Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 465

As she crossed the bridge, Aisha was determined not to turn her head, she kept holding Mu Hantian's hand, making Mu Hantian dumbfounded.

After finally crossing the Togetsu Bridge, Aisha let out a long sigh of relief.

Suddenly, Mu Hantian felt a slippery warm feeling enveloping his body.


The 608th chapter heroes appear

"What was just...?" Mu Hantian looked around, except for himself, Ise, Aisha, Xenovia, Irina, Kunou, and Kiba a little further away, all the surrounding people disappeared.

The other tourists also disappeared completely suddenly!

The other people are the same, astonished at this status quo and entering a state of alert.

After a while, something like mist rose under everyone's feet.

"This fog is..." Aisha was surprised to see the fog.

"This is Absolute Mist!" Muchang said as he walked towards Mu Hantian and the others.

"It should be a kind of Goddess, the teacher once said, so..." Kiba squatted down there, seeming to "touch" the mist with his hands.

"Hey, are you all okay?" A voice came from the sky.When I looked up, I could see Asacher, who was flapping his black wings, flying in the sky.

As he landed, he put away the black wings, and said: "Everything except us has completely disappeared. It seems that we should be the only one who was forced to be transferred to a different space and enclosed in it. It looks like this, yes. Was it transferred to a different space that is almost exactly the same around Togetsu Bridge?"

"Is it the same thing as the demon gamefield that forms here?" Issei asked Asachel.

"Ah. The technology of the three major forces has leaked out. The gamefield technique is also applied here. Then, the power of the fog should also be transferred to this duplication domain. The fog of'Zemu' can transfer the things it wraps. Going to other places... Almost without any first move, all of Lias and I's family members were moved here... The Goddess is terrifying at this point." Asathel said.

Kunou next to him spoke with a trembling voice: "The guard who died after the mother used to say before she died. When she noticed it, she was surrounded by fog."

From the Togetsu Bridge, a few breaths can be felt.The figure gradually approached from the mist, appearing in front of us.

"We met for the first time, Governor Azazel, Emperor Chiryu and Sword God." The one who greeted him was a black-haired young man in school uniform.

On the outside of the school uniform is a dress similar to Hanfu.Holding a gun in his hand.

Around the youth are several people wearing similar school uniforms.They are also young men and women.It also exudes a strange sense of pressure.

Asacher took a step forward and asked, "Are you the heroes in the rumor?"

The young man in the middle banged his gun on his shoulder while answering the teacher's question.

"My name is Cao Cao. The descendant of the famous Cao Cao in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms-the first class."

Asacher stared at his opponent intently, and said to everyone: "Listen well, you must be careful of the gun in that man's hand. It is the strongest divine exterminator, the "Holy Spear of Twilight". It is said that even a god can penetrate It’s an absolute artifact. It’s synonymous with the real gods. I haven’t seen it for a long time... but the current users belong to the terrorists.” (ps: The Holy Spear of the Twilight, the famous Hundred Pawn The gun, when Jesus was nailed to the cross and was dying, it was this one hundred pawn that finally penetrated through Jesus' abdomen and finally let Jesus die)

"That is the holy spear that everyone in the heavenly seraphs fears?" Irina couldn't help but tremble.

Xenovia also answered in a low voice."I heard about it when I was very young. The gun that pierced Jesus. The gun that was stained with the blood of Jesus. The gun of absolute piercing through the gods!"

"That's the holy gun..." Aisha next to her looked "lost" and looked at the gun.It’s almost like being "confused" by the charm of the gun and absorbing consciousness


Asachel quickly covered Aisha's eyes with his hands.

"Aisha, believers shouldn't stare at that gun too strongly. If you pay too much attention, you will lose your mind. After all, it is one of the holy relics called the Holy Cross, the Holy Grail, the Shroud, and the Holy Nail."

Kunou angrily shouted at the young man with a gun-Cao "Cao"."You kid! I have something to ask you!"

"Oh, such a small princess. What's the matter? If I can, I will answer you no matter what." Although Cao's voice is very calm, he obviously knows something.

"Are you the one who took the mother?"

"Exactly." Cao "Cao" admitted very simply.

"What do you want to do to the queen mother!"

"I want to ask Lingtang to cooperate with our experiment."

"Experiment? What do you want to do?"

"In order to realize the wishes of funders, it is the so-called policy."

Hearing this, Kunou "exposed" his canine teeth, extremely angry.There were faint tears in his eyes.It seems to be very angry.Not only was she taken away from her mother, she also committed an unexplainable evil called an experiment.

"Fundor? Is Orpheus? And what is the intention of suddenly appearing in front of us?" Asacher asked severely.

"No. There is no need to hide anymore, and I decided to say hello before the experiment and work together a little bit. And I also want to meet Governor Assathel, the legendary Red Dragon Emperor and the sword god."

A light gun appeared in Asachel's hand."Simplicity is enough. Please return the leader of Kyuubi to us. We are here to work together with the monsters."

Seeing Asacher's fighting state, everyone also took out their weapons, rectified the situation, and was ready to fight.Yicheng summoned a hand out of the cage and started the countdown to the "ban hand".Then, summon Ascalon and throw it to Jerova.

"Teacher, where is Miss Rossweiser?"

Asacher sighed at Yicheng's question."Although the guy has been moved here, he is drunk and asleep in the store. For the time being, if a powerful barrier is opened on that guy, nothing will happen."

"Well, is this... yes, yes, the consequences of being drunk and making her participate in the battle are unimaginable. But, teacher. I will be responsible for supporting it."

Although Mu Hantian and the others were already ready, the other party was completely unprepared.

A little boy stood beside Cao "Cao".Cao "Cao" said to him: "Leonardo, the devil will ask you to fight the monster."

With only such a request, the boy remained expressionless and nodded slightly.moment.Disgusting shadows appeared under the boy's feet and expanded rapidly.

The shadow is even bigger, to the extent that it can cover the entire Toyue Bridge.After that, the shadow began to expand and gradually took shape!

When the arms, feet, and head were formed, the eyeballs were also born, and the mouth opened wide and split-not just one!It's, it's over a hundred!

"call out……"



With a deafening sound, these monsters appeared from the shadows. It should be said that they were creation!A black-skinned monster standing on two feet.The whole body is very strong, with thick skin.The claws are also very sharp, and the teeth are sticking out.Such monsters stand in a row at the front.

At this time, Asachel whispered: "Will Warcraft be created?"

Cao "Cao" smiled back at Asacher's words.

"The answer is correct. That's right, the artifact that this child holds is one of the'God Extinguishers'. It has a different meaning from my'Holy Gun of Twilight' and is the most vicious artifact."

"Thank you.'Creation of Monsters' can create countless monsters. For example, monsters that are more than 100 meters long and spit fire in their mouths always appear in monster movies. They can be generated into this world by their own will. Yes. Isn’t it the worst thing to use your own imagination to create a monster you like? It’s this ability. Depending on the user’s strength, you can create hundreds or thousands of scales at once. Same as “Zemu”, yes. The worst case produced by a bug in the artifact system. The "Zemu" is also becoming more dangerous depending on the user. If the fog reaches the scale of a country, it can move all the people to the edge of a different space in an instant, thus destroying a country. It's not impossible." Asacher said with a sigh.

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