Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 412

Chapter 557 Yicheng vs Vali

"That's not a real forbidden hand, is it just taking the powerful dragon as the foundation?" the female "sex" asked.

Asacher affirmed the issue of female "sex"."Yes, I sealed the'Golden Dragon Lord' Fabunier into this artificial artifact. Take the two-day dragon-the'Red Dragon' and the'White Dragon' artifacts as models. Now it has succeeded."

"Huh? What is that dragon?" Ise asked in a bit of surprise.

"That's one of the'Five Dragon Kings'. Asachel also talked about Frido before? The other ones are Tiamat, the Dragon of the West Sea, the Jade Dragon, and the Final Yan. The Great Dragon' Midgard. Even so, Fritor was wiped out a long time ago and then sealed. According to Asacher's words, Fabnir was also sealed. Originally, the Dragon King was There are six of them," Suzex explained.

(Let’s popularize it for everyone:

1. Fabnir: Favna of Norse mythology.

2. Furido: The dragon Naga of the Asura protoss that appeared in the early Vedic mythology. Its name means "coverer", which is the deification of drought.

3. Tiamat: It is the goddess in ancient Babylonian mythology, and the mother god who gave birth to all the gods.

4. Yulong: That is, the white horse that Tang Seng Xitian learns from.

5. Midgard: the snake of the Nordic mythical world.

"Azazel! If you have such a powerful force, why do you..."

"Cadileya, it's really bad for you to speak out, you have the'Infinite Dragon God' as your backing."

"However, the research on artifacts should not have progressed to this point."

"Oh, listen to your tone, it seems that the betrayers in my organization have taken away the materials related to the research on artifacts. However, this is useless. Only I and Shemhasa know the truth. "

The body of the staggering female "sex" was immediately covered with blue and black aura."I am the one who inherited the blood of the great true Leviathan! Cadileya Leviathan! I will not lose to you the hateful fallen angel!"

"Oh, in that case, come on."

"Don't underestimate me!" Cadileya flew towards Assathier at a violent speed with a huge aura!


For an instant.Cadileya flew to Assathel, Assathel raised his gun to respond.

In an instant--.Flutter~!Blood spurted from Cadileya's body.She lost her strength and knelt on the ground.

"I'm not going to lose like this!" Cadileya turned her hand into a tentacle, entangled Asacher's left hand.Strange patterns appeared on the body!

"That's the technique used to explode!" Lias was very surprised.

Asachel was entangled in the tentacles, but he had no idea of ​​cutting off the tentacles.

"Azazel! It's useless if you want to kill me in this state! As long as you are connected to me, as long as I die, I will launch a spell capable of killing you!"

"In other words, do you have to hurt me hard with the consciousness of sacrifice? Although the idea is simple, the effect is very big."

"Ise, keep your distance! If this goes on, you will be involved in self-destruction!"

"But, Minister! Asachel him?"

"He is also the governor of an organization, and there must be a way! If we get involved, we will die!"

"Yicheng, stand back." Mu Hantian ran to take Yicheng away, and distanced himself from Asacher.

After leaving to a certain extent, Rias spread out several defensive barriers to stop the aftermath of the explosion.


Gasper screamed!I took a closer look at Gaspar's eyes, wondering if there was a spell pattern.

"Sorry, I want to seal him. It's too annoying to stop time." Varina's somewhat awkward voice came.

"But, after knowing the ability and activation conditions, there is nothing to be afraid of. That artifact is full of weaknesses. There are so many spells that can deprive vision. And if you get an illusion, you will even be harmed. Double-edged sword."

"The tentacles are specially made by absorbing my life. It is constant." Kadileya smiled fearlessly, completely ignoring Asathier's move to cut off the tentacles.

Asachel gave up cutting off the tentacles and shrugged.The next moment...

Flutter!He cut off the whole left hand and the tentacles!Blood spurted from the wound on Asachel's left hand.The cut left hand turned into dust.

"Unexpectedly put my hand...!"

The surprised Cadileya was immediately pierced by the light gun thrown by Asacher!

"This hand is for you."


Cadileya's body didn't explode, only turned into dust and disappeared.

Click!Asacher lifted his armor.The Governor of the Fallen Angel did not appear to be attached to the lost arm at all, just stunned.

"There's no way, the artificial artifact is at its limit. There are still many areas that need to be improved. As long as the core jade is okay, then you can make it again. Stay with me a little bit, "Golden Dragon Lord" Fabnir ." Then, he gently kissed what looked like a treasure in his hand.

Cadileya and Asachel split the game.

Then there is --.

Vali, wearing a white armor, descended from the night sky.

"It's really Asacher. However, the armor is lifted. In other words, the artificial artifact still needs to be studied."

Asacher turned to Wali."Okay, Valli. What are you going to do? I can continue to fight. Even if there is no armor, even if I only have one hand, this is enough to fight you."

Asacher called out a light gun in his hand, pointed at Vali.Valli just glanced at Assacher.

"Emperor Chilong, don't you think fate is cruel?"

"The opposite of the strongest existence of a devil like me and the legendary dragon is that you are just an ordinary person who is possessed by a dragon alone. No matter how I think about it, I think this accident is too cruel. Although the same Possess the dragon's artifact, but the gap between the holders is too great."

"I investigated your matter a little bit. My father is an ordinary office worker. My mother is an ordinary housewife, and she sings from time to time. The blood relationship of both parents is very ordinary. There is no power and skill in the ancestors. It’s here. There is nothing special about your friendship. You were just an ordinary high school student before you reincarnated as a demon. There is nothing special except boosted gear."

"It's so boring. It's so boring. After learning about you, I want to laugh more than I am lost. "Ah, this is my old enemy." I immediately sighed like this. At least my parents are magic. According to the teacher, maybe it can be changed a little... By the way! How about this setting? Make you an avenger!"

"I'm going to kill your parents. In this case, you will be a little more interesting. Don't you think that if your parents are killed by my precious existence, you will bear a heavy destiny? Well, that's it. Anyway. , Your parents will live an ordinary life until they are old and die ordinary. Compared to such a boring life, my setting is much better! How?"

"If you dare to do it, I will dare to kill you." Mu Hantian and Yicheng said in unison.

"As you said, my dad is an ordinary office worker who works for his family from morning to night. My mom is an ordinary blessing who cooks for the family from morning to night. But they are the ones who treat me Raised till now. For me, they are the best parents."

"Ise is right. When I was at the Yicheng family, I felt the love of my parents."

"It won't let you succeed."

"I won't let a guy like you kill my parents!"

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