Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 434

"Woo, it's so enviable."

"Ji, what are you doing? If the tent fixings are checked, come here quickly."

"The boys in our student union are already pitiful, please work hard!"

It was Sanna and the vice-chairman Zhenra Chunji.Two people are calling to Ji.

"Yes, yes, President! Vice President!"

Saji returned to the two in a panic.

"Aisha, have you improved a lot during the summer vacation?"

"Huh! Student Kiryu, please, please don't "knead"."

Next, it is almost time for Mu Hantian and Aisha to practice.

From the competition props prepared in the class, I took out something for two people and three legs.

"Aisha! Let's practice too!"

"Ah, yes, yes!"

After lowering her head vigorously at Kiryu who was fighting with her, Aisha ran towards Mu Hantian.The other men and women in the same class have already formed groups and started practicing.

Mu Hantian and Aisha also leaned closely together and tied their ankles with a cloth strap.

"Okay, let's get started quickly, Asia!"

After stepping on the ground, Mu Hantian put his arms around Aisha's waist, preparing to complete.

"Yes!" Although Aisha was very shy, she put her arms around Mu Hantian's waist.

After adjusting their breathing, Mu Hantian and Aisha nodded each other and took a step forward

"Start, one, two..."

With the sound, start to exercise.

Snapped!The feet are mixed together and lost their balance!



Seeing that Aisha was about to fall, Mu Hantian hugged Aisha to right her body!

"Aisha, it's no good if you don't cooperate well, you have to work hard."

"Ok... OK. But, sorry, I am not very good at sports." Aisha said discouragedly.

"It's okay, the important thing is to cooperate well. Pay attention to cooperation."

"Cooperate?" Aisha tilted her cute head.

"Yes, cooperation. The most important thing about two people's three legs is cooperation. As long as they cooperate well, there is no problem. Come on, come on."


Then, Mu Hantian and Aisha first started walking in line with the pace.


After school that day

Mu Hantian and Aisha, Xenovia and Irina came to the room together.

The other members, including Rias, who arrived first, all frowned.

"What happened?"

Facing Mu Hantian's question, the person who answered it was Lias.

"Well, the ratinggame battle of the youth devil, our next opponent has already been decided."

"The next opponent is Diodora Astarot. He and I agreed that if he wins, he will exchange Asia with a'monk' pawn."

"What? Lias, I can take out the chess pieces in Aisha's body at any time, don't forget."

"I know myself……"

"Okay, Lias, I participated in this duel. Give me the Chariot." Mu Hantian stretched out his hand.

"I see." With a sigh, Lias took out the chess piece representing the'chariot' from the void and placed it in Mu Hantian's hand.

Does that guy have any purpose for being so attached to Asia?Or do you simply like Aisha?Well, go back and use that privilege and watch the plot. I can't let Asia have something to do.Mu Hantian thought in his heart.

Chapter 578 The Heart of Aisha

"One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four..."

Early in the morning, Mu Hantian and Aisha started their two-person and three-legged exercises in physical "fuck" clothes.And later Xenovia also blended in.

The location is behind the gymnasium.

Now compared to when I first started practicing, I was able to trot like a race walk.

"Ah! One, two! Hao! Three, four!" Aisha desperately tried to follow Mu Hantian's rhythm in order not to be dropped by Mu Hantian.

Sure enough, long-term practice is still very effective.As long as you make unremitting efforts, everything will improve little by little.(Well, this is the author's philosophy of life.)

"Okay. I feel almost up. Then, let's try the actual combat." Xenovia reorganized the tether for the two and said.

Mu Hantian cast his gaze to Aisha, her expression still a bit gloomy.

"Aisha, if you have any thoughts, just say it."

"I saved him at that time, I don't regret it."

When Aisha was still in church, she once saved a wounded demon.As a result, she was treated as a heresy and lost her place. It was such a sad memory.And the demon that was rescued—it was Theodora.

That guy, unforgivable, if it hadn't been for a sneak peek at the plot yesterday with permission, it would be impossible to know, cut, sister control?Will definitely kill you.

"Hantian." Aisha stared at Mu Hantian's face and said.

"Your face is so ugly. You look sad."

"Hey, Aisha. If you could go back to your previous life, what would you do?"

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