Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 454

There is only one target-Loki the evil god!

Loki sent a magic attack to Ise from his hand.Yicheng did not evade!He knew he couldn't avoid it now!Although the hammer can be used as a shield, maybe this power will disappear, and the gain will not be worth the loss!


Eaten Loki's attack from the front!The armor is greatly damaged!The attacks hurt the body under the armor.Severe pain in the chest, abdomen, waist, and feet wanders in these places.


This time the helmet was hit by a shot!The helmet was destroyed, and the head came out!

Did not give up, continue to attack.


Loki broke Saji's flame barrier!

"Do you want to trap me Loki to this level?" Loki floated up to the sky!

"Don't want to run! Stop for me!"

"Emperor Chilong? But, it's useless. I'm going to retreat temporarily. Huhahahaha! However, when I visit here for the third time, Chaos will..."

Click! Click!

Thunder light shines, and Loki is involved in a huge blow!

Yicheng looked back—it was Zhu Nai-senpai and Mr. Baiqiu holding each other's hands.——Both of them opened the wings of the black fallen angel.Haha.Bravo!The thunder light attack of father and daughter!

"Wh...what!" Loki fell down with smoke!Although he didn't cause much damage, he successfully stopped his movements!Heiyan trapped Loki again!

"Impossible! How could this be? The barrier of flames that had been unlocked was actually..." Loki was shocked.

"Rocky, Saji's perseverance is as terrifying as mine! How could he give up so simply!"

"Come on, Hyoto!"

"Ahhh, leave it to me, Key! Got it!" He swung the hammer in one breath!

"Try my wonderful Lenier!"


The huge hammer head hit Loki's body perfectly!

"It's now! Go on, Draig!"




In an instant, incomparable lightning appeared in the hammer!

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!

The huge blow swallowed Loki.

Smoke billowed from Loki's body.His body has begun to disintegrate.The scarred Loki began to fall to the ground.

"The gods recorded in the Bible, why didn't they eliminate the phenomenon of'forbidden hands'... and the tools that are sufficient to kill God, but kept them.... Because he had long thought it would Has this happened...? Why would he want humans to have the art of killing gods...?" After Loki said this, he completely lost consciousness.At the same time, many mass-produced Yemengade also fell.

"Hey, Saji is okay." Ise lifted Saji, who had fainted in the middle of the battlefield in a large font, to his feet.He has changed from the black dragon form back to the original.

"Uh, Hyoudou... how is the battle?"

Yicheng raised his upper body and said to him: "It's over. Although the process is tortuous, we still won."

"That's it. I am basically unaware... But, I heard your voice. I am very happy. Your voice came from my ear when I was suffering from the pain like burning my body. It made me feel very deeply. Be solid."

"Hahahaha, leave it to me. But you, behave like that."

"Really? Have I been crazy?"

"Well, that's not wrong at all. However, thanks to you we can win. Your support is very good."

"That's good. But ah." Saji looked at the marks caused by the battle.The foundations of the quarry became ragged.There are still a few big holes, and the original appearance is not visible at all.This is really a battlefield.

Others are also very happy to win.Xenovia and Irina were already slumped on the ground because they were too tired.

Valli's team has disappeared.I don't know when I ran away.The flash is really the same.Wali himself never returned.

After the scarred Loki was captured, he was sealed by Lothweiser using Nordic magic.

"You have gone through several battles like this so far, right? It's like a god, a demon, and Nitenlong." Saji said admiringly.

"This, in short, there are many things, my situation is like this. I also doubt that these were caused by the power of the Emperor Seiryu. I almost lost my life several times. Think about it now, since I became a demon This has always happened since then. Am I not all fighting against the legendary thing? I have a few lives that are not enough..."

"That's why. You are amazing. I was so scared before participating in this training. I really wanted to go back. But I feel like I won't have the face to meet the chairman if I run back, so..."

"I'm almost like you. I'm too scared. But I can only do it. I can't let my brothers down. I can only move forward over obstacles step by step. For this I can only use the power of the Sekiryuutei and other I have mastered all the powers of the world and turned it into my own. Because I have a lot of things that I want to achieve and want to protect. So no matter what happens, I can only move forward."

Saji laughed bitterly after hearing Ise's words."It's really lost to you. Obviously he is a "pervert"."

"It's cured!" Aisha "lu" smiled, indicating that Saji was cured.

"Aisha, go and show it to others." Mu Hantian walked over and said.

"it is good!"

Chapter 598 Chariot

"Ah! I'm going on a school trip soon, I'm looking forward to it." Mu Hantian, who was lazily in the activity room of the Supernatural Research Department, had been concentrating on the planned school trip soon.

Odin has successfully completed the talks and returned to his motherland.It seems to get a good harvest.Ise's hammer was also returned to Odin.As for Valli...It is said that Fenrir was grabbed a head and didn't know where he went.

Asacher is not here today.Said to be sent to Baiqiu who was ready to go back after completing the mission.

"Han Tian, ​​you have been busy lately, so you must go shopping next time you travel." Aisha said while looking at the school travel guide book.

"Don't worry, someone will help prepare for this."

"It's over, it's all over!" Suddenly there was a scream from a female "sex" voice.It came from the center of the activity room.

Looking at it, it was a silver-haired female "sex"—Losweiser was crying there.

"Uuuuuuuuuuu! Excessive! Your Excellency Odin, you are...excessive! You abandoned me!"

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