Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 484

"Sorry, Kitty-chan."

"Please don't apologize. I'm very happy, I also helped... I defeated those two people." After saying these few words, the kitten was surrounded by the halo along with Grosser "Lu" and Baram. .

"Serraogo Barr's'Cnight' and'Chariot' each on the field and one of the Lias Gremory's'Chariot' players have left the field." The referee declared.

The 626th chapter is forbidden

The next games have their own winners and losers. In the fourth game, Jerova and Gaspar faced off against the "Chariot" and the "Monk". Gremory won, but sacrificed a Gasper; In five games, the "queen" of the two sides played against Zhu Nai; in the sixth game, Kiba, Jerova and Rossweisse played against Laoge in the final, but failed, but also let Selaoge use one The tears of'Phoenix'; in the seventh game, Yicheng faced the queen and solved it easily, well, thanks to the new power that Mu Hantian helped Yicheng developed.

In the eighth game, Sai Laoge made a suggestion: "Even in my dream, I thought about the moment when I played against the Sekiryuutei. I want to ask the competition committee. Is it okay now? Use the game. It’s too stupid for a man like this to be restricted by the rules so that he can’t give full play to his abilities! In the next round, I hope everyone on this side and everyone on the other side will use their full strength in a team battle."

Neither party has any opinion on Selaog's proposal.So... this game is where Lias, Issei, and Aisha are playing against Sailaog and the mysterious soldier.

Ise and Lias, who were already in full armor, stood on the field of team battle, which was a vast flat ground.

The host's hand holding the microphone was shaking with excitement."Then, finally came the final juncture of the strongest young player of Baal vs. Gremory! According to the proposal of the player Seraorg, the team battle will be held in the last round! The team of Bal is the king of Seraorg and full With the "mysterious" "soldier" Regulus player, we will fight against the Gremory King Lias and the "soldier" Sekiryuutei, Hyoto Issei!"

Aisha was left on the battlefield because this kind of battle was not suitable for her. After all, a "milk" mother-and a crispy "milk" mother would be easily targeted and shut down very easily! (End)

"Then, the final round of the game will begin now."

The referee was in the middle of the two teams."I announce that the final round has officially begun!"

In this way, the final round of the contest began!Ise and the opponent's'soldier' ​​quickly completed the promotion to become a'queen'.The strength has been completely improved.

Ise and Lias were both very cautiously guarded, but Serraorg just smiled.

"Lias, there is something I want to declare in advance." Sailaog said frankly: "Your dependents are very great. Okay, it makes me jealous. So just now they are all powerful enemies."

"On our side are me and the'soldier'. Your side is the same as us.-the end will be fast."

He stood in front of Ise and continued, "Hyoto Ise, it's finally time for us to compete, let me feel your power!"

"I have no hatred for you, nor jealousy, because this is a game."

Yicheng finished speaking and stretched out his finger, "But, I want to avenge my friends. You who slaughtered my important partner, I will definitely give it back to you."

After hearing Ise's words, Seraorg "exposed" the trembling in his heart.Said: "That's great! Yeah, at least you are not the kind of man who can tolerate the loss of your partner. You did a good job, and you can endure it until now. Then let's break out in the next game, so That's great. Only then can it be called a real matchup!"


The boost on Ise's back spouted with the greatest energy and then "approached" towards Selaorg from the front.

Seraorg also made his whole body surrounded by vindictiveness, and flew towards Ise with a strong foot!

The fists of the two crossed each other from the front without evading!Fists focused directly on each other's faces!


A sharp pain that blows away the body in the armor hits Ise's head!The helmet is broken.

"It's just the beginning now! Go on, Draig!"



The enhanced power was concentrated on the fist. Just as Seraorg’s face was concentrated, the power of the fist was instantly enhanced!


Yicheng's fist hit Sai Laog's face forcefully, and the power seemed to shake the surrounding area and echo!

Seraorg's nose immediately squirted a nosebleed, bleeding from the corner of his mouth.The body was also a little shaken.

"The punch just now was returned for my friends who were defeated by you."

After Ise finished saying this, Selaog wiped the corners of his mouth and said, "A very skilled and powerful punch! It seems that the punch has just entered the body. You have only recently become a demon, this kind of power is not ordinary. Improved! You didn’t see any new abilities in the game with the queen just now, and I felt a little disappointed, but it seemed that I was unreasonably worried. Wouldn’t the banned power in this form also be completely improved!

After Sailaog finished speaking, Ise and Sailaog began to fight each other.It is a close-range punch and kick.

"Is this an attack trained in actual combat? In the absence of distracting thoughts, it is indeed attacking my center!" Sai Laog laughed happily.

After many close combats ended, Ise's "soldier" appeared in Ise's sight after a certain distance from the opponent.

The opposing'soldier' ​​is facing Rias.Then slowly took off the mask on his face.

Under the mask is the face of a teenager who should be about the same grade as Ise.But immediately that face changed.


There was a brisk sound in the body, and the boy's body was swelling!The body gradually expanded, and the shape gradually changed into something else.Golden "hair" grows all over his body, and his limbs swell and become very huge.

Sharp teeth can be seen from the corners of the cracked mouth.The tail appeared, and the area around the neck was also covered with golden fur.

What appeared there was a huge lion.His body is about five or six meters long, and there is something like a treasure on his forehead.The lion's temple's "hair" stood up in front of Lias very spectacularly.

"God, I've always been a'soldier' ​​of the Barr team, whose real body is actually a huge lion!" The host was also very surprised.

"Could it be that it's Namair's lion? No, can it be that the treasure is...!" Assasser, who was the commentator, seemed to understand something, and made a very surprised voice.

The host asked: "Do you mean to say?"

"The opponent of the trial of the ancestor Bellacures, who originally appeared in Greek mythology.... In the holy book, it is recorded that the god sealed an artifact on a lion. The lion can transform into thirteen'sacred devices. The name of one of'Lion King's Battle Axe'! The power that can protect the holder of the artifact from the enemy's attack. However, the report says that the holder of the artifact has been unknown in recent years. Unexpectedly, it actually became The'soldiers' of the Baru team."

Seraorg shook his head and said, "No, unfortunately, the owner of the artifact is no longer there. When I found the owner, the owner had been killed by a strange group. Only the tomahawk was intact. All The battle axe that will probably disappear after the person is away, like a will, becomes a lion, and destroys the members of the group that killed the owner without leaving."

"Then that was when the lion became my dependent. I think it was because my mother was in charge of the lion."

"Leave aside the owner's sole possession of the artifact of will, and it is a god-killing device! And reincarnated as a demon! Should I say that the lion is powerful, or the devil chess piece is powerful? No matter which one is very interesting! No, that's it. We can’t grasp the game either. Damn! Why are there such powerful gods that are always present in this world! By the way, Seraorg! Next time, bring your lion to my institute! I must study it hard!"

"Maybe because there is no owner, and the power is very unstable. Before this game, it didn't play a big role. Even the partner of the opponent fell into a state of rampage and couldn't have a duel. This time, I played. It was only in the last round of teaming with me. Once the previous runaway situation occurs, only I can stop this guy." Sailaog explained.

"Anyway, my opponent has become the godslayer, right." Lias was ready to fight.

"Minister, that guy will leave it to you! I'm going to defeat Selaorg!" After Ise finished speaking, he rushed towards Selaorg.Lias looked at Ise and nodded.

Yicheng punches repeatedly, while Lias uses the magic of destruction to compete with the lion!

"That's it?" Ise sensed a change in Seraorg.——The boxing from the right is slower than the boxing from the left.And the power is smaller than the one on the left.

"Could it the impact of being cut off by Kiba and the others with Dylannar started to reflect? Even with tears, it can't be fully recovered? That's why I received your gift, good friend! "

Just when Seraorg hit out with his right fist again--.Has mastered the speed of his fist to a certain extent, and also knows the power of his fist!Maybe you have no weaknesses in your body.But it is different now!

"Drink!" Facing the attacking Seraorg's right fist!The moment Yicheng aimed at his straight arm, he knocked him down on the right arm with a punch!

"Boost...!" The increased strength made his right arm lose the momentum he had just now, and his body shook slightly.

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