Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 540

"Come on, you are welcome, please come in. I'll prepare cooking right away." Mu Hantian entered the room with Uliss, who was completely dumbfounded, and saw that the bright and clean living room had a set of tables and chairs.Irene sat on one of the chairs with a straight face. This time she was not wearing a uniform, but lightly dressed in jeans and a shirt.

"Yo." Yilenai glanced at the two, then turned away after a brief greeting.Originally, Irene did not approve of entertaining Mu Hantian, no wonder she was so cold.

Although there was a polar contrast with Priscilla, Uris seemed to think it was just right.She returned to her usual confident smile, and sat directly across from the table opposite Irene.

"What kind of attitude,'Vampire Girl', is this the way of hospitality?"

"I don't remember having invited you,'Huayan Witch'."

"Hmph, you should know that I am the partner of this bad guy. If something happens to him, I will be troubled, so of course I have to follow him."

A mocking smile appeared on Irene's face."You are so worried about him, are you his mother?"

"Who, who is his mother!" Juris immediately retorted.

"Yeah, Irene, you said yes, don't tell me about my family!" Mu Hantian's voice was a little cold, and after speaking, he sat next to Uliss.

"I...I got it! What a stingy man." Irene was unhappy.

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time!" At this time, Priscilla brought the food.

It looked like an appetizer, only a few dishes served in small plates were placed on the table one by one.

"This is chickpea and tomato salad, Mediterranean garlic sauce potatoes, shrimps fried in garlic pepper, and Segovia mushrooms."

"Oh, this is great!"

"Hate, elder sister! Why is it so rude!" Irene showed a smile he had never seen before, and quickly reached out to grab the food, but Priscilla slapped her hand to stop it.

"Oh, what does it matter? One bite won't be so good."

"Of course it does matter! What's more, I want to thank classmate Hantian today, how could my sister rush to eat first... Ah!"

"Let's go~" Irene ignored Priscilla's stop, grabbed the food and stuffed it into her mouth.

"Hate, sister is really!" Priscilla said with a helpless expression.

Seeing this scene, Ulyss chuckled and whispered in Mu Hantian's ear: "So that's it,'Vampire Girl' seems to care about guests too."


"She's helping us test the poison." As she said, Jules chuckled.

"Come on, let's eat together. Priscilla's dishes are the best." Irena said, and at the same time she kept filling her mouth with her strong appetite.

Priscilla also seemed to give up persuading, and turned to the two with a sigh.

"Sorry, two people."

"No, it's okay. Then let's start too."

In this way, everyone began to enjoy it one bite after another.Irene's words did not bluff anyone.

"Oh, it's delicious." Jules, who tasted the mushrooms, said softly in surprise.

Every dish is really delicious.Although it is not a high-end cuisine, it contains the warmth of family and a calming taste.And also made a special effort.

"Wow, thanks for the compliment."

"Hmph, I'm right." Irenai puffed out her chest proudly.

"It's not praising you."

Although Ulyss was a little stunned, to Irene, Priscilla seemed to be happier than anything else to receive praise.

"Ah, I just remembered now...what kind of room is this?" Mu Hantian asked, thinking of the completely forgotten question.

Irene, who drank the drink in one sip, answered nonchalantly."It's the room I usually live in, what's wrong."

"The usual room...what about the dorm?"

The six schools in Asterisk all adopt a full boarding system, basically not allowing students to live in urban areas.

"Leywoff's "First Page Twelve" have this privilege, of course, it hasn't been made public." Irenai said indifferently.

"I also often come to clean, or help my sister to cook... But no matter how I persuade, my sister rarely returns to her room." Priscilla smiled bitterly.

"But it came in handy this time. I can't invite two to Rewoff."

"What an amazing degree of freedom, shouldn't it be Lewoff?" Mu Hantian was stunned.

"But why do you want to live in a room outside?" Mu Hantian thought to himself, is the environment in Rewolf's dormitory so bad?

But then found out that he had guessed wrong.

"Because it's closer to Happy Street, it's a little more convenient." Yilenai replied with an ugly face while eating a lot.

"That's it, is it convenient to run out at night?"

Irenai's face became more ugly when she heard Uliss's words with sarcasm.

"Who went to play? I made money because I needed money."

"Make money?" The words stopped Uriss' hands.

"By the way, I heard Hantian say. Where do you seem to be having a holiday with an underground casino."

"So what?" Yilenai said puzzledly.

"There are other ways to make money, why take such a big risk?"

"Other methods... do you want to teach me?" Yilenai smiled self-deprecatingly.

"Is this necessary? Isn't it a way to make money by participating in the Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival?"

Irene continued: "Oh, yes, remember that you also came here to make money,'Huayan Witch'."

"how do you know……!"

"Our Lewoff spy agency is very good." Seeing Yuris's embarrassed appearance, Irenai smirked.

"But, my situation and position are completely different from yours. Even if I win the title in the Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival, I can't realize any wish. That's my contract."


Seeing Uriss's surprise on her face, Irena glanced at Priscilla beside her.

"Ah, then I'll take a look at the oven." Priscilla stood up with an ambiguous smile and went to the kitchen.

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