Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 440

"Valley? What are you doing here."

"Purpose? This time we came here to confirm this. The field of ratinggame opened the barrier at the corner of the dimension gap to expand the interior. This time, Orpheus' real purpose is to confirm that. Sharuba Their battle doesn't matter to us at all." For Ise's question, Vali said after thinking about it.

"Vali, as far as I know, in your organization, the only big power besides you is the'hero faction' composed of human heroes, descendants of brave men, and owners of artifacts, right? ."

"It's true, but you didn't expect Asachel you even mastered the existence of those incredible guys."

"Oh, you don't seem to like them very much."

"Of course, the descendants of those so-called heroes and brave men are very arrogant."

"Oh, it seems that you are not very peaceful either, hahahaha." Asacher laughed.

"Let's go!" Valli's voice.

He was already close to the dimensional rift created by the man in the suit.

"Hyoto Issei. ——Do you want to defeat me?"

"I want to defeat you. But you are not the only one I want to surpass. I want to surpass Kiba, who is also a family member, and I want to surpass the key as a friend. I want to surpass many people."

"Me too. I have something to defeat besides you. It's weird. Now I have a purpose and goal more important than the fateful showdown between the Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor. Certainly, this time I and You are all weird red and white dragons. Although this is not bad occasionally. But one day..."

"Ahhh, let's have a fight, Valli, I will definitely defeat you, not just because of fate. I just want to defeat you."

"That's it, I'm looking forward to it." After saying this, Valli and the monkey entered the dimensional rift, and the man in the suit looked at Jerova and Kiba and said, "I am the Sacred King Sword. The bearer of Asa Pendragon, the last descendant of Asa Pendragon. Just call me Asa. I will fight the Holy Sword one after another. Goodbye.” After speaking, they also entered the dimensional gap, the three Just left.

"Let's go, too." Looking at the disappearing dimensional gap, Mu Hantian said to the people behind him.

"Well, after all, there are still a lot of funeral matters to be dealt with." Szecks responded, and the others nodded.

Chapter 584 Fight

This is Juwang Academy during lunch break.Mu Hantian ate bento with Aisha, Kiryu, Jelowa, and Irina.

"Speaking of which, I'm going on a school trip soon, I have to decide to group quickly." Irina said, clutching the fried egg.

"Yeah, it's about to take a school trip. Our second-year students are going to Kyoto. There are so many recent things that I have forgotten about this thing. After the sports festival, we will usher in the second-year school trip."

"That, it seems to be a group of 3 or 4 people."

"Yes, that's right. As for the accommodation, it looks like a room for 4 people."

"Cold sky, don't you team up with us during the school trip? But there are 4 beautiful girls who are fucking." Kiryu suggested.

"Don't say anything nasty!"

"Han Tian, ​​would you like to be with us?" Aisha asked with a smile.



"You guys, the relationship is still as good as ever. The kiss light is released all day long when talking." Kiryu pushed a pair of glasses and said.

"Haha." Mu Hantian just smiled at what Tongsheng said, and didn't say anything.

"That's it. The five of us will act together during the school trip. Kiyomizu Temple and Kinkakuji Temple are waiting for us." Kiryu's glasses flashed a declaration.

"Uh, um, can I be the only boy?"

"My husband is so cute, we don't mind, what are you afraid of." Kiryu patted Mu Hantian on the shoulder and said.

Ever since, the grouping of the trip is set.There are five people: Mu Hantian, Aisha, Xenovia, Irina, and Kiryu.


Club room after school.

Near the end of get out of class, the members were drinking tea while chatting about the topic of school travel.

"Speaking of which, it's time for the second-year school trip." Lias sipped the black tea gracefully.

"Well, by the way, Lias, where did you go last year?"

Zhu Nai answered Mu Hantian's question."We are also Kyoto. I visited the famous places of Kinkakuji and Ginkakuji with the minister."

Lias nodded and continued: "Yes. But what I didn't expect is that even though there are 4 days and 3 nights, the places you can go are very limited. Don't expect too much, but first set a detailed time. It’s better to leave the table again. If you don’t count the time for apprenticeship and meals, you will suffer a big loss. Although the main means of transportation are buses and subways, the time spent on the road is extremely large. "

"It's okay if you don't calculate the traffic time properly. The Minister is really good. He wants to look at this and that. In the end, I didn't have time to go to the originally planned Nijo Castle. I still stomped my feet in regret on the station platform." After Nao smiled slightly and finished speaking, Lias' face turned red.

"Ah, didn't you just say it? I'm too excited. For me who likes Japan, it's the Kyoto I look forward to, so my eyes are taken away by the city and souvenir houses." Lias talked about it. Authentically recalled.

"Have you not been to Kyoto before the school trip? I just want to use the magic circle to move." Ise said.

Lias shook her head, and said, "You don't understand Ise. It's punctual to visit Kyoto for the first time during a school trip. I also use the magic circle to move or something, so I won't do such a tasteless thing. It’s because Kyoto is my longing, so I want to walk there with my feet and feel the air there."

After drinking all the tea in the cup, Lias changed the subject."Traveling is good, but we have to discuss the program to be presented at the school festival."

"Ah, the school festival is coming soon. Our school sports festival, school trip, and school festival continue after a short interval. It is hard enough for us second graders."

Lias took the copy from Zhu Nai and put it on the table.It seems that the program of the Supernatural Research Society should be written here and handed over to the Student Union.

"So, I need to discuss things about the academy festival now and make preparations in advance. If you can decide it first, you will be able to prepare for the third and first grades during your travel time. There are many members this year and things are easy to handle. too much."

"School Festival, I'm looking forward to it." Aisha looked excited.

"Well, I'm also looking forward to the academy festival. The sports festival is great." Xenovia was still expressionless, only her eyes shone.At the sports festival, Xenovia also made a big fuss, robbing many of the first positions in various competitions. After the game, various girls' sports clubs came to dig the corner of the Supernatural Research Society.

"It's the first time I've caught up with this kind of thing. It's really exciting. The time for my transfer is just right! This is also Master Michael's guidance!" Irina said in a pose of praying to the sky. .

"Remember that it was a haunted house last year? I was not a member at that time, but its "realism" became a topic."

"Yes, because it is a real monster, of course it will be scary." Lias said such a sentence in one stroke.

"Yes... is it genuine?" Aisha asked in astonishment.

Lias smiled calmly and replied: "Yes. I commissioned those monsters who will not harm humans to play the role of scaring people in the haunted house. It just happens that those monsters are worrying and not working, so this is good for both parties. Thanks to him, it’s an unprecedented grand occasion."

"After that, I annoyed the student union. At that time, the vice-chairman Sangna furiously said, "If you use genuine products, there is a limit to ignoring the rules.""

"What about this year? What do you do?"

"Anyway, I have to try a new trick..." Lias just said that when everyone's mobile phones rang at the same time.

Everyone knows what this means and looks at each other.

Lias adjusted her breath and said solemnly, "Let's go."

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