Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 538

Priscilla was smashed by the boy and pressed his hand. There were five people on the other side.

"Hey, there is no way!" Mu Hantian appeared from the shadows and shook his head with a wry smile.

"Who are you!" One of the boys spotted Mu Hantian and activated his short-sword-shaped brilliant armed.Unexpectedly, the other party reacted very quickly.

"I just passed by, but... can you let go of that girl?"

"What!?" Hearing Mu Hantian's words, the boys all glared.Prepare to beat someone without saying anything.

"Suddenly came to'intervene' your hand, brother, you are very courageous." The boys stared at Aya Dou, and at the same time activated the brilliant armed.

At this moment, one of them suddenly pointed to Lingdou's face and shouted."Ah! Isn't this, this kid that "white knight"?"

"'White Knight'...the one in the star guide?" (ps: Explain, because Mu Hantian likes to wear white in this world, Claudia gave him such a title.)

"It's this silly boy? Really?" For a moment, the boys seemed a little at a loss.

"Sure enough,'the villain died of talking too much', this sentence is not wrong at all." Mu Hantian said, he started directly, kicking them away with one kick.It's very simple.

"Sure enough, the dragon sleeve is to bring out the protagonist's style. Oh, yes, are you okay!" Mu Hantian was narcissistic, and suddenly remembered Priscilla.

"I'm fine, thank you!" Priscilla bowed deeply and thanked him, and took out the phone.

"This, then... can I contact my sister?"

"Oh, no problem."

Priscilla nodded slightly and began to "fuck" as a mobile phone.It is probably to change the settings of the space window and sound in order not to attract attention.

Mu Hantian looked around boredly.

"This, Hantian classmate?"

"Oh, sorry. Has your sister been contacted yet?" Mu Hantian responded with a smile to Priscilla who spoke tremblingly, and then nodded in relief.

"Well, she said she will pick me up soon."

"Really? Then you can rest assured."

"So... why did you come here?" Mu Hantian asked curiously.

"Those people are casino elements on Happy Street... they should be."

"Happy Street?"

"Ah... that is part of the redevelopment zone, where many illegal stores gather, which is the general name there."

"Oh! I didn't expect there to be such a place."

"Why do those people in the casino trouble you?"

"In fact... My sister seemed to be making a lot of noise there before... and almost smashed other people's casinos..." Priscilla lowered her head shyly and told Mu Hantian the reason, but in the second half she spoke more and more quietly, almost Can't hear what she said.

In fact, it was already clear what she wanted to express.In order to retaliate against Irene, who destroyed the casino, but couldn't beat her, the target was changed to sister Priscilla.That's roughly it.

"No, but please don't misunderstand! Sister... Sister Irene is indeed a bit rough and impatient, but she is actually a very, very gentle person!" Priscilla waved her hand and tried to defend herself.

It can be seen from her appearance that she really considers her sister, and Mu Hantian followed with a smile and nodded.

"Haha, that's the case-yes, I haven't introduced myself yet, my name is Mu Hantian. But you probably already know it."

"I'm Priscilla Ulses... I'm sorry, please forgive my sister for being rude a few days ago." Priscilla held Mu Hantian's outstretched hand and "showed" a wry smile.

Both of them are contestants of the'Phoenix Star Martial Arts', and they are also strong candidates.

"In fact, people of that level should rely on their own strength to deal with it... but I am not as good as my sister." As he said, Priscilla's expression was a little sad.

Priscilla is indeed the'Star Vessel Generation', but she seems to have no combat experience at all.It should be said that after contacting her face to face, I really don't think that with her "sex", she has the ability to resolve such disputes alone.

"Then why do you want to participate in the'Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival'?" Mu Hantian was very curious.

"This..." Just when Priscilla looked confused and was about to speak--

"Hey, what are you doing there!" A fierce murderous aura attacked Mu Hantian from behind with a sharp voice.

Mu Hantian turned his head back against "shooting" and "sex", and at the same time put on a stance.

I saw Yirenai floating in the air holding the'Blood Scythe of Tyrant'.


"Would you not take a shot at Priscilla?" Her eyes were obviously full of hostility and strong alertness.

"No, no! Didn't you tell me just now! It was Classmate Hantian who saved me!"

"You shut up, Priscilla. What's more, why would Mu Hantian want to save you? It doesn't make sense. This guy has any obligation to save you, and he is an enemy at all. Normally he will die." Sheila hurriedly explained to Irene, but Irene seemed to turn a deaf ear.She stared at Mu Hantian's eyes, as profound and dark as dusk.

"What kind of enemy... Maybe it is really an enemy on the stage, but this is not the stage."

"Bah! It's better than singing, but I won't be fooled by you!" Yilenai said with a face of disdain, and then landed on the roof, slowly holding up the'Blood Scythe of Tyrant'.

"I don't know what you are trying to do, but I will definitely make you regret that you have taken a shot at Priscilla."

"Since you are unreasonable, then..." Mu Hantian stretched his hand to the sleeve around his waist and was about to fight.

Chapter 571 I owe you a favor

"Sister... Are you serious about what you said just now?" Just as the two were about to do something, Priscilla stepped in between the two, staring at Irene with a silent look.Although the voice was small, he felt a real strong will and intense anger.

As soon as he finished speaking, Yirenai's eyes suddenly turned bright, and he quickly returned the'Blood Scythe of Tyrant' to the standby state.

"I, I got it! Just kidding! Just kidding, don't be so angry!" Irene sweated coldly and stretched her hands forward, shook her head slowly.

"Really? Wouldn't you be rough with Hantian again?"

"No, no!"

"Absolutely not? Can you swear?"

"Yes, yes! I swear!"

"Well, that's good." Priscilla smiled slightly and nodded contentedly.

On the other hand, even though Yilenai was downcast, she immediately raised her head to look at Mu Hantian.

"But—I have two questions for you."

"Sister, what do you want to do?"

"It's just asking, just asking! I won't do it! This is always okay, right?"

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