Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 482

"However, the true red dragon god emperor is also female?"

"No, like Orpheus, I don't have the concept of "sex". The reason why I use this look is because Orpheus said you are Lolicon." True Scarlet Dragon God Emperor said blankly.

"I'm not just Lolicon, I'm in full control." Mu Hantian explained when he felt the weird sight cast by Gurefia.

"Well, it's all here, let's sit down and watch together." Mu Hantian said, pointing to the seat beside him.

"Yes." The two little loli did not refuse, and sat down directly.

At this time, Ise has successfully settled the female'sex''monk' of Sailaog. It is now a new round. The total number on both sides is 3, but because both'soldiers' are both A high number of pawns, so it can only be played by a knight or a monk.

"Lias should be on the wooden field. Gaspar and Aisha are both support personnel, and it is impossible to go alone. If Jerowa faces a skillful opponent, he will expose a lot. Ability, so it can only be in the wood field." Mu Hantian analyzed.


"The five-minute preparation time is over. Please move the players of both sides to the field of their respective camps."

As expected by Mu Hantian, after the glory of the magic circle was over, the personnel on both sides had already seen Lias’s knight’s wooden field this time, while the one on Sailaog’s side was riding on The armored knight exuding innocent flame horse!

At this time, the host said: "Oh! The players of the second round have arrived on the field! There is a vast grassland in front of us! This is the stage of the second round! The total number is 3, both sides The player in the camp is the fast noble son of the family of Gu Mengli! Yuto Kiba! The knight of Princess Rias! And his opponent is..."

Before being introduced by the supporter, the armored knight made the horse walk a few steps forward and took off the mask on his head to reveal his real face.

"I am one of the knights of Lord Seraorg Barr, Beluka Falukas."

"I'm Rias Gumori-sama's knight Kiba Yuto, please take care of me." Kiba responded after the opponent reported his name.

Fluccas raised the sword in his hand and said, "It is an honour for the monarch to give me the opportunity to fight against the well-known Holy Demon Sword, His Highness Yudou Kiba."

"Where, I look forward to being able to compete with your Excellency." Kiba replied without fear!

"Governor Asacher, who is the horse that exudes innocent flames?" the abbot asked Asacher.

"That's the'Blue Horse.' A high-level monster that lives in the lowest level of hell and in the depths of Kokbor. It is a mount of high-level demons and death. It is called the horse of death and destruction. The blue horse is not easy to control. Because Its "nature" is irritable, and if it doesn't suit its mind, even its owner will be kicked to death by it."

"My beloved horse-Alutbra is fast. His Royal Highness Kiba, let us have a wonderful duel." Fluccas has entered the battle state.

The referee appeared between the two on the field with the help of the magic circle.

"The second round of the game, start!"

At the same time as this initial gesture...Both of them moved apart.

"My speed with Alutbra and the showdown between His Highness has begun!"

"So fast!" Kiba held the holy sword on defense as if sensing the opponent's location.moment


The sound of metal bumping!There, Kiba did not move to accept the high-speed attack from the opponent.

After a certain distance, Kiba moved quickly when he sensed his opponent's breath to a certain extent.


The sparring told by the two sides has reached an unrecognizable level. In the arena, there are only the sound of metal collision and sparks.

Numerous sword fluctuations and assaults dig deep pits in the plain.

"I even have Alutbra's feet to be able to go up and down with you... It's horrible, the knight of Princess Rias!" Fluccas smiled without fear.

"Where and where, the cooperation between your lord and the horse is so perfect. When you want to cut off the horse's legs, your sword will block it. When I want to attack you, the horse will come out to help. Only level your foothold. place!"

After that, Kiba's body was surrounded by a halo, and his eyes became sharp.

In an instant, several holy magic sword blades were emitted on the ground around Kiba!The blade of the Holy Demon Sword is blooming!

At this time, Fluccas' horse flew into the sky!

However, Kiba immediately swung the Holy Demon Sword without any pause!

"Sacred Demon Sword of Thunder!" Card!The lightning and thunder in the sky aimed at Flucas!

"Too naive!" Fluccas threw the wounded sword upward as a lightning rod to let the lightning pass.Fluccas, who threw the sword away, reached into the horse's temple as if fetching something.The "hair" on the temples that can make the space fluctuate, feels like being connected to another dimension.

Then Fluccas brought out two swords.

"It doesn't matter if your sacred demon sword has a certain effect on the devil! But..." Fluccas opened his posture, as if he was about to launch something!

"It doesn't make sense if you can't hit it!"

At the moment of flying out—Fluccas and the horse increased several times!

Facing the Kiba with multiple Flucas-the sword's edge weakened.The expression on his face is very serious.

Many Gefalukas moved endlessly in the air, attacking Kiba.

Although he was able to resist with swords at first, he still attacked from all directions. Kiba was a bit unable to resist, and there were many wounds on his body!

Kiba created the second holy magic sword, and the two swords released a huge halo to bounce the surrounding attacks away.The surrounding plains were swept away, but Flucas cleverly avoided the attack and moved away from Kiba.

Kiba let out a sigh of relief, smiled without fear, and said, "I just played, so I really don't want to use a trick... But it seems that if I don't use it anymore, it will consume extra energy. . There is no position to say that Xenovia will not work."

After Kiba spoke in a self-deprecating tone... the holy demon sword in Kiba's hand disappeared and was replaced by the holy sword.

Kiba made a very imposing declaration: "I am stronger than you. I will definitely be able to catch you in this matchup. But if I keep going like that before, it will consume a lot of my energy. For the next match. Consider that I decided to end this round in a short time."

After accepting Kiba's declaration, Fluccas smiled without fear."Your Excellency seems to be full of confidence. Indeed, your talents must be above me. But! I won't lose to Your Excellency just because of this! I have to take off your hand or one for the next game Your feet consume your energy!"

"Yes, because of this, you are terrible. There is no more terrifying opponent without such complete mental preparation. I--want you to see another possibility." Kiba held the holy sword and laughed calmly. Said.


At that moment, a feeling different from that of the Holy Demon Sword emanated from Kiba's body, and was gradually surrounded by a divine halo.

Then, countless holy sword blades appeared from the ground, simultaneously changing into the state of armor.The helmet of each armored knight is like a reduction of the dragon head.Inside the armor is Kiba.He now feels as if he is leading a pair of knights.

After seeing this, Fluccas was shocked.

"What! Impossible! Hand-banning! Your hand-banning should be the "Shuangba Holy Demon Sword"! Why is it possible to perform different hand-banning?"

As if to understand, Flucas said, "That won't be the forbidden version of'Holy Sword Creation', right?"

Kiba nodded lightly, "The second type of hand-free form of the'Holy Tyrant Dragon Knights' and'Holy Sword Creation'. Although in order to practice this, I have fought countless times with the Red Dragon Emperor... I was really frightened at that time. Because Ise was fighting me desperately at the time. But thanks to him, I can now achieve the ban of the holy sword."

After speaking, Kiba had already controlled the Knights and stood in front of Flucas.

"His Royal Highness, I am here!" When the words were over, Kiba has led the knights to fly out!Many knights passed towards Fluccas at a very fast speed!

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