Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 525

There seems to be a huge space here.You can see a hole that seems to have fallen from above, but there are several floors connected in the middle.

Even the underground space of Asterisk has various uses. As a result, a large hole was carefully dug in every floor.Obviously it is a man-made trap.

"It's really an honor to entertain me in this way."

The surface of the water is about 20 meters from the ceiling, and it's not clear how big it is.On the left is a wall towering, and on the other side, only the wide water and huge pillars continue to stretch out.

There is almost no lighting around, only a few lights on the ceiling and walls are better than nothing.

"Right! Where's Daudo-san?"

Mu Hantian looked around quickly and found a faint splash of water not far away.


Judging from Qi Rin's desperate struggle, she must have drowned.It may be that the weight on the body cannot be solved.

Mu Hantian hurriedly swam to her side, only to see Qi Lin clutching Mu Hantian tightly with a weeping face.

"Ahem! Ahem...! Thanks, thank you, Senior Hantian...! I'm saved!"

"Are you okay, Doteng-student! I'll help you solve it right away..." But when Mu Hantian took a look, she discovered that the heavy object on her body had long been released.

"Hmm, I'm sorry... I, I can't swim!"

"Oh... so it is."

Unexpectedly, she is so agile, she turned out to be a land duck, which is a bit surprising.However, the'Star Vessel Generation' is a human being after all, and there are always things that are good and bad.

"No, I should apologize. I didn't expect even you to be implicated."

"No, but here is...?" Qi Rin adjusted her breathing and asked with a little nasal voice.

"It should be the underground of Asterisk."

"Then... it should be the balance zone." Qi Rin looked up and whispered.

"Balance zone?" Mu Hantian heard this word for the first time.

"This, because Asterisk is a huge artificial floating island, use water as a weight to balance the weight."

"Oh, I see."

Although Mu Hantian doesn't know much about urban structure, this design is very possible.

"In that case, there should be an entrance for security checks somewhere!" Qi Rin was about to turn her head, suddenly flushed.

"What's wrong?"

"No, no! This,, sorry..." Seeing Qi Lin's vagueness, Mu Hantian suddenly realized.

Since Qi Lin was holding Mu Hantian tightly, it was natural that the distance between the two was so close that their cheeks were about to touch each other, almost as close to the body.The two of them now only have their heads out of the water.Under the water, the beautiful and plump Shuangfeng was pressing tightly on Mu Hantian's wrist, and Mu Hantian was sunk in almost his entire hand.

"I'm sorry to learn, learn, senior, I'm really sorry! If, if I can swim...!"

"No, no, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Mu Hantian quickly pulled out his hand.

Just then.

Mu Hantian saw a huge shadow lurking under the water.


"Yes, it is?"

"Can you hold your breath for a while!" Just after speaking, Mu Hantian hugged Qilin and dived into the water.And do your best to paddle and leave the original place as soon as possible.

At this time, the huge thing in the water passed by as if passing by two people, slamming them with a strong current.

However, Mu Hantian still didn't let go of Qi Lin and surfaced.The sight in front of me is incredible.


"Haha, this is really—"

Mu Hantian and Qi Lin were speechless at the same time.In the place where the two were floating just now, a huge dragon was looking up.

The body was much larger than the dragon-like monster that had just launched an attack on the ground, and the part that just surfaced was nearly ten meters away.The total length may be more than fifteen meters. From the outline alone, it looks like a long-necked dragon that inhabits in ancient times.

The dragon-like monster is like a creature close to a lizard, and this one is closer to a snake.However, it can still be seen that there are things like hands and feet on the short and chubby body, a row of sharp fangs and a huge head, and there is no more appropriate term than dragon.

And like the dragon-like monster just now, this one also exudes very strong hostility.

"Is this the next gift? Interesting!"

"Senior Hantian, the feeling that this dragon radiates is the same as those of the kids above." Qi Lin whispered to Mu Hantian, probably judging the flow of star power.

"So, is the entity a slime?"

"should be!"

"In this case, let me solve it!"

Long seemed to understand Mu Hantian's words and snarled at the same time, rushing over.But it was towards Qi Rin.

"Chee, it's really mean!" Mu Hantian instantly protected Qi Rin, blocking the dragon's collision frontally.

The terrible impact came, but Mu Hantian still blocked it.Just when Mu Hantian tried to push the dragon back, the brilliant weapon in his hand broke.

Mu Hantian was knocked out.The thick pillar was bumped into a big pit, and there was a "shooting" crack.


"Study, senior, are you okay!"

"Well, it's okay. This impact can be sustained, but this situation is a bit troublesome, only..."

The dragon seemed to swim a distance to observe the two in order to confirm the state of the prey.Perhaps its personality is very cautious.

"This, if I will hinder the senior, please let go of the senior!" Qi Rin said suddenly at this time.

"Yes, if I hurt the senior... I, I...!" Qi Lin held Mu Hantian's arm, shaking and crying.

"Don't say that, Chirin, you are not my burden."

"I, I'm really useless... No matter how you learn swordsmanship, the result is still... I don't want to see anyone sacrificed because of someone like me...!" Qi Lin sobbed like a child, constantly Shook his head.

"Huh..." Mu Hantian took a big breath, gently hugged Qi Lin's body, and gently "touched" her head.

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