Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 469

Asachel smashed the telephone pole.

"Say nothing marginal...! Experimenting in Kyoto...? Don't underestimate me, boys!"

"Mother empress. The empress obviously didn't do anything...why..." Kunou's body trembled.Mu Hantian could only "touch" her head, there was no other way.

Cao Cao's sudden attack.And, add a declaration of experimentation in Nijo Castle.It seems that something is in trouble, and this world should also end.

Chapter 612 Combat Meeting

The night after the battle, in Mu Hantian's room:

After taking a glance at the crowd, Asachel pointed to the map on the table and spoke."Then, let’s explain the battle plan now. We have already launched a very vigilant posture with Nijo Castle and Kyoto Station as the center. We have mobilized people related to the demons and fallen angels that are active in Kyoto and let them search for suspicious things. People. The monsters living in Kyoto now also help us. Although we still don’t know what the heroes are doing, we have successfully detected that the ominous aura emanating from Kyoto is centered on Nijo Castle."

"Ominous breath?"

Asachel nodded and answered Kiba’s question: "Yes, Kyoto has been a large-scale law formation city based on Yin Yang Dao and Feng Shui since ancient times. So there are so-called energy points everywhere. Like Seimei The Haruikei of the shrine, the Happiness Jizo of Suzumushi Temple, the Knee Pines of Fushimi Inari Shrine, etc. There are countless places with incredible power fields. But now, the flow of breath is turbulent, and energy is beginning. Concentrate on Nijo Castle."

"What will happen then?" Kao swallowed and asked.

"I don't know, but it's definitely not a good thing. Because they plan to use the master Kyuubi who controls the city's veins to do some'experiment'. Let's explain the whole plan on this basis."

After hearing Asacher's words, everyone nodded.Then Asacher began the formal explanation.

"First of all, the family members of the Xidi family. You are on standby around Kyoto Station. It is your job to defend this hotel. This hotel has a reinforced barrier, so even if something happens, it should be able to avoid the worst result. If there is still a suspicious person approaching in this way, you are responsible for resisting it."

"Understood!" Xidi's family replied.

"The next thing is Hantian. I'm sorry to keep you like this. You are the main attackers. Later you are going to Nijo Castle. To be honest, the enemy's combat effectiveness is still unknown. Maybe it may become a danger. Gambling, but we must give priority to rescuing Princess Yasaka. After success, we will retreat immediately. How can they say that they will use Princess Yasaka as an experiment. Although this is just a lie, the possibility of "sexuality" is high, but From the words and deeds of Cao Cao’s words and deeds, I’m afraid it’s true. Perhaps there is also this point that he has always wanted us to join the war."

"Leave it to us!" Mu Hantian smiled and nodded.

"By the way, I have called a counter-terrorism expert in advance. That is the strongest reinforcement that has repeatedly battled with the "Bad Group" in various places. With this added, the possibility of recapturing is greatly increased."

"Reinforcement? Who?" Kiba asked.

"Anyway, you only need to remember that it is something extraordinary. This is good news." Asacher raised his mouth with joy.

"Also, this is bad news. This time, we have only allocated three tears of Phoenix."

"Three copies! This is not enough! Moreover, how can I say that the enemy this time is a terrorist!" Saji said to Asacher in a very scary voice.

"Yeah, I understand. But because the'Mission Group' is engaged in terrorist activities all over the world, the demand for tears has also increased sharply. The supply of important bases of various forces is not ideal. This is not something that can be mass-produced, so It is said that the Phoenix house is also very busy. The price of this item in the market has also risen. It was originally a high-end product, but now it has become a thing with two'super' characters in front of the name. It is said that now Some people are also talking about whether it is necessary to modify the rules for the use of tears in the rating competition."

"This is a confidential matter. Now the various forces are united and are searching for the holder of the'Mother's Smile'. Although it is a very rare artifact, according to the results of the investigation, it is found that apart from Aisha, the world There are still a few holders on it. If they can be successfully found, it will be of great advantage. Although they are already there in the medical institutions of the most important stronghold in the underworld. But the most important reason for looking for them is to prevent them Terrorists get the holder. It would be quite bad to let excellent therapists fall into the enemy's hands. But now Besib Ashka is also conducting personal research on his recovery ability. Forget it, that’s it. Gregory's research on the artificial artifact of the restoration system is also underway. In fact, Aisha has been secretly helping us with the research on the restoration of the artifact. Good results are constantly emerging."

"That's the way it is. So let's just leave this tear with two of them to the main attackers. One of the Xidi family members who are in charge of supporting. The number is limited, so use it well."

"Understood!" everyone replied.

Then Asacher looked at Ji."Sagi, you go to the main attacker during combat."

"Me?" Shi pointed at himself with his finger.

"Is it because of the Dragon King?"

"Well, that's right. Your dragon king form is useful. Your black flame can hold back the enemy's actions, and even take their power. Just like the last battle against Loki , You go to support!"

"This, this is okay, but in that state it is easy to become unconscious and a little out of control."

"No problem. Ise will wake you up like Loki did during the war. Ise, I will say something to Saji then and think of a way. Since you are Tianlong, give me control of the Dragon King. ."


Irina raised her hand."Excuse me, has this incident been reported to the various forces?"

"Of course. A large number of demons, angels, fallen angels, and monsters have gathered in the periphery of Kyoto. We have set up a net to prevent them from escaping. Because if we can catch them here, it will naturally catch them here. For good."

Seraphim continued with Asacher's words and said: "I will be responsible for the peripheral command. If there is a bad boy who wants to run out, I will work with the various forces to destroy him."

"And I also contacted Cangna at Kouou Academy. They are willing to provide support as much as they can."

"Teacher, where are our ministers?"

Asacher frowned after hearing Ise's question."Well, I wanted to tell them... but the timing doesn't seem to be good. They are now in the territory of the Gremory house."

"What happened?"

After hearing Ise’s question, Asachel nodded and explained: “It seems that there are frequent riots in a certain city in the Gremory territory. They probably went to respond to this.”

"Don't worry, it's just a riot initiated by a part of the former Demon King faction. It seems to be a group of people who have no direct contact with the'Mission Group'. But even so, it is an undeniable fact that they are making trouble, so they are dispatched. . After all, that is also the place that will become my own territory in the future. Also, I have also received a report that Gurefia has been dispatched. Well, since Miss Gurefia has been dispatched, the thugs on the opposite side will definitely receive their lunch. Let's go. Although I don't know if it is accurate, it is said that the wife of the current boss of the Gremory family was also there at the time. If the woman of the Gremory family is irritated, it must be quite incredible." Asachel deliberately trembled Shaking his body and said.

"Oh, are the three people of the extinct teacher with linen hair, the red-haired princess and the silver-haired TA-Q-BIN queen all gathered together? Huh huh, those thugs have a good show I saw it." Seraphim said three extremely unknown nicknames with a happy face!

Asacher cleared his throat and said to everyone again: "This is what I proposed. I will also find those guys from the sky above Kyoto. Everyone will be in place within an hour. If a suspicious person is found, Contact each other immediately. Don't die. The school trip is considered a school trip until you get home. Kyoto will depend on us to guard it. Understand?"

"Understood!" After everyone answered in unison, the combat meeting was over.

Chapter 613: Cao Cao's Conspiracy

After leaving the hotel, Mu Hantian and others rushed to the station in Kyoto.

After arriving at the station, we took the next bus to Nijo Castle as planned.Everyone put on school uniforms for winter.Xenovia and Irina seemed to wear the battle uniforms made by the church they had been wearing on the inside.In case something happens, take off the school uniform and stretch out.

"Woo. Puff!" Rossweisse covered her mouth with her hand, fighting from time to time with the urge to vomit in her stomach.

While waiting for the bus on the platform, Mu Hantian felt something hit his back.

"Please bring me, I want to go too!"

Looking back, it turned out to be Kunou, the young girl in a blond witch costume.

"Hey, Kunou. Why are you here?"

Riding on Mu Hantian's neck, she patted Mu Hantian's forehead and said, "I also want to save my mother."

"This is very dangerous, haven't I told you about it?"

"I said, but! I want to save my mother! Please! Take me too! Please!"

"Oh, okay, but you have to be obedient and don't "chaos"."

"I know."

At this time, a thin mist filled their feet.At the same time, the feeling of lubricity and warmth penetrated the whole body!This feeling has already been experienced during the day!

Yes, this is!——'Absolute Mist'!

When the body of this phenomenon was noticed, the fog had already enveloped both of them.

When I came back to my senses, the subway platform was in front of me. The name of the station written on the sign is "Kyoto".

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