Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 451

"Lias Gremory's family members will not lose to you. But you can't use terrorist attacks to fight them."

"Hahaha. I can't guarantee this."

"Um, yes, this is youth. It seems that your relationship is very good." I don't know when, Odin appeared between Ise and Vali.

"This time the red and white is really "sex". Everyone in the past was a bad-tempered child. There were big "chaos" fights in various places, and the surrounding scenery was destroyed at random for the red and white duel and then died. Even the'tyrannosaurus' are used as they like, and even the mountains, islands and so on have disappeared." Odin said with a regretful sigh.

Rossweiser who followed the old man also said

Said: "It is true that one side is a wretched dragon, and the other side is a terrorist, but such an extremely dangerous combination shows an unexpected calmness. I thought that the Emperor Chilong and the Emperor White would start fighting as soon as they met."

"I'm not trivial!" Yicheng retorted, but Rossweisse didn't take care of Yicheng.

"Sure enough, it's better to be young." Suddenly, Odin said what an elderly person said.

"What do you mean?"

Odin rolled his beard and answered Ise’s question: "What? At this age, I believe that the old man’s experience can solve any problem. However, this is just the arrogance of the elderly. The real precious thing is still young. People have infinite possibilities for "sex". Hahaha, at this age I have understood that I am probably more stupid than anyone.... Let Loki live because of my arrogance, and this time because of my arrogance. You young people have worked hard." Odin's eyes were full of sadness.

"Well, although I don't understand it very well, don't you just need to keep your feet on the ground?" Mu Hantian said lightly.

After listening to Mu Hantian's words, Odin put on a dull face.Then, he laughed strangely.

"It's nice to be young. Old men can also be stimulated. Ah, really, that's all."

Chapter 595: Loki's Arrival

Time for a decisive battle.The sun has set, and night is falling.Everyone was on the roof of a high-rise building in the city, the high-end hotel where Odin and the Japanese gods held talks.Maybe it's because of the high place.The wind was blowing fiercely.The roofs of the surrounding buildings are equipped with Xidi family members who are on standby at any time, and you can see the small figures standing there from a distance.

Asacher, the mediator, is by Odin's side.Baiqiu stood by on the roof with everyone on the roof instead of Asacher who could not participate in the battle.Rossweiser will also fight.Wearing battle armor, standing by.

Tanning is still in the distant sky!Because it appears in people's field of vision, it might cause a big "commotion", so it casts a spell that makes it invisible to ordinary people.Vali and the others are also waiting for the fighter not far away.

"It's time." Lias looked at her watch and whispered.

It's time for the talks to begin, and now an important conversation has begun in a certain room of the hotel.

Well, just wait patiently for Loki's arrival.

"Aren't you clever? It's intimidating!" Valli gave a wry smile.



A space distortion appeared above the hotel, opening a big hole.From there, Loki the evil god and the huge gray wolf-Fenrir appeared!

"Target confirmed! The battle begins!" Baiqiu said to the small communicator on his ear, and a huge enchantment magic circle unfolded as if to wrap around the hotel.

In order to send everyone and Rocky Fenrir to the battlefield, Cangna led the Sidi family members to launch a large magic circle.

Loki had realized that he just smiled indifferently, without showing any resistance.

Then, everyone was wrapped in light--

When I opened my eyes again, there was a large open space in front of me.

There are rock textures everywhere, and it used to be a quarry.It seems to be no longer used now.

"You didn't escape." Lias said sarcastically.

Loki laughed and said with a big smile: "There is no need to flee. Anyway, you have to resist, as long as you kill you here and return to the hotel, it's a matter of early and late. No matter whether the talks are held or not. , I will ask Odin to leave."

"Your thoughts are very dangerous," Baiqiu said.

"When it comes to danger, your ideas are inexhaustible, the combination of various myths... After all, the combination of the three powers recorded in the holy book is the beginning of all distortions..."

"Are you not speculative?" Baiqiu's hands began to be entwined with lightning, and 10 black wings spread out on his back.

"Go!" With the flash of the red color, the power of the Red Dragon Emperor turned into armor and appeared on Yicheng's body.Vali's body was also covered with a layer of white "color" armor without any blemishes.

Yicheng and Valli walked towards Loki together.Seeing this, Loki laughed happily.

"Oh, this is amazing! In order to defeat my Loki, did the two heavenly dragons unite! My chest throbs like never before!"


Watts attacked first!The light approached Loki at high speed along the z-shaped trajectory in the air.Yicheng also cooperated to open all the magical spouts on his back.Vali attacked in the air, and Ise charged on the ground!

"It's really exciting, red and white are competing! This is the first time I've seen this kind of battle!" Loki was delighted to unfold a large-scale defensive magic array covering his whole body.Afterwards, several magic lights turned into ribbons and "shot" out of the magic circle, flying towards Ise and Vali!

Valli flew around like an air show, avoiding all attacks.Ise rushed towards Loki while dodge!

Accumulate your right fist, aim at Loki for a low-altitude sprint with maximum acceleration!At this time, Dragon Wings have been born on the back!


Under Ise's assault, the magic circle covering Loki disappeared after a burst of noise!Vali aimed at this gap and sent a massive and exaggerated magical attack over.

Vali's hands also unfolded spells other than magic.That is the Nordic magic just learned.

"Take it first."


In a burst of "shoot", Yicheng retreated in an instant.

After the attack was over, he looked at the place where Loki was originally, and saw a bottomless pit left there.

"Hahahaha!" Loud laughter came.

Following the direction of the sound, a figure floated in the air.——It is Loki. Although the cloak is somewhat broken, he doesn't seem to be injured himself.

Seeing how Loki could be injured, Ise stretched out his hand to take the hammer hung around his waist-Myrenier, and injected magic power to turn it into a handheld size.Yicheng waved his arms and rushed towards Loki.

Loki's eyes were attracted."Is it Millernier? A copy? By the way, you still have a dangerous thing in your hand. Odin, do you just want to facilitate the talks?"

Issei raised Miaorenier up and shook the propeller on his back.Head towards Loki at high speed, catching the target and swinging the hammer with full force.

"Come out! The thunder that can overwhelm the gods!" Ise chanted and attacked.(Good second-level lines.)


Hidden by Loki!A big gap appeared on the ground... the important thunder did not come out!Yicheng did not believe in evil and waved it a few times again, and it was still the same.

"Hahahahahaha." Rocky laughed loudly.

"It's a pity, that hammer can only be "fucked" by a strong person with a pure heart. You have evil thoughts in your heart, right? That's why you can't use thunder. I heard that it didn't even have weight, like feathers. "The same lightness."

"Forget it, I should also take out a real attack." Loki snapped his fingers, and Fenrir took a step forward, watching the change.

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