Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 511

"For them, you are just a discarded son who is thrown away after you have used it. It is really pitiful."

"Can you make a deal, student council president?"

"Deal? With me?"

"Everything! I will tell you everything I know! So I hope you will protect my safety! Don't hand me over to the'movie stars', but to the regular commissioners!"

Claudia tilted her head and gave a brief ****."But is there any benefit to me?"

Silas snickered inwardly when she heard her answer.As long as there is room for negotiation, he still has the opportunity to stand up.

"The'movie star' will definitely deal with me in private. But if the commissioner is responsible, this matter must be exposed to the sun. Then you can use me as a diplomatic bargaining chip, how about it!"

"Hmm..." Claudia was lost in thought, closing her eyes.

Seeing the great opportunity, Silas continued to agitate his three-inch tongue."You and I should be the same kind of people who use others as pawns in the chess game. An idiot may criticize this, but the best way to use the chips is the iron rule of chess victory. This is the point. You should understand it?"

"So that's... it makes sense."

Silas' expression suddenly relaxed upon hearing these words.

But Claudia smiled and said, "But I am a little different from you, classmate Norman."


"You seem to think you are a player in the chess game, but I think you are also a member of the chess game. Wouldn't it be boring if not?"

Then she laughed happily."And—rather than making it public as a diplomatic bargaining chip, it's better to solve it in private and sell Alecante as a favor. It's better for me."

Silas' expression was bloodless, his feet trembling constantly.

"Woo, Hooroar ah ah ah ah ......" As the screaming, Silas resorted to the final trump card.

I saw him "fuck" the knife hidden in his clothes before launching a sneak attack on Claudia.Absolutely unable to hide at this distance, Silas had absolute confidence in this perfect timing.


"Oh, you don't know the abilities of this kid, do you?" Claudia flicked his knife as if he knew Silas would sneak attack.

The sneak attack completely failed.

The flicked knife fell to the ground, just "stuck" beside Silas's heel, who was about to escape.


"You don't need to be so scared, because you still have use value. But only for now." Claudia "showed" a usual smile.However, her eyes were frosty, and Silas was so scared that his feet could not move.

"Then, goodbye." With a soft voice, Claudia waved her swords as if dancing.Silas sprayed blood all over his body when the two eyes depicted on the handle of the knife glowed strangely.

"This, this is'Pandora'..." He knelt on his legs and fell directly to the ground.

In the pure Xinghuang style weapon that the Star Guidance Hall is proud of, this magic sword hides a special ability to predict the future.The school badge on Silas' chest also burst.When he was unconscious, he felt someone approaching.

"Please! You shouldn't do it again." The teenager faintly appeared from the shadow of the street lamp, greeted Claudia in a relaxed tone.

"Don't worry, anyway, throw him into the punishment room first. The aftermath is left to your'movie stars'. Be sure to get all the information."

"Of course, we rely on this to eat." The boy glanced at Silas who was lying on the side, and shrugged irrelevantly.As if he were an outsider.

"By the way, how are the two of them?"

"Well, Uris has contacted me just now, and it seems to be going well."

"Then how do you look unhappy?"

"Oh... you can actually see it, indicating that my skill is not at home yet?"

"If you are really unwilling, why not go with you?" the boy said nonchalantly.

"No way, I also have a job that belongs to me."

"Oh, is this the only reason?"

The boy smiled and teased Claudia.I saw Claudia still smiling, pressing the tip of his sword against him.

"Did the high-level executives order you to inquire about my details? Yosuki Yingshiro classmate?"

"No, no, absolutely not!" The boy, no, it was Ying Shilang, shook his head quickly, but still looked like a smiling face.

"I'm just purely curious. Actually, it would be great if I could leave it to you."

Claudia lowered his head regretfully instead of answering, sighed and whispered: "No way. Although it's a pity, let's give the opportunity to Ulys this time. After all-the wonderful show has just been unveiled. Well. And, even if he is alone, it’s okay. If he used those two swords, I would be killed in seconds."

The girl who listened to the report in the dark research room stopped her homework and sighed slightly."It's time for Mingjin to retreat. Anyway, he has collected enough information, and the task he had to do as an incidental attack on the strong student seems to be more serious than expected."

Numerous spatial windows opened around her, showing constantly changing values ​​and graphs.

"Oh, but does this mean that my doll is excellent? Ahahaha." The girl laughed happily and called out the optical keyboard.

"After all, it's best for a half-smart person to deal with it." With a confident smile on the corner of her mouth, the girl continued to return to her homework.At the other end of her sight, two dolls were quietly sleeping.

Chapter 648: Girl

The July scorching sun, which is enough to sting the skin, still has no tendency to slow down after school.

Mu Hantian wiped the sweat dripping from his forehead, and at the same time, he ran towards the courtyard in the shade of the trees.

"Oops, it looks like I can't keep up..." Yuris, who is particularly strict with punctuality, had a glaring expression in her mind.

She was late because she was called by her tutor Kuangzi to do miscellaneous work. As long as she explained it well, Uriss should understand her.probably!

Mu Hantian and Uliss formed a partner, and two weeks passed after registering to participate in the Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival.

The two train hard every day for the game.It wasn't a special reason, but Mu Hantian didn't know anything about the rules of the'Xingwu Festival'.There are too many things to remember.

Of course, Uriss has no team experience, Mu Hantian wants to teach her, well, after all, after so long in Sao, teaming or something is completely fine.

"Well, just design a mode for close-range cooperative attacks for now."

When passing through the atrium and crossing the corridor connecting the middle school and the university campus, Mu Hantian suddenly noticed that there was someone.The shadow of the pillar just formed a blind spot, and a girl suddenly appeared.

Although Mu Hantian quickly slowed down, it was too late.

A moment later, the girl seemed to be aware of it, and she looked at Mu Hantian with a surprised expression.

If this goes on, it will inevitably be hit head-on.In a hurry, Mu Hantian changed directions extremely quickly.

The movement beyond the limit of physical stamina flew shining sparks, and there was an electric shock from the body, but he didn't care about that much.

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