Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 428

"Huh! Who thought it was? It turned out to be Monkey King! It's really nice to be able to withstand my Tanning's attack!"

"My name is Monkey! Please advise me, General Long!"

"Ha ha ha ha. A monkey in a mere sigh of relief. Do you know who you are against?"

"I also inherited the blood of the legendary monster. I won't be killed easily. However, Hei Ge was caught, and it was really distressing. There are so many people, there is no way to save it, only Go back first, sorry, Hei Ge." With that said, the monkey broke the barrier and escaped.

"Then, let's go too, I believe you also have a lot of questions to ask." With this, Mu Hantian took Hei Ge's hand and walked towards the venue.Hei Ge did not resist either.

Seeing this, Lias and others could only keep up.

Chapter 572 Explanation

Gremory's home, Mu Hantian and others are gathering together.

"Okay, Hei Ge, take out the antidote." Mu Hantian said, looking at Hei Ge beside him.

"Know... I know." Hei Ge was somewhat reluctant.

"Hey, what's the matter with your reluctant expression, the kitten is your sister." Mu Hantian said angrily after patted her head.

"Um..." Hei Ge pursed his mouth, a little unhappy.

"Hantian, how did you and her-Black Song meet?" Lias asked curiously.

"Oh, Hei Ge and I met eight years ago. At that time, she was hunted down and severely injured, so I saved her. I lived with me for a year. Then she said she was going to find her sister, so she left. Now I see it again." Mu Hantian smiled and "touched" Hei Ge's head.Well, that's right, this is the long-lost stunt on the rivers and lakes,'"touch" the head kill.'

"Sister, I'm very upset with your enjoyment." Kitty murmured.

"Baiyin, how can you say that to me, sister, sister is very sad, meow."

"Little cat, don’t worry about your power hurting us. Power is right or wrong. The important thing is to see how you use it. Heige did the right thing. Do you know which one you and Heige are from? Master, I want to plot against you. If you don't believe it, go and ask Szekes. This is what he investigated." Mu Hantian said suddenly.

"Also...that is, sister she..."

"Yes, your sister did that to protect you."

"Sister, is this true?" The kitten looked back at Heige, hoping to get the answer he wanted.

"It's true." Hei Ge said, biting his lip.

"It's true, it's just that Heige's current "sex" style has changed a bit, but it doesn't matter, just leave her to me for one night." Mu Hantian said with a smile.(Author: what you call this, tune it?) (Mu cold days: I tune your sister)

"Uh, all right, let's go first, both Kitten and Lias need to rest." In the eyes of everyone's questioning, Mu Hantian said this sentence, and then went out with the black song.

When he reached the door of the room, Suzex appeared.

"Han Tian, ​​what do you plan to do with the black song?"

"Suzex, Heige is my captive, so how to deal with it is my business. If anyone refuses to accept it, let him come to me." After speaking, Mu Hantian left with Heige, leaving only Suzex, who was constantly smiling bitterly, and the members who looked ignorant.


The eve of the decisive battle with Xidi's family members.The crowd gathered in Asacher's room for the final meeting.Although Mu Hantian didn't participate, because he was bored, he went to see and give some guidance.

"Ise, what's the state of banned hands now?"

"Yes. Although I am used to it, there are several conditions."

"First, it takes time to ban hands. The jade in the cage will show the time it takes to transform. Moreover, once you enter this state, you will not be able to use the artifact. Multiplication and transfer will not work. Moreover. Unable to stop. Transformation can only be used once a day, once the transformation is cancelled, the artifact will lose its power."

Asachel nodded.

"Ah, it's the same as the data. The Chiryu Emperor in the past is basically the same. There are also examples where the artifact cannot be used after the armor is removed. In your case, how long does it take to transform?"

"Two minutes."

"This time can be shortened based on exercise. However, these two minutes are the key. To put it bluntly, it is basically useless in actual combat. Before reaching the transformation, the inability to use the boosted gear is fatal. It takes only two minutes to defeat. Your guys are all over the street. You must think about how to spend this time. These two minutes are your biggest weakness."

"Boosted gear's ordinary multiplication and transfer are also very important. However, once you encounter a strong enemy, the ban is necessary. The general state and the ban have their own lengths. Then, how long is the activity of the ban?"

"The complete is thirty minutes. Depending on the use of power, it will be even less."

"Well, it's not bad for you who have reached the ban for the first time. This is the result of practice. However, it will not work at all in a formal competition. Thirty minutes, and it will be reduced according to the use of strength. After all, it may become Protracted war. Ise’s time limit will not increase in the future."

"Lias, how much does Canna Sidi know about Gremory's family members?"

Rias nodded after listening to Asscher's question.

"Roughly know about it. For example, Ise, Yudou, Juna, Xenovia's main weapons are known. It is estimated that even Gaspar's artifact and kitten's potential abilities are also known."

"Well, in other words, they are basically "touched" thoroughly. But fortunately, Aisha didn't know the accidental opponent. Then, how much do you know about the opponent?"

"I know the abilities of Cangna, the'Queen' as the vice president, and several other people. Although there are some people whose abilities cannot be identified."

"It's all unfavorable conditions. Well, it's common to see whether these are games or actual combat. There are also examples of artifacts evolving and changing in battle. Just be careful about your opponent's. Is the number eight?"

"Yes, one'king', one'queen', one'chariot', one'monk', and two'soldiers' total eight. It doesn't seem to use all the chess pieces, the number is the same as ours The preparations are consistent."

"In ratinggame, there are various types of people. Strength, skill, warlock, and support. Among them, Rias is a warlock type. That is to say, a type with very good magic power. Zhu Na is the same. Kiba is a skill type. It is a person who fights with speed and skill. Xenovia is a very good power type in terms of speed. It is a type that kills in one hit. Aisha and Gasper are auxiliary types. If they are more detailed, Aisha is closer. The Warlock-assisted type, Gasper is closer to the skill-assisted type. Kitten is a strength type. Finally, Ise. You are also a strength type. However, you can also assist. Use the power of transfer." Asachel will everyone What type of position and type are marked with names on the chart.

Asacher said to the power-type Ise, Xenovia, and the kitten: "The most important thing about the power-type is-anti-shooting. This is the most troublesome thing in the skill-type. That is. Anti-shooting ability. Although there is also anti-shooting type in the artifact, when fighting against this kind of opponent, the power type like Ise, Kitten and Xenovia will often cause a reversal of form due to a single blow. Reversing "shoot" can return the opponent's power plus one's own power. The stronger the attack, the greater the damage you will suffer."

"If you counter "shoot", just use your strength to overwhelm it." Xenovia said very bravely.However, Asacher shook his head.

"Although it can be the same, it is a different matter if the opponent is a genius who is proficient in that one. At that time, you should try to avoid attacks. If you are against the "shooting" ability, let the Shuna who uses magic or the skill-type Kiba, Even Gasper, who has the special abilities of vampires, can be matched. No matter what, you must talk about "sex." The power type is very powerful. However, it is too risky to fight the skill type."

Xenovia was also silent because of Asscher's explanation.At this moment, Asacher looked at Ise.

"Ise, although you have reached the forbidden hand, do you have the confidence to defeat Kiba?"

"To be honest, I think I will not be able to keep up with Kiba's speed. I can't hit it at all."

"That's how it is. As far as Kiba is concerned, he can also perform anti-shooting attacks. Ise, if you can't figure out a countermeasure against those with anti-shooting ability, you will not be able to win Kiba in your life. It's the issue of "sex" in battle."

"Lias, if there is a person with the ability to "shoot" in Sanna Sidi's family, maybe the other party will directly find Ise? If it is this guy's great power, it only takes one to "shoot". It’s out if you hit. You have to organize your tactics."

"However, if the opponent is a female'sex', the'sex' may be... very low."

"Clothes are broken. Because Senior Ise is the public enemy of female "sex", female "sex" will never want to fight with you." The kitten said sharply!

"Huh? What is that?"

"Azacher, that is actually, Yicheng learned by accident to explode the opponent's clothes. Well, yes, it was an accident." Mu Hantian said calmly.

"That's it, having said that, Ise, you have arrived at the news of Forbidden Hand, and Sanna Sidi should have also heard of the news. It is better for you to pay more attention. If it is you, you will transform into Forbidden Hand. The possibility of being destroyed before completion is very high."

"Well, I understand, I will try to shorten the time." Yicheng nodded hard, with a firm attitude.

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