been very bad. The descendants of the devil have inherited the position of the devil. They must continue to fight against the angels and fallen angels in the underworld. For the underworld after a great battle, the devil's actions made the demons very dissatisfied.

As the saying goes, where there is oppression, there will be resistance. The four big families headed by the Gremory family led the demons to resist, and the demons entered the era of reform.

"Unexpectedly, not only did not go back, but came here instead." With a sigh, Mu Hantian said helplessly to himself.

"Huh? Someone is fighting again? It seems that my luck is really bad. Forget it, go and have a look." Mu Hantian followed his breath and looked for it.

When he found the source of the fight, Mu Hantian was stunned, because the person in front of him was still two people familiar with him.

"What's the situation?" Mu Hantian couldn't turn around.The purple-haired girl in front of me is Seraphim, and the one chasing her and hitting her is Gurefia, right?

Mu Hantian thought about it and didn't think of a reason, so he could only do it.Teleported to the two of them, waved two sword qi to smash the attack of the two successfully and attracted the attention of the two.

"Who are you?" Gurefia asked, his family is a family that serves Lucifer, and now a reformist has emerged from the devil's side. As Lucifer's confidant family, Gurefia is bound to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy. Up.

"Um, I'm just a passerby, come over and take a look when someone is fighting." Mu Hantian said.

"That's the case, then please leave, and you can kill her immediately."

"Hmph, if it weren't for the stamina I spent too much in the previous battle, how could I be defeated by you."

"No, I can't watch Seraphim being taken away by you."

"How do you know my name?" Seraphim asked.

"This is a password, but don't worry, I'm not malicious to you." Mu Hantian said lightly.

"Then let me see what you can do to stop me." Gurefia said calmly, gathering terrifying magic in his hands.

"Huh? Someone is here, forget it, come with me if you want to fight." Mu Hantian felt the magic not far away, and said to Gurefia.

"Let's go."

"Okay, you have to keep up." After speaking, Mu Hantian flew out.Gurefia followed.


"Well, right here." Mu Hantian took out his sword.

The response to Mu Hantian was a magic bullet from Gurefia.

"You're really welcome, but you are not my opponent at this time." Mu Hantian smashed Gurefia's magic bullet with a single sword.

"Hey!" Frowning Gurefia did not speak, but attacked more strongly.

"Damn, this is not the East, where's the barrage." He murmured silently, but Mu Hantian's movements were not slow.

"Ming Shenliu-Red Lotus Karma." Mu Hantian quickly swung his sword with both hands, smashing every attack that came.

"Enough quantity, but not enough strength." Mu Hantian smiled indifferently. "And... your response was not enough." Mu Hantian disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already by Gurefia's side, and Jing Jue was resting on Gurefia's neck. "

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