Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 446

"Ah, it doesn't seem to work. It's a god of Northern Europe."

The smoke cleared, and Loki floated in the air unharmed.

"Holy Sword? It's not bad power, but it's far worse if you use God as your opponent. It's like a breeze blowing on your face."

Kiba also created the Holy Demon Sword, and a lightsaber appeared in Irina's hands.

Looking at this, Loki smiled: "Ahaha! It's useless! How to say I am also a god, no matter how many demons or angels attack you."

Loki's left hand stretched forward slowly.Seeing this, Mu Hantian quickly rushed up with a sword. He was fine by himself, but Lias and the others behind him couldn't stop it.

"Drink!" Mu Hantian slashed towards Loki.

"That's it, this is it. Is this the Sword God? It's really powerful, but--"

The shining particles in Loki's hand began to gather!

"It's not enough to beat me down."


The two waves collided violently in the air, and the bullets flew without any reduction!The shock wave of the explosion is still hitting Rias and others!

"Although he was not particularly merciful. This time is really interesting. I am very happy. Anyway, let’s smile first. Ahahahahaha!"

Lias and Zhu Nai also spread their wings and flew out of the carriage, wrapped in the red aura, looking like a battle.

"Red hair. The Gremory it? The blood relatives of the current demon king. Two cadres of fallen angels, one angel, a group of demons, plus the Red Dragon Emperor and the Sword God. Odin is just a guard Is it that serious?"

"Because there will be a idiot like you, it turned out to be the right choice."

Odin's speech made Rocky nod his head, and his smile deepened.

"Excellent. Then I will summon too." After speaking, he unfurled his cloak and began to call out loudly: "Come out! My dear son!"

A moment after Loki's shouting—the space was distorted.

The distortion of the space appeared-the gray dog!No, it's a wolf!

A huge gray wolf about ten meters long appeared in front of everyone!

"Partner, that thing is very dangerous. If you can, it's better to avoid it." Said Draige, who is known as the Red Dragon Emperor.

"It's not good... You guys, absolutely don't shoot at that giant wolf! Ise, keep your distance!" Asacher's expression was wrapped in tension that had never been seen before.

"Teacher, what is the origin of that wolf?"

Mu Hantian took over Yicheng's question."I still know the mythology of Northern Europe. There are three famous wolves in Northern Europe, the god-killing wolf Finnir, and his two sons, Skor, the wolf that devours the sun, and Hati, the wolf that devours the moon! "

Mu Hantian's words surprised everyone, and at the same time they seemed to understand.

"Is that Fenrir wolf? It's in such a place!"

"It's really not good."

"Ise! That's the worst and biggest monster! He has teeth that can kill God! If he bites, I'm afraid this armor won't protect you! So be extra careful."


Chapter 590: Vali arrives, Loki retreats

Loki stroked the Fenrir wolf and said, "That's right, that's it. Please pay attention. He is the worst of the topclass monsters I have developed. Why? His teeth are A kind that can kill anything, even a god. Although I haven't tried it, even the gods and Buddhas in other myths are useful. Whether it is a high-level demon or a legendary dragon, it can easily cause fatal injuries."

Loki pointed at Lias with his finger and said, “I didn’t want my Fenrir wolf’s teeth to be used on people outside the Nordic system... Well, then this kid tasted the blood of people outside the Nordic system. It’s also a good experience."

"The devil's blood relatives. **** That blood can also be the food for Fenrir wolves-go!"


The far bark of the gray wolf resounded through the dark night sky.

The wind blows.The wolf in front of him disappeared from everyone's sight.

"How could it be possible for you to succeed. Wings of the Storm." By the side of Mu Hantian Lias, he naturally felt the murderous intent. He understood that Jing absolutely couldn't stop Finnell's teeth, and only used this.

In an instant, Mu Hantian appeared in front of Lias and blocked Finnir with the wings of the storm.

"Hantian, are you okay." Lias was surprised to see Mu Hantian who suddenly appeared in front of her.

"It's okay, but I still underestimated Finnir. I only know the strongest teeth, but I forgot its claws." Looking at my chest was stained red with blood, and there were obvious claw marks.Mu Hantian smiled bitterly.

"Han Tian, ​​are you okay, I'll help you recover right away." Aisha said anxiously.

"Aisha, I'm okay, don't come over and step back with Lias and others. Don't worry about me, I have this." Mu Hantian waved to Aisha, and took out a bean and put it into his mouth.

"Huh, the effect of fairy beans is strong. But it's still too expensive, and some injuries can't be recovered." Looking at the chest, the scratches are gone, that is, the clothes are dyed red.

"Sword God, you really deserve it. It's amazing to be able to catch up with Fenrir's wolf at the moment, and you still have that kind of magical thing. But what about it? Among these people, you can fight You are the only one in Fenrir, and I can make Fenrir the target of an attack. Next time, can you save someone else in time?"

"Rocky!" The two fallen angels shot.

Azazel and Baiqiu fired the spear of light and thunder to Loki.

"Really, don't you think I'm weak? Even if you don't use Fenrir wolf, the two fallen angels would still be too reluctant to oppose me."

An unseen magical array formed a shield and spread out in a large area in the air, and the attacks of Asachel and Baiqiu were easily blocked.

"Cut, is this the Nordic technique? As far as the technique is concerned, it is more developed than our mythological system! It is worthy of being a world known for magic and magic!" Asacher said bitterly In one breath.

"Then, use the same technique to attack!"


Rossweisse used the same Rubik's Cube as Loki to unfold multiple times in the air, releasing countless magic attacks!


Loki's defensive magic circle seemed to be spreading out to protect his body, and all of Roseweiser's attacks were barely guarded.

"Then, the next round is here. Let me show you a bit of color." Loki waved his hand sideways, and at the same time, the murderous aura of Fenrir Wolf rose at the same time.Those cold, gray and emotionless eyes turned to Mu Hantian and the others.

Suddenly, a beam of light flashed in the eyes of everyone

The speed of light passed through Finnir.


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