Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 516

"But they said they would participate in the'Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival'? But they are all research classes, are they serious?"

"What is a research class?" Mu Hantian asked Lei Shida, and Lei Shida answered with a noncommittal expression.

"Alecante is divided into students who are responsible for researching and developing Huang-style weapons, as well as students who actually participate in the battle of the'Star Martial Festival'. Generally speaking, the former will not participate in actual combat."

"Oh, isn't it weird to say that? The two people just now do seem to be'Star Vessel Generations', but they don't seem to have been forged to fight. Then I'm curious about what they do."

"cold day."

As Mu Hantian was thinking, Saye pulled the hem of La Mu Hantian's uniform.

"Huh? What's wrong? Saye?"

"It's decided, I also want to participate in the'Phoenix Star Martial Festival'."

"Participate in the'Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival'? Yes, yes, but that's a partner battle? Who are you going to partner with?"

"Of course with Hantian you."

"Puff!" When she heard Saye's understatement, Uriss drinking her drink suddenly choked.

"Don't, don't be kidding! He is my partner!" Yulis shouted, while grabbing Mu Hantian's right arm.Saye didn't admit defeat, and pulled Mu Hantian's left arm back.Still shouting: "Prohibition of monopoly."

"You, you two, wait a minute, don't do this, it will hurt!" Mu Hantian was pulled around by the two of them, both of them are'Star Vessel Generations'. If Mu Hantian is not an ordinary person, his hand will be broken. .

"You are the same as before, just go to NVC to form a team!"

"No." Shaye answered immediately.

"Neither do I! Who is going to team up with the guy who is blasting with his partner and the enemy! Besides, my partner has already been decided!"

"Well, this is very important. Only Han Tian can cleverly avoid my attack."

"It's you who should work hard to improve this! Besides, the registration for the'Phoenix Star Martial Arts' has already ended, right? What can you do now?"

"Um...this is indeed a problem." Saye couldn't help but let go of her hand and meditate.

Uriss took advantage of the gap to pull Mu Hantian's arm, pulling Mu Hantian behind her, and "showing" a threatening pose.

"Actually, you can still log in now. It's okay to become a candidate. Every year, several groups of contestants are unable to compete due to injuries and other reasons."

"Okay, that's it." Saye snapped her finger when she heard Le Shida's proposal.

Seeing Saye's attitude, Uriss "showed" a wary expression and asked, "What about your partner?"

"cold day."

"No!" Uriss and Saye began to argue again.


"That's it, do you have any information about them?"

"Oh, that's how it is, people from Alicante have come to our school."

Take a lunch break the next day, in a classroom with three classes a year.

Mu Hantian asked Ying Shilang about the two Alicante female students he met yesterday.Ying Shi Lang, who was sharply cutting an apple with a dagger-shaped brilliant arm, nodded vigorously.Eshiro seems to be short of money recently, and lunch is so simple to solve.Incidentally, even the apple he ate was given to him by his roommate in the next room of his home agricultural factory.(Ps: Actually, the author did this too. At that time, the money was lost. At school, ooh, I feel sad to think of it.)

"You need more money to find out about the students of his school." Ying Shi Lang chewed the cut apple, and compared his index finger and thumb to a circle.

"Don't exceed today's lunch money, thank goodness."

"Okay, the contract is established! I can finally have a decent lunch today!" Ying Shilang stuffed the remaining Yun Apple into his mouth, and then took out his phone.

"Then go to the cafeteria and tell you. Let me see, Camilla and Aenesta are right..." At the urging of Yingjirou, the two walked out of the classroom.

Silas's incident must be kept secret, so Mu Hantian did not tell Yingshilang the details.But for Yingshiro, it seems that just having a name is enough.The photos that appeared in the space window were indeed yesterday's duo.

"First of all, this beauty who looks like a foreigner, named Camilla Parret, belongs to the Alecan Institute and is a representative of the largest faction in Alicante, the "Lion faction". The area of ​​expertise is Huang-style armed forces. For her research and development, she used her team’s partner with the Huang-style weapons to dominate the last'Phoenix Star Martial Festival'. Among the other'Star Martial Festivals', the weapons and weapons she developed gave students good results. Alecante's overall results last season can be promoted to second place, she is a great hero behind the scenes."

"Oh, she is so amazing."

"Then another girl named Aenesda Jonet. She was the first genius of Alecante and the representative of the famous'sculptor', but there is very little information about her. She only knows her personality. "It seems very weird."

"However, she almost completely relied on her own power to form a huge force from the originally weak faction'sculptor'. It is certain that she is definitely not a general."

"Yechuu, what do you mean by'carving school' and'lion school'?"

"Each academy will have more or less, but the internal power struggle in Alecan is particularly fierce. According to the research content, it is divided into different factions, and the factions compete for research funds and favorable students in practical classes." A new spatial window.Something similar to a circular chart is displayed in the window.

"Like what I said earlier, the biggest force is the research and development of the "Lion faction" with brilliant armed forces. Look at this picture, if this is a force map, it will account for about half."

"Overwhelming sex!"

"The organization is big, but it lacks guidance. Moreover, in Alicante, although the Academy Council is more powerful than the Student Union, the bill must be passed by two-thirds of the votes. In order to ensure that the bill passes, it is bound to win. It’s only possible to cooperate with other factions. I used to cooperate with the “Superman faction” who researched living body modification technology, but it seemed that they stabbed quite a lot of people a few years ago, so the power was greatly reduced. So not long ago, the new alliance target It's the "carving school"."

"What is the research content of the faction called the'sculptor school'?"

"It seems to be the research and development of model control technology and phantoms."

That's it.In this way, the puppet that Silas "fucked" was really the creator of it—Aenesda could not be wrong.Seeing that she is preparing a special doll to deal with Uriss, she seems to have a certain understanding of the situation.It must be correct to say that she is behind the scenes.

"By the way, I have a question. Why do the students in Alicante even conduct research and development? Isn't it more efficient for students to focus on the "Star Wu Festival" when it is handed over to the Consolidated Enterprise Consortium?"

"Well, this is the suitable difference. When it comes to the related research of Wanyingsu and the stellar force, the'Star Vessel Generation' seems to have an overwhelming advantage. In fact, most of the well-known research institutes researching the science of falling stars are "Star Vessel Generations." So Alecante’s basic philosophy is, since the "Star Vessel Generations" are all in one place, let’s train R&D personnel together."

"It always feels quite "chaotic"."

"Let me tell you, when Alecante was founded, it was as weak as Kwai Enweier. However, after the students' research results began to appear, it became a strong school within a short time. Moreover, for those who are determined to study, You can't study other places without any scruples."

"Oh... hey, weird?" When the topic was over, Mu Hantian also found that his route was different from usual.It seems to have passed through the higher school building, and is heading to the corridor connecting the middle school building.

"Yechuu, isn't the student cafeteria over there?"

"Please, it's rare for you to buy me a meal. Isn't it too wasteful to eat the usual cheap set meal?" Ying Shilang who was walking in front turned his head, with a thief smile on his face.

"Let’s go to Lu Morris today for a luxurious lunch."


Lu Morris is the most advanced student restaurant in the Star Guiding Hall.Located at the entrance of the forest a little away from the school building, the price difference is more than three times that of the'Beidou Canteen' in the basement of the higher school building where Mu Hantian and others usually eat lunch.

"Information from other schools, it is troublesome to obtain channels and verify. This meal is considered cheap."

"Forget it, I'm not a person who doesn't count, although it's a bit expensive, but I still give it." Mu Hantian could only agree.

"Oh?" Ying Shirou in front of him suddenly stopped.

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